Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-06-28 19:51:08 -04:00

593 lines
20 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-07-20 01:20:15 -04:00
'use strict'
import { Neovim } from '@chemzqm/neovim'
import bytes from 'bytes'
import fs from 'fs'
import os from 'os'
import path from 'path'
import { Disposable, Emitter, Event, FormattingOptions, Location, LocationLink, TextDocumentSaveReason, TextEdit } from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol'
import { URI } from 'vscode-uri'
import Configurations from '../configuration'
import events, { InsertChange } from '../events'
import Document from '../model/document'
import { LinesTextDocument } from '../model/textdocument'
import { BufferOption, DidChangeTextDocumentParams, Env, QuickfixItem, TextDocumentWillSaveEvent } from '../types'
import { disposeAll, platform } from '../util'
import { readFileLine } from '../util/fs'
import { byteIndex } from '../util/string'
import WorkspaceFolder from './workspaceFolder'
const logger = require('../util/logger')('core-documents')
interface StateInfo {
bufnr: number
winid: number
bufnrs: number[]
winids: number[]
export default class Documents implements Disposable {
private _cwd: string
private _env: Env
private _bufnr: number
private _root: string
private _initialized = false
private _attached = false
private _currentResolve = false
private nvim: Neovim
private maxFileSize: number
private disposables: Disposable[] = []
private creating: Map<number, Promise<Document | undefined>> = new Map()
private buffers: Map<number, Document> = new Map()
private winids: Set<number> = new Set()
private resolves: ((doc: Document) => void)[] = []
private readonly _onDidOpenTextDocument = new Emitter<LinesTextDocument>()
private readonly _onDidCloseDocument = new Emitter<LinesTextDocument>()
private readonly _onDidChangeDocument = new Emitter<DidChangeTextDocumentParams>()
private readonly _onDidSaveDocument = new Emitter<LinesTextDocument>()
private readonly _onWillSaveDocument = new Emitter<TextDocumentWillSaveEvent>()
public readonly onDidOpenTextDocument: Event<LinesTextDocument> = this._onDidOpenTextDocument.event
public readonly onDidCloseDocument: Event<LinesTextDocument> = this._onDidCloseDocument.event
public readonly onDidChangeDocument: Event<DidChangeTextDocumentParams> = this._onDidChangeDocument.event
public readonly onDidSaveTextDocument: Event<LinesTextDocument> = this._onDidSaveDocument.event
public readonly onWillSaveTextDocument: Event<TextDocumentWillSaveEvent> = this._onWillSaveDocument.event
private readonly configurations: Configurations,
private readonly workspaceFolder: WorkspaceFolder,
) {
this._cwd = process.cwd()
public async attach(nvim: Neovim, env: Env): Promise<void> {
if (this._attached) return
this.nvim = nvim
this._env = env
this._attached = true
let preferences = this.configurations.getConfiguration('coc.preferences')
let maxFileSize = preferences.get<string>('maxFileSize', '10MB')
this.maxFileSize = bytes.parse(maxFileSize)
nvim.setVar('coc_max_filesize', this.maxFileSize, true)
let { bufnrs, winid, bufnr, winids } = await this.nvim.call('coc#util#all_state') as StateInfo
this.winids = new Set(winids)
this._bufnr = bufnr
await Promise.all(bufnrs.map(bufnr => this.createDocument(bufnr)))
events.on('BufDetach', this.onBufDetach, this, this.disposables)
events.on('VimLeavePre', () => {
}, null, this.disposables)
events.on('WinEnter', (winid: number) => {
}, null, this.disposables)
events.on('BufWinEnter', (_, winid: number) => {
}, null, this.disposables)
events.on('DirChanged', cwd => {
this._cwd = cwd
}, null, this.disposables)
// check unloaded buffers
events.on('CursorHold', async () => {
let { bufnrs, winids } = await this.nvim.call('coc#util#all_state') as StateInfo
for (let bufnr of this.buffers.keys()) {
if (!bufnrs.includes(bufnr)) void events.fire('BufUnload', [bufnr])
for (let winid of this.winids) {
if (!winids.includes(winid)) void events.fire('WinClosed', [winid])
