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2022-07-20 01:20:15 -04:00
import { Neovim } from '@chemzqm/neovim'
import { Disposable, LocationLink, Location, Range, Position, CancellationTokenSource } from 'vscode-languageserver-protocol'
import LocationHandler from '../../handler/locations'
import languages from '../../languages'
import services from '../../services'
import workspace from '../../workspace'
import { disposeAll } from '../../util'
import helper from '../helper'
import { URI } from 'vscode-uri'
let nvim: Neovim
let locations: LocationHandler
let disposables: Disposable[] = []
let currLocations: Location[]
beforeAll(async () => {
await helper.setup()
nvim = helper.nvim
Object.assign(workspace.env, {
locationlist: false
locations = helper.plugin.getHandler().locations
afterAll(async () => {
await helper.shutdown()
beforeEach(async () => {
await helper.createDocument()
afterEach(async () => {
await helper.reset()
function createLocation(name: string, sl: number, sc: number, el: number, ec: number): Location {
return Location.create(`test://${name}`, Range.create(sl, sc, el, ec))
describe('locations', () => {
describe('no provider', () => {
it('should return null when provider does not exist', async () => {
let doc = (await workspace.document).textDocument
let pos = Position.create(0, 0)
let tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource()
let token = tokenSource.token
expect(await languages.getDefinition(doc, pos, token)).toBe(null)
expect(await languages.getDefinitionLinks(doc, pos, token)).toBe(null)
expect(await languages.getDeclaration(doc, pos, token)).toBe(null)
expect(await languages.getTypeDefinition(doc, pos, token)).toBe(null)
expect(await languages.getImplementation(doc, pos, token)).toBe(null)
expect(await languages.getReferences(doc, { includeDeclaration: false }, pos, token)).toBe(null)
describe('reference', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
disposables.push(languages.registerReferencesProvider([{ language: '*' }], {
provideReferences: () => {
return currLocations
it('should get references', async () => {
currLocations = [createLocation('foo', 0, 0, 0, 0), createLocation('bar', 0, 0, 0, 0)]
let res = await locations.references()
it('should jump to references', async () => {
currLocations = [createLocation('foo', 0, 0, 0, 0)]
let res = await locations.gotoReferences('edit', true)
let name = await nvim.call('bufname', ['%'])
it('should return false when references not found', async () => {
currLocations = []
let res = await locations.gotoReferences('edit', true)
describe('definition', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
disposables.push(languages.registerDefinitionProvider([{ language: '*' }], {
provideDefinition: () => {
return currLocations
it('should get definitions', async () => {
currLocations = [createLocation('foo', 0, 0, 0, 0), createLocation('bar', 0, 0, 0, 0)]
let res = await locations.definitions()
it('should jump to definitions', async () => {
currLocations = [createLocation('foo', 0, 0, 0, 0)]
let res = await locations.gotoDefinition('edit')
let name = await nvim.call('bufname', ['%'])
it('should return false when definitions not found', async () => {
currLocations = []
let res = await locations.gotoDefinition('edit')
describe('declaration', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
disposables.push(languages.registerDeclarationProvider([{ language: '*' }], {
provideDeclaration: () => {
return currLocations
it('should get declarations', async () => {
currLocations = [createLocation('foo', 0, 0, 0, 0), createLocation('bar', 0, 0, 0, 0)]
let res = await locations.declarations() as Location[]
it('should jump to declaration', async () => {
currLocations = [createLocation('foo', 0, 0, 0, 0)]
let res = await locations.gotoDeclaration('edit')
let name = await nvim.call('bufname', ['%'])
it('should return false when declaration not found', async () => {
currLocations = []
let res = await locations.gotoDeclaration('edit')
describe('typeDefinition', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
