Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-06-25 23:21:08 -04:00
Eric Renfro 105fb54755
Added syncing indicator to tmux status line
This checks for if the panes are synced or not, and provides and
indicator resembling it in  the status bar.
2018-08-05 11:30:54 -04:00

1129 lines
52 KiB

# cat << EOF > /dev/null
# https://github.com/gpakosz/.tmux
# (‑●‑●)> dual licensed under the WTFPL v2 license and the MIT license,
# without any warranty.
# Copyright 2012— Gregory Pakosz (@gpakosz).
# /!\ do not edit this file
# instead, override settings in ~/.tmux.conf.local, see README.md
# -- general -------------------------------------------------------------------
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color" # colors!
setw -g xterm-keys on
set -s escape-time 10 # faster command sequences
set -sg repeat-time 600 # increase repeat timeout
set -s focus-events on
set -g prefix2 C-a # GNU-Screen compatible prefix
bind C-a send-prefix -2
set -q -g status-utf8 on # expect UTF-8 (tmux < 2.2)
setw -q -g utf8 on
set -g history-limit 5000 # boost history
# edit configuration
bind e new-window -n '~/.tmux.conf.local' "sh -c '\${EDITOR:-vim} ~/.tmux.conf.local && tmux source ~/.tmux.conf && tmux display \"~/.tmux.conf sourced\"'"
# reload configuration
bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display '~/.tmux.conf sourced'
# -- display -------------------------------------------------------------------
set -g base-index 1 # start windows numbering at 1
setw -g pane-base-index 1 # make pane numbering consistent with windows
setw -g automatic-rename on # rename window to reflect current program
set -g renumber-windows on # renumber windows when a window is closed
set -g set-titles on # set terminal title
set -g set-titles-string '#h ❐ #S ● #I #W'
set -g display-panes-time 800 # slightly longer pane indicators display time
set -g display-time 1000 # slightly longer status messages display time
set -g status-interval 10 # redraw status line every 10 seconds
# clear both screen and history
bind -n C-l send-keys C-l \; run 'sleep 0.1' \; clear-history
# activity
set -g monitor-activity on
set -g visual-activity off
# -- navigation ----------------------------------------------------------------
# create session
bind C-c new-session
# find session
bind C-f command-prompt -p find-session 'switch-client -t %%'
# split current window horizontally
bind - split-window -v
# split current window vertically
bind _ split-window -h
# pane navigation
bind -r h select-pane -L # move left
bind -r j select-pane -D # move down
bind -r k select-pane -U # move up
bind -r l select-pane -R # move right
bind > swap-pane -D # swap current pane with the next one
bind < swap-pane -U # swap current pane with the previous one
# maximize current pane
bind + run 'cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _maximize_pane "#{session_name}" #D'
# pane resizing
bind -r H resize-pane -L 2
bind -r J resize-pane -D 2
bind -r K resize-pane -U 2
bind -r L resize-pane -R 2
# window navigation
unbind n
unbind p
bind -r C-h previous-window # select previous window
bind -r C-l next-window # select next window
bind Tab last-window # move to last active window
# toggle mouse
bind m run "cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _toggle_mouse"
# -- urlview -------------------------------------------------------------------
bind U run "cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _urlview #{pane_id}"
# -- facebook pathpicker -------------------------------------------------------
bind F run "cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _fpp #{pane_id}"
# -- list choice (tmux < 2.4) --------------------------------------------------
# vi-choice is gone in tmux >= 2.4
run -b 'tmux bind -t vi-choice h tree-collapse 2> /dev/null || true'
run -b 'tmux bind -t vi-choice l tree-expand 2> /dev/null || true'
run -b 'tmux bind -t vi-choice K start-of-list 2> /dev/null || true'
run -b 'tmux bind -t vi-choice J end-of-list 2> /dev/null || true'
run -b 'tmux bind -t vi-choice H tree-collapse-all 2> /dev/null || true'
run -b 'tmux bind -t vi-choice L tree-expand-all 2> /dev/null || true'
run -b 'tmux bind -t vi-choice Escape cancel 2> /dev/null || true'
# -- edit mode (tmux < 2.4) ----------------------------------------------------
# vi-edit is gone in tmux >= 2.4
run -b 'tmux bind -ct vi-edit H start-of-line 2> /dev/null || true'
run -b 'tmux bind -ct vi-edit L end-of-line 2> /dev/null || true'
run -b 'tmux bind -ct vi-edit q cancel 2> /dev/null || true'
run -b 'tmux bind -ct vi-edit Escape cancel 2> /dev/null || true'
# -- copy mode -----------------------------------------------------------------
bind Enter copy-mode # enter copy mode
run -b 'tmux bind -t vi-copy v begin-selection 2> /dev/null || true'
run -b 'tmux bind -T copy-mode-vi v send -X begin-selection 2> /dev/null || true'
run -b 'tmux bind -t vi-copy C-v rectangle-toggle 2> /dev/null || true'
run -b 'tmux bind -T copy-mode-vi C-v send -X rectangle-toggle 2> /dev/null || true'
run -b 'tmux bind -t vi-copy y copy-selection 2> /dev/null || true'
run -b 'tmux bind -T copy-mode-vi y send -X copy-selection-and-cancel 2> /dev/null || true'
run -b 'tmux bind -t vi-copy Escape cancel 2> /dev/null || true'
run -b 'tmux bind -T copy-mode-vi Escape send -X cancel 2> /dev/null || true'
run -b 'tmux bind -t vi-copy H start-of-line 2> /dev/null || true'
run -b 'tmux bind -T copy-mode-vi L send -X end-of-line 2> /dev/null || true'
# copy to Mac OSX clipboard
if -b 'command -v reattach-to-user-namespace > /dev/null 2>&1' 'bind y run -b "tmux save-buffer - | reattach-to-user-namespace pbcopy"'
# copy to X11 clipboard
if -b 'command -v xsel > /dev/null 2>&1' 'bind y run -b "tmux save-buffer - | xsel -i -b"'
if -b '! command -v xsel > /dev/null 2>&1 && command -v xclip > /dev/null 2>&1' 'bind y run -b "tmux save-buffer - | xclip -i -selection clipboard >/dev/null 2>&1"'
# copy to Windows clipboard
if -b 'command -v clip.exe > /dev/null 2>&1' 'bind y run -b "tmux save-buffer - | clip.exe"'
if -b '[ -c /dev/clipboard ]' 'bind y run -b "tmux save-buffer - > /dev/clipboard"'
# -- buffers -------------------------------------------------------------------
bind b list-buffers # list paste buffers
bind p paste-buffer # paste from the top paste buffer