this.winids = new Set(winids)
}, null, this.disposables)
const checkCurrentBuffer = (bufnr: number) => {
this._bufnr = bufnr
void this.createDocument(bufnr)
events.on('CursorMoved', checkCurrentBuffer, null, this.disposables)
events.on('CursorMovedI', checkCurrentBuffer, null, this.disposables)
events.on('BufUnload', this.onBufUnload, this, this.disposables)
events.on('BufEnter', this.onBufEnter, this, this.disposables)
events.on('BufCreate', this.onBufCreate, this, this.disposables)
events.on('TermOpen', this.onBufCreate, this, this.disposables)
events.on('BufWritePost', this.onBufWritePost, this, this.disposables)
events.on('BufWritePre', this.onBufWritePre, this, this.disposables)
events.on('FileType', this.onFileTypeChange, this, this.disposables)
void events.fire('BufEnter', [bufnr])
void events.fire('BufWinEnter', [bufnr, winid])
events.on('BufEnter', (bufnr: number) => {
void this.createDocument(bufnr)
}, null, this.disposables)
events.on('CursorHold', (bufnr: number, _, variables) => {
let buf = this.getDocument(bufnr)
if (buf) buf.onCursorHold(variables)
}, null, this.disposables)
if (this._env.isVim) {
['TextChangedP', 'TextChangedI', 'TextChanged'].forEach(event => {
events.on(event as any, (bufnr: number, info?: InsertChange) => {
let doc = this.buffers.get(bufnr)
if (doc?.attached) doc.onTextChange(event, info)
}, null, this.disposables)
} else {
events.on('CompleteDone', async () => {
let ev = await events.race(['TextChangedI', 'TextChanged', 'MenuPopupChanged'], 100)
if (ev && (ev.name === 'TextChangedI' || ev.name === 'TextChanged')) {
let doc = this.buffers.get(events.bufnr)
if (doc?.attached) doc._forceSync()
}, null, this.disposables)
this._initialized = true
public get bufnr(): number {
return this._bufnr
public get root(): string {
return this._root
public get cwd(): string {
return this._cwd
public get documents(): Document[] {
return Array.from(this.buffers.values()).filter(o => o.attached && !o.isCommandLine)
public get bufnrs(): number[] {
return Array.from(this.buffers.keys())
public detach(): void {
if (!this._attached) return
this._attached = false
for (let bufnr of this.buffers.keys()) {
public get textDocuments(): LinesTextDocument[] {
let docs: LinesTextDocument[] = []
for (let b of this.buffers.values()) {
if (b.attached) docs.push(b.textDocument)
return docs
public getDocument(uri: number | string): Document | null {
if (typeof uri === 'number') {
return this.buffers.get(uri)
const caseInsensitive = platform.isWindows || platform.isMacintosh
uri = URI.parse(uri).toString()
for (let doc of this.buffers.values()) {
if (doc.uri === uri) return doc
if (caseInsensitive && doc.uri.toLowerCase() === uri.toLowerCase()) return doc
return null
* Expand filepath with `~` and/or environment placeholders
public expand(input: string): string {
if (input.startsWith('~')) {
input = os.homedir() + input.slice(1)
if (input.includes('$')) {
let doc = this.getDocument(this.bufnr)
let fsPath = doc ? URI.parse(doc.uri).fsPath : ''
input = input.replace(/\$\{(.*?)\}/g, (match: string, name: string) => {
if (name.startsWith('env:')) {
let key = name.split(':')[1]
let val = key ? process.env[key] : ''
return val
switch (name) {
case 'workspace':
case 'workspaceRoot':
case 'workspaceFolder':
return this._root
case 'workspaceFolderBasename':
return path.dirname(this._root)
case 'cwd':
return this._cwd
case 'file':
return fsPath
case 'fileDirname':
return fsPath ? path.dirname(fsPath) : ''
case 'fileExtname':
return fsPath ? path.extname(fsPath) : ''
case 'fileBasename':
return fsPath ? path.basename(fsPath) : ''
case 'fileBasenameNoExtension': {
let basename = fsPath ? path.basename(fsPath) : ''
return basename ? basename.slice(0, basename.length - path.extname(basename).length) : ''
return match
input = input.replace(/\$[\w]+/g, match => {
if (match == '$HOME') return os.homedir()
return process.env[match.slice(1)] || match
return input
* Current document.
