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2022-07-20 01:20:15 -04:00
import { CompletionItemKind, TextEdit, Position } from 'vscode-languageserver-types'
import { matchScore, matchScoreWithPositions } from '../../completion/match'
import { shouldStop } from '../../completion/util'
import { getCharCodes } from '../../util/fuzzy'
import { getStartColumn, getKindString } from '../../sources/source-language'
import { CompleteOption } from '../../types'
describe('getKindString()', () => {
it('should get kind text', async () => {
let map = new Map()
map.set(CompletionItemKind.Enum, 'E')
let res = getKindString(CompletionItemKind.Enum, map, '')
it('should get default value', async () => {
let map = new Map()
let res = getKindString(CompletionItemKind.Enum, map, 'D')
describe('shouldStop', () => {
function createOption(bufnr: number, linenr: number, line: string, colnr: number): Pick<CompleteOption, 'bufnr' | 'linenr' | 'line' | 'colnr'> {
return { bufnr, linenr, line, colnr }
it('should check stop', async () => {
let opt = createOption(1, 1, 'a', 2)
expect(shouldStop(1, 'foo', { line: '', col: 2, lnum: 1, changedtick: 1, pre: '' }, opt)).toBe(true)
expect(shouldStop(1, 'foo', { line: '', col: 2, lnum: 1, changedtick: 1, pre: ' ' }, opt)).toBe(true)
expect(shouldStop(1, 'foo', { line: '', col: 2, lnum: 1, changedtick: 1, pre: 'fo' }, opt)).toBe(true)
expect(shouldStop(2, 'foo', { line: '', col: 2, lnum: 1, changedtick: 1, pre: 'foob' }, opt)).toBe(true)
expect(shouldStop(1, 'foo', { line: '', col: 2, lnum: 2, changedtick: 1, pre: 'foob' }, opt)).toBe(true)
expect(shouldStop(1, 'foo', { line: '', col: 2, lnum: 1, changedtick: 1, pre: 'barb' }, opt)).toBe(true)
describe('getStartColumn()', () => {
it('should get start col', async () => {
expect(getStartColumn('', [{ label: 'foo' }])).toBe(undefined)
expect(getStartColumn('', [
{ label: 'foo', textEdit: TextEdit.insert(Position.create(0, 0), 'a') },
{ label: 'bar' }])).toBe(undefined)
expect(getStartColumn('foo', [
{ label: 'foo', textEdit: TextEdit.insert(Position.create(0, 0), 'a') },
{ label: 'bar', textEdit: TextEdit.insert(Position.create(0, 1), 'b') }])).toBe(undefined)
expect(getStartColumn('foo', [
{ label: 'foo', textEdit: TextEdit.insert(Position.create(0, 2), 'a') },
{ label: 'bar', textEdit: TextEdit.insert(Position.create(0, 2), 'b') }])).toBe(2)
describe('matchScore', () => {
function score(word: string, input: string): number {
return matchScore(word, getCharCodes(input))
it('should match score for last letter', () => {
expect(score('#!3', '3')).toBe(1)
expect(score('bar', 'f')).toBe(0)
it('should match first letter', () => {
expect(score('abc', 'a')).toBe(5)
expect(score('Abc', 'a')).toBe(2.5)
expect(score('__abc', 'a')).toBe(2)
expect(score('$Abc', 'a')).toBe(1)
expect(score('$Abc', 'A')).toBe(2)
expect(score('$Abc', '$A')).toBe(6)
expect(score('$Abc', '$a')).toBe(5.5)
expect(score('foo_bar', 'b')).toBe(2)
expect(score('foo_Bar', 'b')).toBe(1)
expect(score('_foo_Bar', 'b')).toBe(0.5)
expect(score('_foo_Bar', 'f')).toBe(2)
expect(score('bar', 'a')).toBe(1)
expect(score('fooBar', 'B')).toBe(2)
expect(score('fooBar', 'b')).toBe(1)
it('should match follow letters', () => {
expect(score('abc', 'ab')).toBe(6)
expect(score('adB', 'ab')).toBe(5.75)
expect(score('adb', 'ab')).toBe(5.1)
expect(score('adCB', 'ab')).toBe(5.05)
expect(score('a_b_c', 'ab')).toBe(6)
expect(score('FooBar', 'fb')).toBe(3.25)
expect(score('FBar', 'fb')).toBe(3)
expect(score('FooBar', 'FB')).toBe(6)
expect(score('FBar', 'FB')).toBe(6)
expect(score('a__b', 'a__b')).toBe(8)
expect(score('aBc', 'ab')).toBe(5.5)
expect(score('a_B_c', 'ab')).toBe(5.75)
expect(score('abc', 'abc')).toBe(7)
expect(score('abc', 'aC')).toBe(0)
expect(score('abc', 'ac')).toBe(5.1)
expect(score('abC', 'ac')).toBe(5.75)
expect(score('abC', 'aC')).toBe(6)
it('should only allow search once', () => {
expect(score('foobar', 'fbr')).toBe(5.2)
expect(score('foobaRow', 'fbr')).toBe(5.85)
expect(score('foobaRow', 'fbR')).toBe(6.1)
expect(score('foobar', 'fa')).toBe(5.1)
it('should have higher score for strict match', () => {
expect(score('language-client-protocol', 'lct')).toBe(6.1)
expect(score('language-client-types', 'lct')).toBe(7)
it('should find highest score', () => {
expect(score('ArrayRotateTail', 'art')).toBe(3.6)
describe('matchScoreWithPositions', () => {
function assertMatch(word: string, input: string, res: [number, ReadonlyArray<number>] | undefined): void {
let result = matchScoreWithPositions(word, getCharCodes(input))
if (!res) {
} else {
it('should return undefined when not match found', async () => {
assertMatch('a', 'abc', undefined)
assertMatch('a', '', undefined)
assertMatch('ab', 'ac', undefined)
it('should find matches by position fix', async () => {
assertMatch('this', 'tih', [5.6, [0, 1, 2]])
assertMatch('globalThis', 'tihs', [2.6, [6, 7, 8, 9]])
it('should find matched positions', async () => {
assertMatch('this', 'th', [6, [0, 1]])
assertMatch('foo_bar', 'fb', [6, [0, 4]])
assertMatch('assertMatch', 'am', [5.75, [0, 6]])