bind P choose-buffer # choose which buffer to paste from
# -- user defined overrides ----------------------------------------------------
if '[ -f ~/.tmux.conf.local ]' 'source ~/.tmux.conf.local'
# -- 8< ------------------------------------------------------------------------
run 'cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _apply_configuration'
# # exit the script if any statement returns a non-true return value
# set -e
# export LC_NUMERIC=C
# __newline='
# '
# _is_enabled() {
# ( ([ x"$1" = x"enabled" ] || [ x"$1" = x"true" ] || [ x"$1" = x"yes" ] || [ x"$1" = x"1" ]) && return 0 ) || return 1
# }
# _circled_digit() {
# circled_digits='⓪ ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰ ⑱ ⑲ ⑳'
# if [ "$1" -le 20 ] 2>/dev/null; then
# i=$(( $1 + 1 ))
# eval set -- "$circled_digits"
# eval echo "\${$i}"
# else
# echo "$1"
# fi
# }
# _maximize_pane() {
# current_session=${1:-$(tmux display -p '#{session_name}')}
# current_pane=${2:-$(tmux display -p '#{pane_id}')}
# dead_panes=$(tmux list-panes -s -t "$current_session" -F '#{pane_dead} #{pane_id} #{pane_start_command}' | grep -o '^1 %.\+maximized.\+$' || true)
# restore=$(echo "$dead_panes" | sed -n -E -e "s/^1 $current_pane .+maximized.+'(%[0-9]+)'$/tmux swap-pane -s \1 -t $current_pane \; kill-pane -t $current_pane/p" -e "s/^1 (%[0-9]+) .+maximized.+'$current_pane'$/tmux swap-pane -s \1 -t $current_pane \; kill-pane -t \1/p" )
# if [ -z "$restore" ]; then
# [ "$(tmux list-panes -t "$current_session:" | wc -l | sed 's/^ *//g')" -eq 1 ] && tmux display "Can't maximize with only one pane" && return
# window=$(tmux new-window -t "$current_session:" -P "exec maximized... 2> /dev/null & tmux setw -t \"$current_session:\" remain-on-exit on; printf \"Pane has been maximized, press <prefix>+ to restore. %s\" '$current_pane'")
# window=${window%.*}
# guard=10
# while [ x"$(tmux list-panes -t "$window" -F '#{session_name}:#{window_index} #{pane_dead}' 2>/dev/null)" != x"$window 1" ] && [ "$guard" -ne 0 ]; do
# sleep 0.01
# guard=$((guard - 1))
# done
# if [ "$guard" -eq 0 ]; then
# tmux display 'Unable to maximize pane'
# fi
# new_pane=$(tmux display -t "$window" -p '#{pane_id}')
# tmux setw -t "$window" remain-on-exit off \; swap-pane -s "$current_pane" -t "$new_pane"
# else
# $restore || tmux kill-pane
# fi
# }
# _toggle_mouse() {
# old=$(tmux show -gv mouse)
# new=""
# if [ "$old" = "on" ]; then
# new="off"
# else
# new="on"
# fi
# tmux set -g mouse $new \;\
# display "mouse: $new"
# }
# _battery() {
# charge=0
# uname_s=$(uname -s)
# case "$uname_s" in
# *Darwin*)
# while IFS= read -r line; do
# if [ x"$discharging" != x"true" ]; then
# discharging=$(printf '%s' "$line" | grep -qi "discharging" && echo "true" || echo "false")
# fi
# percentage=$(printf '%s' "$line" | grep -E -o '[0-9]+%')
# charge=$(awk -v charge="$charge" -v percentage="${percentage%%%}" 'BEGIN { print charge + percentage / 100 }')
# count=$((count + 1))
# done << EOF
# $(pmset -g batt | grep 'InternalBattery')
# ;;
# *Linux*)
# while IFS= read -r batpath; do
# grep -i -q device "$batpath/scope" 2> /dev/null && continue
# if [ x"$discharging" != x"true" ]; then
# discharging=$(grep -qi "discharging" "$batpath/status" && echo "true" || echo "false")
# fi
# bat_capacity="$batpath/capacity"
# if [ -r "$bat_capacity" ]; then
# charge=$(awk -v charge="$charge" -v capacity="$(cat "$bat_capacity")" 'BEGIN { print charge + capacity / 100 }')
# else
# bat_energy_full="$batpath/energy_full"
# bat_energy_now="$batpath/energy_now"
# if [ -r "$bat_energy_full" ] && [ -r "$bat_energy_now" ]; then
# charge=$(awk -v charge="$charge" -v energy_now="$(cat "$bat_energy_now")" -v energy_full="$(cat "$bat_energy_full")" 'BEGIN { print charge + energy_now / energy_full }')
# fi
# fi
# count=$((count + 1))
# done << EOF
# $(find /sys/class/power_supply -maxdepth 1 -iname '*bat*')
# ;;
# while IFS= read -r line; do
# [ -z "$line" ] && continue
# if [ x"$discharging" != x"true" ]; then
# discharging=$(printf '%s' "$line" | awk '{ s = ($1 == 1) ? "true" : "false"; print s }')
# fi
# charge=$(printf '%s' "$line" | awk -v charge="$charge" '{ print charge + $2 / 100 }')
# count=$((count + 1))
# done << EOF
# $(wmic path Win32_Battery get BatteryStatus, EstimatedChargeRemaining | tr -d '\r' | tail -n +2)
# ;;
# *OpenBSD*)
# for batid in 0 1 2; do
# sysctl -n "hw.sensors.acpibat$batid.raw0" 2>&1 | grep -q 'not found' && continue
# if [ x"$discharging" != x"true" ]; then
# discharging=$(sysctl -n "hw.sensors.acpibat$batid.raw0" | grep -q 1 && echo "true" || echo "false")
# fi
# if sysctl -n "hw.sensors.acpibat$batid" | grep -q amphour; then
# charge=$(awk -v charge="$charge" -v remaining="$(sysctl -n hw.sensors.acpibat$batid.amphour3 | cut -d' ' -f1)" -v full="$(sysctl -n hw.sensors.acpibat$batid.amphour0 | cut -d' ' -f1)" 'BEGIN { print charge + remaining / full }')
# else
# charge=$(awk -v charge="$charge" -v remaining="$(sysctl -n hw.sensors.acpibat$batid.watthour3 | cut -d' ' -f1)" -v full="$(sysctl -n hw.sensors.acpibat$batid.watthour0 | cut -d' ' -f1)" 'BEGIN { print charge + remaining / full }')
# fi
# count=$((count + 1))
# done
# ;;
# esac
# charge=$(awk -v charge="$charge" -v count="$count" 'BEGIN { print charge / count }')
# if [ "$charge" -eq 0 ]; then
# tmux set -ug '@battery_status' \;\
# set -ug '@battery_bar' \;\
# set -ug '@battery_hbar' \;\
# set -ug '@battery_vbar' \;\
# set -ug '@battery_percentage'
# return
# fi
# variables=$(tmux show -gqv '@battery_bar_symbol_full' \;\
# show -gqv '@battery_bar_symbol_empty' \;\
# show -gqv '@battery_bar_length' \;\
# show -gqv '@battery_bar_palette' \;\
# show -gqv '@battery_hbar_palette' \;\
# show -gqv '@battery_vbar_palette' \;\
# show -gqv '@battery_status_charging' \;\
# show -gqv '@battery_status_discharging')
# # shellcheck disable=SC2086
# { set -f; IFS="$__newline"; set -- $variables; unset IFS; set +f; }
# battery_bar_symbol_full=$1
# battery_bar_symbol_empty=$2
# battery_bar_length=$3
# battery_bar_palette=$4
# battery_hbar_palette=$5
# battery_vbar_palette=$6
# battery_status_charging=$7
# battery_status_discharging=$8
# if [ x"$battery_bar_length" = x"auto" ]; then
# columns=$(tmux -q display -p '#{client_width}' 2> /dev/null || echo 80)
# if [ "$columns" -ge 80 ]; then
# battery_bar_length=10
# else
# battery_bar_length=5
# fi
# fi
# if [ x"$discharging" = x"true" ]; then
# battery_status="$battery_status_discharging"
# else
# battery_status="$battery_status_charging"
# fi
# if echo "$battery_bar_palette" | grep -q -E '^heat|gradient(,[#a-z0-9]{7,9})?