public get document(): Promise<Document | undefined> {
if (this._currentResolve) {
return new Promise<Document>(resolve => {
this._currentResolve = true
return new Promise<Document>((resolve, reject) => {
this.nvim.eval('coc#util#get_bufoptions(bufnr("%"))').then((opts: BufferOption) => {
let doc: Document | undefined
if (opts != null) {
doc = this._createDocument(opts)
this._currentResolve = false
}, reject)
private resolveCurrent(document: Document | undefined): void {
if (this.resolves.length > 0) {
while (this.resolves.length) {
const fn = this.resolves.pop()
if (fn) fn(document)
public get uri(): string {
let { bufnr } = this
if (bufnr) {
let doc = this.getDocument(bufnr)
if (doc) return doc.uri
return null
* Current filetypes.
public get filetypes(): Set<string> {
let res = new Set<string>()
for (let doc of this.documents) {
return res
* Current languageIds.
public get languageIds(): Set<string> {
let res = new Set<string>()
for (let doc of this.documents) {
return res
* Get format options
public async getFormatOptions(uri?: string): Promise<FormattingOptions> {
let doc: Document
if (uri) doc = this.getDocument(uri)
let bufnr = doc ? doc.bufnr : 0
let res = await this.nvim.call('coc#util#get_format_opts', [bufnr]) as any
let obj: FormattingOptions = { tabSize: res.tabsize, insertSpaces: res.expandtab == 1 }
obj.insertFinalNewline = res.insertFinalNewline == 1
if (res.trimTrailingWhitespace) obj.trimTrailingWhitespace = true
if (res.trimFinalNewlines) obj.trimFinalNewlines = true
return obj
* Create document by bufnr.
public async createDocument(bufnr: number): Promise<Document | undefined> {
let doc = this.buffers.get(bufnr)
if (doc) return doc
if (this.creating.has(bufnr)) return await this.creating.get(bufnr)
let promise = new Promise<Document | undefined>(resolve => {
this.nvim.call('coc#util#get_bufoptions', [bufnr]).then(opts => {
if (!this.creating.has(bufnr)) {
if (!opts) {
doc = this._createDocument(opts)
}, () => {
this.creating.set(bufnr, promise)
return await promise
public async onBufCreate(bufnr: number): Promise<void> {
await this.createDocument(bufnr)
private _createDocument(opts: BufferOption): Document {
let { bufnr } = opts
if (this.buffers.has(bufnr)) return this.buffers.get(bufnr)
let buffer = this.nvim.createBuffer(bufnr)
let doc = new Document(buffer, this._env, this.nvim, opts)
this.buffers.set(bufnr, doc)
if (doc.attached) {
if (doc.schema == 'file') {
let configfile = this.configurations.resolveFolderConfigution(doc.uri)
let root = this.workspaceFolder.resolveRoot(doc, this._cwd, this._initialized, this.expand.bind(this))
if (bufnr == this._bufnr) {
if (configfile) this.configurations.setFolderConfiguration(doc.uri)
if (root) this._root = root
doc.onDocumentChange(e => this._onDidChangeDocument.fire(e))
logger.debug('buffer created', bufnr, doc.attached, doc.uri)
return doc
private onBufEnter(bufnr: number): void {
this._bufnr = bufnr
let doc = this.buffers.get(bufnr)
if (doc) {
let workspaceFolder = this.workspaceFolder.getWorkspaceFolder(URI.parse(doc.uri))
if (workspaceFolder) this._root = URI.parse(workspaceFolder.uri).fsPath
private onBufUnload(bufnr: number): void {
void this.onBufDetach(bufnr, false)
private async onBufDetach(bufnr: number, checkReload = true): Promise<void> {
if (checkReload) {
let loaded = await this.nvim.call('bufloaded', [bufnr])
if (loaded) await this.createDocument(bufnr)
private detachBuffer(bufnr: number): void {
let doc = this.buffers.get(bufnr)
if (!doc) return
logger.debug('document detach', bufnr, doc.uri)
private async onBufWritePost(bufnr: number, changedtick: number): Promise<void> {
let doc = this.buffers.get(bufnr)
if (doc) {
if (doc.changedtick != changedtick) await doc.patchChange()
private async onBufWritePre(bufnr: number, bufname: string, changedtick: number): Promise<void> {
let doc = this.buffers.get(bufnr)
if (!doc || !doc.attached) return
if (doc.bufname != bufname) {
doc = await this.createDocument(bufnr)
if (!doc.attached) return
if (doc.changedtick != changedtick) {
await doc.synchronize()
} else {
await doc.patchChange()