disposables.push(languages.registerTypeDefinitionProvider([{ language: '*' }], {
provideTypeDefinition: () => {
return currLocations
it('should get type definition', async () => {
currLocations = [createLocation('foo', 0, 0, 0, 0), createLocation('bar', 0, 0, 0, 0)]
let res = await locations.typeDefinitions() as Location[]
it('should jump to type definition', async () => {
currLocations = [createLocation('foo', 0, 0, 0, 0)]
let res = await locations.gotoTypeDefinition('edit')
let name = await nvim.call('bufname', ['%'])
it('should return false when type definition not found', async () => {
currLocations = []
let res = await locations.gotoTypeDefinition('edit')
describe('implementation', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
disposables.push(languages.registerImplementationProvider([{ language: '*' }], {
provideImplementation: () => {
return currLocations
it('should get implementations', async () => {
currLocations = [createLocation('foo', 0, 0, 0, 0), createLocation('bar', 0, 0, 0, 0)]
let res = await locations.implementations() as Location[]
it('should jump to implementation', async () => {
currLocations = [createLocation('foo', 0, 0, 0, 0)]
let res = await locations.gotoImplementation('edit')
let name = await nvim.call('bufname', ['%'])
it('should return false when implementation not found', async () => {
currLocations = []
let res = await locations.gotoImplementation('edit')
describe('getTagList', () => {
it('should return null when cword does not exist', async () => {
let res = await locations.getTagList()
it('should return null when provider does not exist', async () => {
await nvim.setLine('foo')
await nvim.command('normal! ^')
let res = await locations.getTagList()
it('should return null when result is empty', async () => {
disposables.push(languages.registerDefinitionProvider([{ language: '*' }], {
provideDefinition: () => {
return []
await nvim.setLine('foo')
await nvim.command('normal! ^')
let res = await locations.getTagList()
it('should return tag definitions', async () => {
disposables.push(languages.registerDefinitionProvider([{ language: '*' }], {
provideDefinition: () => {
return [createLocation('bar', 2, 0, 2, 5), Location.create(URI.file('/foo').toString(), Range.create(1, 0, 1, 5))]
await nvim.setLine('foo')
await nvim.command('normal! ^')
let res = await locations.getTagList()
name: 'foo',
cmd: 'keepjumps 3 | normal 1|',
filename: 'test://bar'
{ name: 'foo', cmd: 'keepjumps 2 | normal 1|', filename: '/foo' }
describe('findLocations', () => {
// hook result
let fn
let result: any
beforeAll(() => {
fn = services.sendRequest
services.sendRequest = () => {
return Promise.resolve(result)
afterAll(() => {
services.sendRequest = fn
it('should handle locations from language client', async () => {
result = [createLocation('bar', 2, 0, 2, 5)]
await locations.findLocations('foo', 'mylocation', {}, false)
let res = await nvim.getVar('coc_jump_locations')
uri: 'test://bar',
lnum: 3,
end_lnum: 3,
col: 1,
end_col: 6,
filename: 'test://bar',
text: '',
range: Range.create(2, 0, 2, 5)
it('should handle nested locations', async () => {
let location: any = {
location: createLocation('file', 0, 0, 0, 0),
children: [{
location: createLocation('foo', 3, 0, 3, 5),
children: []
}, {
location: createLocation('bar', 4, 0, 4, 5),
children: []
result = location
await locations.findLocations('foo', 'mylocation', {}, false)
let res = await nvim.getVar('coc_jump_locations') as any[]
describe('handleLocations', () => {
it('should not throw when location is undefined', async () => {
await locations.handleLocations(null)
it('should not throw when locations is empty array', async () => {
await locations.handleLocations([])
it('should handle single location', async () => {
await locations.handleLocations(createLocation('single', 0, 0, 0, 0))
let bufname = await nvim.call('bufname', ['%'])
it('should handle location link', async () => {
let link = LocationLink.create('test://link', Range.create(0, 0, 0, 3), Range.create(1, 0, 1, 3))
await locations.handleLocations([link])
let bufname = await nvim.call('bufname', ['%'])