$'; then
# # shellcheck disable=SC2086
# { set -f; IFS=,; set -- $battery_bar_palette; unset IFS; set +f; }
# palette_style=$1
# battery_bg=${2:-none}
# [ x"$palette_style" = x"gradient" ] && \
# palette="196 202 208 214 220 226 190 154 118 82 46"
# [ x"$palette_style" = x"heat" ] && \
# palette="243 245 247 144 143 142 184 214 208 202 196"
# palette=$(echo "$palette" | awk -v n="$battery_bar_length" '{ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) printf $(1 + (i * NF / n))" " }')
# eval set -- "$palette"
# full=$(awk "BEGIN { printf \"%.0f\", ($charge) * $battery_bar_length }")
# battery_bar="#[bg=$battery_bg]"
# # shellcheck disable=SC2046
# [ "$full" -gt 0 ] && \
# battery_bar="$battery_bar$(printf "#[fg=colour%s]$battery_bar_symbol_full" $(echo "$palette" | cut -d' ' -f1-"$full"))"
# # shellcheck disable=SC2046
# empty=$((battery_bar_length - full))
# # shellcheck disable=SC2046
# [ "$empty" -gt 0 ] && \
# battery_bar="$battery_bar$(printf "#[fg=colour%s]$battery_bar_symbol_empty" $(echo "$palette" | cut -d' ' -f$((full + 1))-$((full + empty))))"
# eval battery_bar="$battery_bar#[fg=colour\${$((full == 0 ? 1 : full))}]"
# elif echo "$battery_bar_palette" | grep -q -E '^(([#a-z0-9]{7,9}|none),?){3}$'; then
# # shellcheck disable=SC2086
# { set -f; IFS=,; set -- $battery_bar_palette; unset IFS; set +f; }
# battery_full_fg=$1
# battery_empty_fg=$2
# battery_bg=$3
# full=$(awk "BEGIN { printf \"%.0f\", ($charge) * $battery_bar_length }")
# [ x"$battery_bg" != x"none" ] && \
# battery_bar="#[bg=$battery_bg]"
# #shellcheck disable=SC2046
# [ "$full" -gt 0 ] && \
# battery_bar="$battery_bar#[fg=$battery_full_fg]$(printf "%0.s$battery_bar_symbol_full" $(seq 1 "$full"))"
# empty=$((battery_bar_length - full))
# #shellcheck disable=SC2046
# [ "$empty" -gt 0 ] && \
# battery_bar="$battery_bar#[fg=$battery_empty_fg]$(printf "%0.s$battery_bar_symbol_empty" $(seq 1 "$empty"))" && \
# battery_bar="$battery_bar#[fg=$battery_empty_fg]"
# fi
# if echo "$battery_hbar_palette" | grep -q -E '^heat|gradient(,[#a-z0-9]{7,9})?$'; then
# # shellcheck disable=SC2086
# { set -f; IFS=,; set -- $battery_hbar_palette; unset IFS; set +f; }
# palette_style=$1
# [ x"$palette_style" = x"gradient" ] && \
# palette="196 202 208 214 220 226 190 154 118 82 46"
# [ x"$palette_style" = x"heat" ] && \
# palette="233 234 235 237 239 241 243 245 247 144 143 142 184 214 208 202 196"
# palette=$(echo "$palette" | awk -v n="$battery_bar_length" '{ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) printf $(1 + (i * NF / n))" " }')
# eval set -- "$palette"
# full=$(awk "BEGIN { printf \"%.0f\", ($charge) * $battery_bar_length }")
# eval battery_hbar_fg="colour\${$((full == 0 ? 1 : full))}"
# elif echo "$battery_hbar_palette" | grep -q -E '^([#a-z0-9]{7,9},?){3}$'; then
# # shellcheck disable=SC2086
# { set -f; IFS=,; set -- $battery_hbar_palette; unset IFS; set +f; }
# # shellcheck disable=SC2046
# eval $(awk "BEGIN { printf \"battery_hbar_fg=$%d\", (($charge) - 0.001) * $# + 1 }")
# fi
# eval set -- "▏ ▎ ▍ ▌ ▋ ▊ ▉ █"
# # shellcheck disable=SC2046
# eval $(awk "BEGIN { printf \"battery_hbar_symbol=$%d\", ($charge) * ($# - 1) + 1 }")
# battery_hbar="#[fg=${battery_hbar_fg?}]${battery_hbar_symbol?}"
# if echo "$battery_vbar_palette" | grep -q -E '^heat|gradient(,[#a-z0-9]{7,9})?$'; then
# # shellcheck disable=SC2086
# { set -f; IFS=,; set -- $battery_vbar_palette; unset IFS; set +f; }
# palette_style=$1
# [ x"$palette_style" = x"gradient" ] && \
# palette="196 202 208 214 220 226 190 154 118 82 46"
# [ x"$palette_style" = x"heat" ] && \
# palette="233 234 235 237 239 241 243 245 247 144 143 142 184 214 208 202 196"
# palette=$(echo "$palette" | awk -v n="$battery_bar_length" '{ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) printf $(1 + (i * NF / n))" " }')
# eval set -- "$palette"
# full=$(awk "BEGIN { printf \"%.0f\", ($charge) * $battery_bar_length }")
# eval battery_vbar_fg="colour\${$((full == 0 ? 1 : full))}"
# elif echo "$battery_vbar_palette" | grep -q -E '^([#a-z0-9]{7,9},?){3}$'; then
# # shellcheck disable=SC2086
# { set -f; IFS=,; set -- $battery_vbar_palette; unset IFS; set +f; }
# # shellcheck disable=SC2046
# eval $(awk "BEGIN { printf \"battery_vbar_fg=$%d\", (($charge) - 0.001) * $# + 1 }")
# fi
# eval set -- "▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █"
# # shellcheck disable=SC2046
# eval $(awk "BEGIN { printf \"battery_vbar_symbol=$%d\", ($charge) * ($# - 1) + 1 }")
# battery_vbar="#[fg=${battery_vbar_fg?}]${battery_vbar_symbol?}"
# battery_percentage="$(awk "BEGIN { printf \"%.0f%%\", ($charge) * 100 }")"
# tmux set -g '@battery_status' "$battery_status" \;\
# set -g '@battery_bar' "$battery_bar" \;\
# set -g '@battery_hbar' "$battery_hbar" \;\
# set -g '@battery_vbar' "$battery_vbar" \;\
# set -g '@battery_percentage' "$battery_percentage"
# }
# _username() {
# tty=${1:-$(tmux display -p '#{pane_tty}')}
# ssh_only=$2
# # shellcheck disable=SC2039
# if [ x"$OSTYPE" = x"cygwin" ]; then
# pid=$(ps -a | awk -v tty="${tty##/dev/}" '$5 == tty && /ssh/ && !/vagrant ssh/ && !/autossh/ && !/-W/ { print $1 }')
# [ -n "$pid" ] && ssh_parameters=$(tr '\0' ' ' < "/proc/$pid/cmdline" | sed 's/^ssh //')
# else
# ssh_parameters=$(ps -t "$tty" -o command= | awk '/ssh/ && !/vagrant ssh/ && !/autossh/ && !/-W/ { $1=""; print $0; exit }')
# fi
# if [ -n "$ssh_parameters" ]; then
# # shellcheck disable=SC2086
# username=$(ssh -G $ssh_parameters 2>/dev/null | awk 'NR > 2 { exit } ; /^user / { print $2 }')
# # shellcheck disable=SC2086
# [ -z "$username" ] && username=$(ssh -T -o ControlPath=none -o ProxyCommand="sh -c 'echo %%username%% %r >&2'" $ssh_parameters 2>&1 | awk '/^%username% / { print $2; exit }')
# else
# if ! _is_enabled "$ssh_only"; then
# # shellcheck disable=SC2039
# if [ x"$OSTYPE" = x"cygwin" ]; then
# username=$(whoami)
# else
# username=$(ps -t "$tty" -o user= -o pid= -o ppid= -o command= | awk '
# !/ssh/ { user[$2] = $1; ppid[$3] = 1 }
# END {
# for (i in user)
# if (!