let firing = true
let thenables: Thenable<TextEdit[] | any>[] = []
let event: TextDocumentWillSaveEvent = {
document: doc.textDocument,
reason: TextDocumentSaveReason.Manual,
waitUntil: (thenable: Thenable<any>) => {
if (!firing) {
logger.error(`Can't call waitUntil in async manner:`, Error().stack)
this.nvim.echoError(`waitUntil can't be used in async manner, check log for details`)
} else {
firing = false
let total = thenables.length
if (total) {
let promise = new Promise<TextEdit[] | undefined>(resolve => {
const preferences = this.configurations.getConfiguration('coc.preferences')
const willSaveHandlerTimeout = preferences.get<number>('willSaveHandlerTimeout', 500)
let timer = setTimeout(() => {
this.nvim.outWriteLine(`Will save handler timeout after ${willSaveHandlerTimeout}ms`)
}, willSaveHandlerTimeout)
let i = 0
let called = false
for (let p of thenables) {
let cb = (res: any) => {
if (called) return
called = true
p.then(res => {
if (Array.isArray(res) && res.length && TextEdit.is(res[0])) {
return cb(res)
i = i + 1
if (i == total) cb(undefined)
}, e => {
logger.error(`Error on will save handler:`, e)
i = i + 1
if (i == total) cb(undefined)
let edits = await promise
if (edits) await doc.applyEdits(edits, false, this.bufnr === doc.bufnr)
private onFileTypeChange(filetype: string, bufnr: number): void {
let doc = this.getDocument(bufnr)
if (!doc) return
let converted = doc.convertFiletype(filetype)
if (converted == doc.filetype) return
public async getQuickfixList(locations: Location[]): Promise<ReadonlyArray<QuickfixItem>> {
let filesLines: { [fsPath: string]: string[] } = {}
let filepathList = locations.reduce<string[]>((pre: string[], curr) => {
let u = URI.parse(curr.uri)
if (u.scheme == 'file' && !pre.includes(u.fsPath) && !this.getDocument(curr.uri)) {
return pre
}, [])
await Promise.all(filepathList.map(fsPath => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
fs.readFile(fsPath, 'utf8', (err, content) => {
if (err) return resolve(undefined)
filesLines[fsPath] = content.split(/\r?\n/)
return await Promise.all(locations.map(loc => {
let { uri, range } = loc
let { fsPath } = URI.parse(uri)
let text: string | undefined
let lines = filesLines[fsPath]
if (lines) text = lines[range.start.line]
return this.getQuickfixItem(loc, text)
* Convert location to quickfix item.
public async getQuickfixItem(loc: Location | LocationLink, text?: string, type = '', module?: string): Promise<QuickfixItem> {
if (LocationLink.is(loc)) {
loc = Location.create(loc.targetUri, loc.targetRange)
let doc = this.getDocument(loc.uri)
let { uri, range } = loc
let { start, end } = range
let u = URI.parse(uri)
if (!text && u.scheme == 'file') {
text = await this.getLine(uri, start.line)
let endLine = start.line == end.line ? text : await this.getLine(uri, end.line)
let item: QuickfixItem = {
filename: u.scheme == 'file' ? u.fsPath : uri,
lnum: start.line + 1,
end_lnum: end.line + 1,
col: text ? byteIndex(text, start.character) + 1 : start.character + 1,
end_col: endLine ? byteIndex(endLine, end.character) + 1 : end.character + 1,
text: text || '',
if (module) item.module = module
if (type) item.type = type
if (doc) item.bufnr = doc.bufnr
return item
* Get content of line by uri and line.
public async getLine(uri: string, line: number): Promise<string> {
let document = this.getDocument(uri)
if (document && document.attached) return document.getline(line) || ''
if (!uri.startsWith('file:')) return ''
let fsPath = URI.parse(uri).fsPath
if (!fs.existsSync(fsPath)) return ''
return await readFileLine(fsPath, line)
* Get content from buffer or file by uri.
public async readFile(uri: string): Promise<string> {
let document = this.getDocument(uri)
if (document) {
await document.patchChange()
return document.content
let u = URI.parse(uri)
if (u.scheme != 'file') return ''
let lines = await this.nvim.call('readfile', [u.fsPath]) as string[]
return lines.join('\n') + '\n'
public reset(): void {
for (let bufnr of this.buffers.keys()) {
this._root = process.cwd()
public dispose(): void {
for (let bufnr of this.buffers.keys()) {
this._attached = false