(i in ppid))
# {
# print user[i]
# exit
# }
# }
# ')
# fi
# fi
# fi
# echo "$username"
# }
# _hostname() {
# tty=${1:-$(tmux display -p '#{pane_tty}')}
# ssh_only=$2
# # shellcheck disable=SC2039
# if [ x"$OSTYPE" = x"cygwin" ]; then
# pid=$(ps -a | awk -v tty="${tty##/dev/}" '$5 == tty && /ssh/ && !/vagrant ssh/ && !/autossh/ && !/-W/ { print $1 }')
# [ -n "$pid" ] && ssh_parameters=$(tr '\0' ' ' < "/proc/$pid/cmdline" | sed 's/^ssh //')
# else
# ssh_parameters=$(ps -t "$tty" -o command= | awk '/ssh/ && !/vagrant ssh/ && !/autossh/ && !/-W/ { $1=""; print $0; exit }')
# fi
# if [ -n "$ssh_parameters" ]; then
# # shellcheck disable=SC2086
# hostname=$(ssh -G $ssh_parameters 2>/dev/null | awk 'NR > 2 { exit } ; /^hostname / { print $2 }')
# # shellcheck disable=SC2086
# [ -z "$hostname" ] && hostname=$(ssh -T -o ControlPath=none -o ProxyCommand="sh -c 'echo %%hostname%% %h >&2'" $ssh_parameters 2>&1 | awk '/^%hostname% / { print $2; exit }')
# #shellcheck disable=SC1004
# hostname=$(echo "$hostname" | awk '\
# { \
# if ($1~/^[0-9.:]+$/) \
# print $1; \
# else \
# split($1, a, ".") ; print a[1] \
# }')
# else
# if ! _is_enabled "$ssh_only"; then
# hostname=$(command hostname -s)
# fi
# fi
# echo "$hostname"
# }
# _root() {
# tty=${1:-$(tmux display -p '#{pane_tty}')}
# username=$(_username "$tty" false)
# if [ x"$username" = x"root" ]; then
# tmux show -gqv '@root'
# else
# echo ""
# fi
# }
# _uptime() {
# case $(uname -s) in
# *Darwin*)
# boot=$(sysctl -q -n kern.boottime | awk -F'[ ,:]+' '{ print $4 }')
# now=$(date +%s)
# ;;
# *Linux*|*CYGWIN*|*MSYS*|*MINGW*)
# now=$(cut -d' ' -f1 < /proc/uptime)
# ;;
# *OpenBSD*)
# boot=$(sysctl -n kern.boottime)
# now=$(date +%s)
# esac
# # shellcheck disable=SC1004
# awk -v boot="$boot" -v now="$now" '
# uptime = now - boot
# d = int(uptime / 86400)
# h = int(uptime / 3600) % 24
# m = int(uptime / 60) % 60
# s = int(uptime) % 60
# system("tmux set -g @uptime_d " d + 0 " \\; " \
# "set -g @uptime_h " h + 0 " \\; " \
# "set -g @uptime_m " m + 0 " \\; " \
# "set -g @uptime_s " s + 0)
# }'
# }
# _loadavg() {
# case $(uname -s) in
# *Darwin*)
# tmux set -g @loadavg "$(sysctl -q -n vm.loadavg | cut -d' ' -f2)"
# ;;
# *Linux*)
# tmux set -g @loadavg "$(cut -d' ' -f1 < /proc/loadavg)"
# ;;
# *OpenBSD*)
# tmux set -g @loadavg "$(sysctl -q -n vm.loadavg | cut -d' ' -f1)"
# ;;
# esac
# }
# _split_window() {
# tty=${1:-$(tmux display -p '#{pane_tty}')}
# shift
# # shellcheck disable=SC2039
# if [ x"$OSTYPE" = x"cygwin" ]; then
# pid=$(ps -a | sort -d | awk -v tty="${tty##/dev/}" '$5 == tty && /ssh/ && !/-W/ { print $1; exit 0 }')
# [ -n "$pid" ] && ssh=$(tr '\0' ' ' < "/proc/$pid/cmdline")
# else
# ssh=$(ps -t "$tty" -o command= | sort -d | awk '/ssh/ && !/-W/ { print $0; exit 0 }')
# fi
# if [ -n "$ssh" ]; then
# # shellcheck disable=SC2046
# tmux split-window "$@" $(echo "$ssh" | sed -e "s/;/\\\\;/g")
# else
# tmux split-window "$@"
# fi
# }
# _apply_overrides() {
# tmux_conf_theme_24b_colour=${tmux_conf_theme_24b_colour:-false}
# if _is_enabled "$tmux_conf_theme_24b_colour"; then
# case "$TERM" in
# screen-*|tmux-*)
# ;;
# *)
# tmux set-option -ga terminal-overrides ",*256col*:Tc"
# ;;
# esac
# fi
# }
# _apply_bindings() {
# line=$(tmux list-keys | grep new-window | head -1)
# prefix=${line%new-window*}
# column=${#prefix}
# tmux_conf_new_window_retain_current_path=${tmux_conf_new_window_retain_current_path:-false}
# while IFS= read -r line; do
# [ -z "$line" ] && continue
# left=$(printf '%s' "$line" | cut -c-"$column" | sed -E -e 's/[^ \ta-zA-Z0-9,._+@%/-]/\\&/g')
# if _is_enabled "$tmux_conf_new_window_retain_current_path"; then
# right=$(printf '%s' "$line" | cut -c"$column-" | awk -F'\"' 'BEGIN { OFS = FS } { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i+=2) { gsub(/#{.+}/, "\"&\"", $i) } print }' | sed -E -e 's/new-window$/new-window -c "#{pane_current_path}"/g')
# else
# right=$(printf '%s' "$line" | cut -c"$column"- | awk -F'\"' 'BEGIN { OFS = FS } { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i+=2) { gsub(/#{.+}/, "\"&\"", $i) } print }' | sed -E -e 's/-c[ \t]+"#\{pane_current_path\}"$//g')
# fi
# eval "tmux $left $right" 2>/dev/null || true
# done << EOF
# $(tmux list-keys 2>/dev/null | grep -e 'new-window\(\s\+-c\s\+"#{pane_current_path}\|$\)')
# tmux_conf_new_pane_retain_current_path=${tmux_conf_new_pane_retain_current_path:-true}
# while IFS= read -r line; do
# [ -z "$line" ] && continue
# left=$(printf '%s' "$line" | cut -c-"$column" | sed -E -e 's/[^ \ta-zA-Z0-9,._+@%/-]/\\&/g')
# if _is_enabled "$tmux_conf_new_pane_retain_current_path"; then
# right=$(printf '%s' "$line" | cut -c"$column-" | awk -F'\"' 'BEGIN { OFS = FS } { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i+=2) { gsub(/#{.+}/, "\"&\"", $i) } print }' | sed -E -e 's/split-window([ \t]+-(h|v))?$/& -c "#{pane_current_path}"/g')
# else
# right=$(printf '%s' "$line" | cut -c"$column"- | awk -F'\"' 'BEGIN { OFS = FS } { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i+=2) { gsub(/#{.+}/, "\"&\"", $i) } print }' | sed -E -e 's/-c[ \t]+"#\{pane_current_path\}"$//g')
# fi
# eval "tmux $left $right" 2>/dev/null || true
# done << EOF
# $(tmux list-keys 2>/dev/null | grep -e 'split\(-\|_\)window')
# tmux_conf_new_pane_reconnect_ssh=${tmux_conf_new_pane_reconnect_ssh:-false}
# while IFS= read -r line; do
# [ -z "$line" ] && continue
# left=$(printf '%s' "$line" | cut -c-"$column" | sed -E -e 's/[^ \ta-zA-Z0-9,._+@%/-]/\\&/g')
# if _is_enabled "$tmux_conf_new_pane_reconnect_ssh"; then
# right=$(printf '%s' "$line" | cut -c"$column"- | awk -F'\"' 'BEGIN { OFS = FS } { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i+=2) { gsub(/#{.+}/, "\"&\"", $i) } print }' | sed -E -e 's/"/\\"/g' -e 's/split-window([^;]+)/run-shell "cut -c3- ~\/\.tmux\.conf | sh -s _split_window #{pane_tty}\1"/g')
# else
# right=$(printf '%s' "$line" | cut -c"$column"- | awk -F'\"' 'BEGIN { OFS = FS } { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i+=2) { gsub(/#{.+}/, "\"&\"", $i) } print }' | sed -E -e 's/\\"/"/g' -e 's/run-shell "cut -c3- ~\/\.tmux\.conf \| sh -s _split_window #\{pane_tty\}([^;]+)"/split-window\1/g' -e 's/#\{.+\}/\"&\"/g')
# fi
# eval "tmux $left $right" 2>/dev/null || true
# done << EOF
# $(tmux list-keys 2>/dev/null | grep -e 'split\(-\|_\)window')
# tmux_conf_new_session_prompt=${tmux_conf_new_session_prompt:-false}
# while IFS= read -r line; do
# [ -z "$line" ] && continue
# left=$(printf '%s' "$line" | cut -c-"$column" | sed -E -e 's/[^ \ta-zA-Z0-9,._+@%/-]/\\&/g')
# if _is_enabled "$tmux_conf_new_session_prompt"; then
# right=$(printf '%s' "$line" | cut -c"$column"- | awk -F'\"' 'BEGIN { OFS = FS } { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i+=2) { gsub(/#{.+}/, "\"&\"", $i) } print }' | sed -E -e 's/new-session$/command-prompt -p new-session \"new-session -s '"'"'%%'"'"'\"/g')
# else
# right=$(printf '%s' "$line" | cut -c"$column"- | awk -F'\"' 'BEGIN { OFS = FS } { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i+=2) { gsub(/#{.+}/, "\"&\"", $i) } print }'| sed -E -e 's/command-prompt -p new-session[^;]+/new-session/g')
# fi
# eval "tmux $left $right" 2>/dev/null || true
# done << EOF
# $(tmux list-keys 2>/dev/null | grep -e 'new-session')
# tmux_conf_copy_to_os_clipboard=${tmux_conf_copy_to_os_clipboard:-false}
# command -v pbcopy > /dev/null 2>&1 && command='pbcopy'
# command -v reattach-to-user-namespace > /dev/null 2>&1 && command='reattach-to-user-namespace pbcopy'
# command -v xsel > /dev/null 2>&1 && command='xsel -i -b'
# ! command -v xsel > /dev/null 2>&1 && command -v xclip > /dev/null 2>&1 && command='xclip -i -selection clipboard > \/dev\/null 2>\&1'
# command -v clip.exe > /dev/null 2>&1 && command='clip\.exe'
# [ -c /dev/clipboard ] && command='cat > \/dev\/clipboard'
# if [ -n "$command" ]; then
# # shellcheck disable=SC2086
# for table in "" "-t emacs-copy" "-t vi-copy"; do
# line=$(tmux list-keys $table 2>/dev/null | grep -e 'copy-selection\|copy-pipe' | head -1)
# prefix=${line%copy-*}
# column=${#prefix}
# [ -z "$line" ] && continue
# while IFS= read -r line; do
# [ -z "$line" ] && continue
# left=$(printf '%s' "$line" | cut -c-"$column" | sed -E -e 's/[^ \ta-zA-Z0-9,._+@%/-]/\\&/g')
# if _is_enabled "$tmux_conf_copy_to_os_clipboard"; then
# right=$(printf '%s' "$line" | cut -c"$column"- | awk -F'\"' 'BEGIN { OFS = FS } { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i+=2) { gsub(/#{.+}/, "\"&\"", $i) } print }' | sed -E -e "s/copy-selection(-and-cancel)?$/copy-pipe\1 \"$command\"/g")
# else
# right=$(printf '%s' "$line" | cut -c"$column"- | awk -F'\"' 'BEGIN { OFS = FS } { for (i = 1; i <= NF; i+=2) { gsub(/#{.+}/, "\"&\"", $i) } print }' | sed -E -e "s/copy-pipe(-and-cancel)? \"$command\"$/copy-selection\1/g")
# fi
# eval "tmux $left $right" 2>/dev/null || true
# done << EOF
# $(tmux list-keys $table 2>/dev/null | grep -e 'copy-selection\|copy-pipe')
# done
# fi
# }
# _apply_theme() {
# # -- panes -------------------------------------------------------------
# tmux_conf_theme_window_fg=${tmux_conf_theme_window_fg:-default}
# tmux_conf_theme_window_bg=${tmux_conf_theme_window_bg:-default}
# tmux_conf_theme_highlight_focused_pane=${tmux_conf_theme_highlight_focused_pane:-false}
# tmux_conf_theme_focused_pane_fg=${tmux_conf_theme_focused_pane_fg:-'default'} # default
# tmux_conf_theme_focused_pane_bg=${tmux_conf_theme_focused_pane_bg:-'#0087d7'} # light blue
# # tmux 1.9 doesn't really like set -q
# if tmux show -g -w | grep -q window-style; then
# tmux setw -g window-style "fg=$tmux_conf_theme_window_fg,bg=$tmux_conf_theme_window_bg"
# if _is_enabled "$tmux_conf_theme_highlight_focused_pane"; then
# tmux setw -g window-active-style "fg=$tmux_conf_theme_focused_pane_fg,bg=$tmux_conf_theme_focused_pane_bg"
# else
# tmux setw -g window-active-style default
# fi
# fi
# tmux_conf_theme_pane_border_style=${tmux_conf_theme_pane_border_style:-thin}
# tmux_conf_theme_pane_border=${tmux_conf_theme_pane_border:-'#444444'} # light gray
# tmux_conf_theme_pane_active_border=${tmux_conf_theme_pane_active_border:-'#00afff'} # light blue
# tmux_conf_theme_pane_border_fg=${tmux_conf_theme_pane_border_fg:-$tmux_conf_theme_pane_border}
# tmux_conf_theme_pane_active_border_fg=${tmux_conf_theme_pane_active_border_fg:-$tmux_conf_theme_pane_active_border}
# case "$tmux_conf_theme_pane_border_style" in
# fat)
# tmux_conf_theme_pane_border_bg=${tmux_conf_theme_pane_border_bg:-$tmux_conf_theme_pane_border_fg}
# tmux_conf_theme_pane_active_border_bg=${tmux_conf_theme_pane_active_border_bg:-$tmux_conf_theme_pane_active_border_fg}
# ;;
# thin|*)
# tmux_conf_theme_pane_border_bg=${tmux_conf_theme_pane_border_bg:-'default'}
# tmux_conf_theme_pane_active_border_bg=${tmux_conf_theme_pane_active_border_bg:-'default'}
# ;;
# esac
# tmux setw -g pane-border-style "fg=$tmux_conf_theme_pane_border_fg,bg=$tmux_conf_theme_pane_border_bg" \; set -g pane-active-border-style "fg=$tmux_conf_theme_pane_active_border_fg,bg=$tmux_conf_theme_pane_active_border_bg"
# tmux_conf_theme_pane_indicator=${tmux_conf_theme_pane_indicator:-'#00afff'} # light blue
# tmux_conf_theme_pane_active_indicator=${tmux_conf_theme_pane_active_indicator:-'#00afff'} # light blue
# tmux set -g display-panes-colour "$tmux_conf_theme_pane_indicator" \; set -g display-panes-active-colour "$tmux_conf_theme_pane_active_indicator"
# # -- status line -------------------------------------------------------
# tmux_conf_theme_left_separator_main=${tmux_conf_theme_left_separator_main-''}
# tmux_conf_theme_left_separator_sub=${tmux_conf_theme_left_separator_sub-'|'}
# tmux_conf_theme_right_separator_main=${tmux_conf_theme_right_separator_main-''}
# tmux_conf_theme_right_separator_sub=${tmux_conf_theme_right_separator_sub-'|'}
# tmux_conf_theme_message_fg=${tmux_conf_theme_message_fg:-'#000000'} # black
# tmux_conf_theme_message_bg=${tmux_conf_theme_message_bg:-'#ffff00'} # yellow
# tmux_conf_theme_message_attr=${tmux_conf_theme_message_attr:-'bold'}
# tmux set -g message-style "fg=$tmux_conf_theme_message_fg,bg=$tmux_conf_theme_message_bg,$tmux_conf_theme_message_attr"
# tmux_conf_theme_message_command_fg=${tmux_conf_theme_message_command_fg:-'#ffff00'} # yellow
# tmux_conf_theme_message_command_bg=${tmux_conf_theme_message_command_bg:-'#000000'} # black
# tmux_conf_theme_message_command_attr=${tmux_conf_theme_message_command_attr:-'bold'}
# tmux set -g message-command-style "fg=$tmux_conf_theme_message_command_fg,bg=$tmux_conf_theme_message_command_bg,$tmux_conf_theme_message_command_attr"
# tmux_conf_theme_mode_fg=${tmux_conf_theme_mode_fg:-'#000000'} # black
# tmux_conf_theme_mode_bg=${tmux_conf_theme_mode_bg:-'#ffff00'} # yellow
# tmux_conf_theme_mode_attr=${tmux_conf_theme_mode_attr:-'bold'}
# tmux setw -g mode-style "fg=$tmux_conf_theme_mode_fg,bg=$tmux_conf_theme_mode_bg,$tmux_conf_theme_mode_attr"
# tmux_conf_theme_status_fg=${tmux_conf_theme_status_fg:-'#8a8a8a'} # white
# tmux_conf_theme_status_bg=${tmux_conf_theme_status_bg:-'#080808'} # dark gray
# tmux_conf_theme_status_attr=${tmux_conf_theme_status_attr:-'none'}
# tmux set -g status-style "fg=$tmux_conf_theme_status_fg,bg=$tmux_conf_theme_status_bg,$tmux_conf_theme_status_attr" \;\
# set -g status-left-style "fg=$tmux_conf_theme_status_fg,bg=$tmux_conf_theme_status_bg,$tmux_conf_theme_status_attr" \;\
# set -g status-right-style "fg=$tmux_conf_theme_status_fg,bg=$tmux_conf_theme_status_bg,$tmux_conf_theme_status_attr"
# tmux_conf_theme_window_status_fg=${tmux_conf_theme_window_status_fg:-'#8a8a8a'} # white
# tmux_conf_theme_window_status_bg=${tmux_conf_theme_window_status_bg:-'#080808'} # dark gray
# tmux_conf_theme_window_status_attr=${tmux_conf_theme_window_status_attr:-'none'}
# tmux_conf_theme_window_status_format=${tmux_conf_theme_window_status_format:-'#I #W'}
# tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_fg=${tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_fg:-'#000000'} # black
# tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_bg=${tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_bg:-'#00afff'} # light blue
# tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_attr=${tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_attr:-'bold'}
# tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_format=${tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_format:-'#I #W'}
# if [ x"$(tmux show -g -v status-justify)" = x"right" ]; then
# tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_format="#[fg=$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_bg,bg=$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_bg]$tmux_conf_theme_right_separator_main#[fg=default,bg=default,default] $tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_format #[fg=$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_bg,bg=$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_bg,none]$tmux_conf_theme_right_separator_main"
# else
# tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_format="#[fg=$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_bg,bg=$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_bg]$tmux_conf_theme_left_separator_main#[fg=default,bg=default,default] $tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_format #[fg=$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_bg,bg=$tmux_conf_theme_status_bg,none]$tmux_conf_theme_left_separator_main"
# fi
# tmux_conf_theme_window_status_format=$(echo "$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_format" | sed 's%#{circled_window_index}%#(cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _circled_digit #I)%g')
# tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_format=$(echo "$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_format" | sed 's%#{circled_window_index}%#(cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _circled_digit #I)%g')
# tmux setw -g window-status-style "fg=$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_fg,bg=$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_bg,$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_attr" \;\
# setw -g window-status-format "$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_format" \;\
# setw -g window-status-current-style "fg=$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_fg,bg=$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_bg,$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_attr" \;\
# setw -g window-status-current-format "$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_current_format"
# tmux_conf_theme_window_status_activity_fg=${tmux_conf_theme_window_status_activity_fg:-'default'}
# tmux_conf_theme_window_status_activity_bg=${tmux_conf_theme_window_status_activity_bg:-'default'}
# tmux_conf_theme_window_status_activity_attr=${tmux_conf_theme_window_status_activity_attr:-'underscore'}
# tmux setw -g window-status-activity-style "fg=$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_activity_fg,bg=$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_activity_bg,$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_activity_attr"
# tmux_conf_theme_window_status_bell_fg=${tmux_conf_theme_window_status_bell_fg:-'#ffff00'} # yellow
# tmux_conf_theme_window_status_bell_bg=${tmux_conf_theme_window_status_bell_bg:-'default'}
# tmux_conf_theme_window_status_bell_attr=${tmux_conf_theme_window_status_bell_attr:-'blink,bold'}
# tmux setw -g window-status-bell-style "fg=$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_bell_fg,bg=$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_bell_bg,$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_bell_attr"
# tmux_conf_theme_window_status_last_fg=${tmux_conf_theme_window_status_last_fg:-'#00afff'} # light blue
# tmux_conf_theme_window_status_last_bg=${tmux_conf_theme_window_status_last_bg:-'default'}
# tmux_conf_theme_window_status_last_attr=${tmux_conf_theme_window_status_last_attr:-'none'}
# tmux setw -g window-status-last-style "fg=$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_last_fg,bg=$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_last_bg,$tmux_conf_theme_window_status_last_attr"
# # -- indicators
# tmux_conf_theme_pairing=${tmux_conf_theme_pairing:-'👓'} # U+1F453
# tmux_conf_theme_pairing_fg=${tmux_conf_theme_pairing_fg:-'#e4e4e4'} # white
# tmux_conf_theme_pairing_bg=${tmux_conf_theme_pairing_bg:-'none'}
# tmux_conf_theme_pairing_attr=${tmux_conf_theme_pairing_attr:-'none'}
# tmux_conf_theme_prefix=${tmux_conf_theme_prefix:-'⌨'} # U+2328
# tmux_conf_theme_prefix_fg=${tmux_conf_theme_prefix_fg:-'#e4e4e4'} # white
# tmux_conf_theme_prefix_bg=${tmux_conf_theme_prefix_bg:-'none'}
# tmux_conf_theme_prefix_attr=${tmux_conf_theme_prefix_attr:-'none'}
# tmux_conf_theme_root=${tmux_conf_theme_root:-'!'}
# tmux_conf_theme_root_fg=${tmux_conf_theme_root_fg:-'none'}
# tmux_conf_theme_root_bg=${tmux_conf_theme_root_bg:-'none'}
# tmux_conf_theme_root_attr=${tmux_conf_theme_root_attr:-'bold,blink'}
# tmux_conf_theme_synchronized=${tmux_conf_theme_synchronized:-'🔒'} # U+1F512
# tmux_conf_theme_synchronized_fg=${tmux_conf_theme_synchronized_fg:-'none'}
# tmux_conf_theme_synchronized_bg=${tmux_conf_theme_synchronized_bg:-'none'}
# tmux_conf_theme_synchronized_attr=${tmux_conf_theme_synchronized_attr:-'none'}
# # -- status left style
# tmux_conf_theme_status_left=${tmux_conf_theme_status_left-' ❐ #S '}
# tmux_conf_theme_status_left_fg=${tmux_conf_theme_status_left_fg:-'#000000,#e4e4e4,#e4e4e4'} # black, white , white
# tmux_conf_theme_status_left_bg=${tmux_conf_theme_status_left_bg:-'#ffff00,#ff00af,#00afff'} # yellow, pink, white blue
# tmux_conf_theme_status_left_attr=${tmux_conf_theme_status_left_attr:-'bold,none,none'}
# tmux_conf_theme_status_left=$(echo "$tmux_conf_theme_status_left" | sed \
# -e "s/#{pairing}/#[fg=$tmux_conf_theme_pairing_fg]#[bg=$tmux_conf_theme_pairing_bg]#[$tmux_conf_theme_pairing_attr]#{?session_many_attached,$tmux_conf_theme_pairing,}/g")
# tmux_conf_theme_status_left=$(echo "$tmux_conf_theme_status_left" | sed \
# -e "s/#{prefix}/#[fg=$tmux_conf_theme_prefix_fg]#[bg=$tmux_conf_theme_prefix_bg]#[$tmux_conf_theme_prefix_attr]#{?client_prefix,$tmux_conf_theme_prefix,}/g")
# tmux_conf_theme_status_left=$(echo "$tmux_conf_theme_status_left" | sed \
# -e "s%#{root}%#[fg=$tmux_conf_theme_root_fg]#[bg=$tmux_conf_theme_root_bg]#[$tmux_conf_theme_root_attr]#(cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _root #{pane_tty} #D)#[inherit]%g")
# tmux_conf_theme_status_left=$(echo "$tmux_conf_theme_status_left" | sed \
# -e "s%#{synchronized}%#[fg=$tmux_conf_theme_synchronized_fg]#[bg=$tmux_conf_theme_synchronized_bg]#[$tmux_conf_theme_synchronized_attr]#{?pane_synchronized,$tmux_conf_theme_synchronized,}%g")
# if [ -n "$tmux_conf_theme_status_left" ]; then
# status_left=$(awk \
# -v fg_="$tmux_conf_theme_status_left_fg" \
# -v bg_="$tmux_conf_theme_status_left_bg" \
# -v attr_="$tmux_conf_theme_status_left_attr" \
# -v mainsep="$tmux_conf_theme_left_separator_main" \
# -v subsep="$tmux_conf_theme_left_separator_sub" '
# function subsplit(s, l, i, a, r)
# {
# l = split(s, a, ",")
# for (i = 1; i <= l; ++i)
# {
# o = split(a[i], _, "(") - 1
# c = split(a[i], _, ")") - 1
# open += o - c
# o_ = split(a[i], _, "{") - 1
# c_ = split(a[i], _, "}") - 1
# open_ += o_ - c_
# o__ = split(a[i], _, "[") - 1
# c__ = split(a[i], _, "]") - 1
# open__ += o__ - c__
# if (i == l)
# r = sprintf("%s%s", r, a[i])
# else if (open || open_ || open__)
# r = sprintf("%s%s,", r, a[i])
# else
# r = sprintf("%s%s#[fg=%s,bg=%s,%s]%s", r, a[i], fg[j], bg[j], attr[j], subsep)
# }
# gsub(/#\[inherit\]/, sprintf("#[default]#[fg=%s,bg=%s,%s]", fg[j], bg[j], attr[j]), r)
# return r
# }
# FS = "|"
# l1 = split(fg_, fg, ",")
# l2 = split(bg_, bg, ",")
# l3 = split(attr_, attr, ",")
# l = l1 < l2 ? (l1 < l3 ? l1 : l3) : (l2 < l3 ? l2 : l3)
# }
# {
# for (i = j = 1; i <= NF; ++i)
# {
# if (open || open_ || open__)
# printf "|%s", subsplit($i)
# else
# {
# if (i > 1)
# printf "#[fg=%s,bg=%s,none]%s#[fg=%s,bg=%s,%s]%s", bg[j_], bg[j], mainsep, fg[j], bg[j], attr[j], subsplit($i)
# else
# printf "#[fg=%s,bg=%s,%s]%s", fg[j], bg[j], attr[j], subsplit($i)
# }
# if (!open && !open_ && !open__)
# {
# j_ = j
# j = j % l + 1
# }
# }
# printf "#[fg=%s,bg=%s,none]%s", bg[j_], "default", mainsep
# }' << EOF
# $tmux_conf_theme_status_left
# )
# fi
# status_left="$status_left "
# # -- status right style
# tmux_conf_theme_status_right=${tmux_conf_theme_status_right-'#{pairing}#{prefix} #{battery_status} #{battery_bar} #{battery_percentage} , %R , %d %b | #{username} | #{hostname} '}
# tmux_conf_theme_status_right_fg=${tmux_conf_theme_status_right_fg:-'#8a8a8a,#e4e4e4,#000000'} # light gray, white, black
# tmux_conf_theme_status_right_bg=${tmux_conf_theme_status_right_bg:-'#080808,#d70000,#e4e4e4'} # dark gray, red, white
# tmux_conf_theme_status_right_attr=${tmux_conf_theme_status_right_attr:-'none,none,bold'}
# tmux_conf_theme_status_right=$(echo "$tmux_conf_theme_status_right" | sed \
# -e "s/#{pairing}/#[fg=$tmux_conf_theme_pairing_fg]#[bg=$tmux_conf_theme_pairing_bg]#[$tmux_conf_theme_pairing_attr]#{?session_many_attached,$tmux_conf_theme_pairing,}/g")
# tmux_conf_theme_status_right=$(echo "$tmux_conf_theme_status_right" | sed \
# -e "s/#{prefix}/#[fg=$tmux_conf_theme_prefix_fg]#[bg=$tmux_conf_theme_prefix_bg]#[$tmux_conf_theme_prefix_attr]#{?client_prefix,$tmux_conf_theme_prefix,}/g")
# tmux_conf_theme_status_right=$(echo "$tmux_conf_theme_status_right" | sed \
# -e "s%#{root}%#[fg=$tmux_conf_theme_root_fg]#[bg=$tmux_conf_theme_root_bg]#[$tmux_conf_theme_root_attr]#(cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _root #{pane_tty} #D)#[inherit]%g")
# tmux_conf_theme_status_right=$(echo "$tmux_conf_theme_status_right" | sed \
# -e "s%#{synchronized}%#[fg=$tmux_conf_theme_synchronized_fg]#[bg=$tmux_conf_theme_synchronized_bg]#[$tmux_conf_theme_synchronized_attr]#{?pane_synchronized,$tmux_conf_theme_synchronized,}%g")
# if [ -n "$tmux_conf_theme_status_right" ]; then
# status_right=$(awk \
# -v fg_="$tmux_conf_theme_status_right_fg" \
# -v bg_="$tmux_conf_theme_status_right_bg" \
# -v attr_="$tmux_conf_theme_status_right_attr" \
# -v mainsep="$tmux_conf_theme_right_separator_main" \
# -v subsep="$tmux_conf_theme_right_separator_sub" '
# function subsplit(s, l, i, a, r)
# {
# l = split(s, a, ",")
# for (i = 1; i <= l; ++i)
# {
# o = split(a[i], _, "(") - 1
# c = split(a[i], _, ")") - 1
# open += o - c
# o_ = split(a[i], _, "{") - 1
# c_ = split(a[i], _, "}") - 1
# open_ += o_ - c_
# o__ = split(a[i], _, "[") - 1
# c__ = split(a[i], _, "]") - 1
# open__ += o__ - c__
# if (i == l)
# r = sprintf("%s%s", r, a[i])
# else if (open || open_ || open__)
# r = sprintf("%s%s,", r, a[i])
# else
# r = sprintf("%s%s#[fg=%s,bg=%s,%s]%s", r, a[i], fg[j], bg[j], attr[j], subsep)
# }
# gsub(/#\[inherit\]/, sprintf("#[default]#[fg=%s,bg=%s,%s]", fg[j], bg[j], attr[j]), r)
# return r
# }
# FS = "|"
# l1 = split(fg_, fg, ",")
# l2 = split(bg_, bg, ",")
# l3 = split(attr_, attr, ",")
# l = l1 < l2 ? (l1 < l3 ? l1 : l3) : (l2 < l3 ? l2 : l3)
# }
# {
# for (i = j = 1; i <= NF; ++i)
# {
# if (open_ || open || open__)
# printf "|%s", subsplit($i)
# else
# printf "#[fg=%s,bg=%s,none]%s#[fg=%s,bg=%s,%s]%s", bg[j], (i == 1) ? "default" : bg[j_], mainsep, fg[j], bg[j], attr[j], subsplit($i)
# if (!open && !open_ && !open__)
# {
# j_ = j
# j = j % l + 1
# }
# }
# }' << EOF
# $tmux_conf_theme_status_right
# )
# fi
# # -- variables
# tmux set -g '@root' "$tmux_conf_theme_root"
# tmux_conf_battery_bar_symbol_full=${tmux_conf_battery_bar_symbol_full:-'◼'}
# tmux_conf_battery_bar_symbol_empty=${tmux_conf_battery_bar_symbol_empty:-'◻'}
# tmux_conf_battery_bar_length=${tmux_conf_battery_bar_length:-'auto'}
# tmux_conf_battery_bar_palette=${tmux_conf_battery_bar_palette:-'gradient'}
# tmux_conf_battery_hbar_palette=${tmux_conf_battery_hbar_palette:-'gradient'} # red, orange, green
# tmux_conf_battery_vbar_palette=${tmux_conf_battery_vbar_palette:-'gradient'} # red, orange, green
# tmux_conf_battery_status_charging=${tmux_conf_battery_status_charging:-'↑'} # U+2191
# tmux_conf_battery_status_discharging=${tmux_conf_battery_status_discharging:-'↓'} # U+2193
# case "$status_left $status_right" in
# *'#{battery_status}'*|*'#{battery_bar}'*|*'#{battery_hbar}'*|*'#{battery_vbar}'*|*'#{battery_percentage}'*)
# status_left=$(echo "$status_left" | sed -E \
# -e 's/#\{(\?)?battery_bar/#\{\1@battery_bar/g' \
# -e 's/#\{(\?)?battery_hbar/#\{\1@battery_hbar/g' \
# -e 's/#\{(\?)?battery_vbar/#\{\1@battery_vbar/g' \
# -e 's/#\{(\?)?battery_status/#\{\1@battery_status/g' \
# -e 's/#\{(\?)?battery_percentage/#\{\1@battery_percentage/g')
# status_right=$(echo "$status_right" | sed -E \
# -e 's/#\{(\?)?battery_bar/#\{\1@battery_bar/g' \
# -e 's/#\{(\?)?battery_hbar/#\{\1@battery_hbar/g' \
# -e 's/#\{(\?)?battery_vbar/#\{\1@battery_vbar/g' \
# -e 's/#\{(\?)?battery_status/#\{\1@battery_status/g' \
# -e 's/#\{(\?)?battery_percentage/#\{\1@battery_percentage/g')
# tmux set -g '@battery_bar_symbol_full' "$tmux_conf_battery_bar_symbol_full" \;\
# set -g '@battery_bar_symbol_empty' "$tmux_conf_battery_bar_symbol_empty" \;\
# set -g '@battery_bar_length' "$tmux_conf_battery_bar_length" \;\
# set -g '@battery_bar_palette' "$tmux_conf_battery_bar_palette" \;\
# set -g '@battery_hbar_palette' "$tmux_conf_battery_hbar_palette" \;\
# set -g '@battery_vbar_palette' "$tmux_conf_battery_vbar_palette" \;\
# set -g '@battery_status_charging' "$tmux_conf_battery_status_charging" \;\
# set -g '@battery_status_discharging' "$tmux_conf_battery_status_discharging"
# status_right="#(cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _battery)$status_right"
# ;;
# esac
# case "$status_left $status_right" in
# *'#{username}'*|*'#{hostname}'*|*'#{username_ssh}'*|*'#{hostname_ssh}'*)
# status_left=$(echo "$status_left" | sed \
# -e 's%#{username}%#(cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _username #{pane_tty} false #D)%g' \
# -e 's%#{hostname}%#(cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _hostname #{pane_tty} false #D)%g' \
# -e 's%#{username_ssh}%#(cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _username #{pane_tty} true #D)%g' \
# -e 's%#{hostname_ssh}%#(cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _hostname #{pane_tty} true #D)%g')
# status_right=$(echo "$status_right" | sed \
# -e 's%#{username}%#(cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _username #{pane_tty} false #D)%g' \
# -e 's%#{hostname}%#(cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _hostname #{pane_tty} false #D)%g' \
# -e 's%#{username_ssh}%#(cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _username #{pane_tty} true #D)%g' \
# -e 's%#{hostname_ssh}%#(cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _hostname #{pane_tty} true #D)%g')
# ;;
# esac
# case "$status_left $status_right" in
# *'#{uptime_d}'*|*'#{uptime_h}'*|*'#{uptime_m}'*)
# status_left=$(echo "$status_left" | sed -E \
# -e 's/#\{(\?)?uptime_d/#\{\1@uptime_d/g' \
# -e 's/#\{(\?)?uptime_h/#\{\1@uptime_h/g' \
# -e 's/#\{(\?)?uptime_m/#\{\1@uptime_m/g' \
# -e 's/#\{(\?)?uptime_s/#\{\1@uptime_s/g')
# status_right=$(echo "$status_right" | sed -E \
# -e 's/#\{(\?)?uptime_d/#\{\1@uptime_d/g' \
# -e 's/#\{(\?)?uptime_h/#\{\1@uptime_h/g' \
# -e 's/#\{(\?)?uptime_m/#\{\1@uptime_m/g' \
# -e 's/#\{(\?)?uptime_s/#\{\1@uptime_s/g')
# status_right="#(cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _uptime)$status_right"
# ;;
# esac
# case "$status_left $status_right" in
# *'#{loadavg}'*)
# status_left=$(echo "$status_left" | sed -E \
# -e 's/#\{(\?)?loadavg/#\{\1@loadavg/g')
# status_right=$(echo "$status_right" | sed -E \
# -e 's/#\{(\?)?loadavg/#\{\1@loadavg/g')
# status_right="#(cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _loadavg)$status_right"
# ;;
# esac
# status_left=$(echo "$status_left" | sed 's%#{circled_session_name}%#(cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _circled_digit #S)%g')
# status_right=$(echo "$status_right" | sed 's%#{circled_session_name}%#(cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _circled_digit #S)%g')
# tmux set -g status-left-length 1000 \; set -g status-left "$status_left" \;\
# set -g status-right-length 1000 \; set -g status-right "$status_right"
# # -- clock -------------------------------------------------------------
# tmux_conf_theme_clock_colour=${tmux_conf_theme_clock_colour:-'#00afff'} # light blue
# tmux_conf_theme_clock_style=${tmux_conf_theme_clock_style:-'24'}
# tmux setw -g clock-mode-colour "$tmux_conf_theme_clock_colour" \;\
# setw -g clock-mode-style "$tmux_conf_theme_clock_style"
# }
# _apply_configuration() {
# # see https://github.com/ChrisJohnsen/tmux-MacOSX-pasteboard
# if command -v reattach-to-user-namespace > /dev/null 2>&1; then
# default_shell="$(tmux show -gv default-shell)"
# case "$default_shell" in
# *fish)
# tmux set -g default-command "reattach-to-user-namespace -l $default_shell"
# ;;
# *sh)
# tmux set -g default-command "exec $default_shell... 2> /dev/null & reattach-to-user-namespace -l $default_shell"
# ;;
# esac
# fi
# _apply_overrides
# _apply_bindings
# _apply_theme
# for name in $(printenv | grep -Eo '^tmux_conf_[^=]+'); do tmux setenv -gu "$name"; done;
# }
# _urlview() {
# tmux capture-pane -J -S - -E - -b "urlview-$1" -t "$1"
# tmux split-window "tmux show-buffer -b urlview-$1 | urlview || true; tmux delete-buffer -b urlview-$1"
# }
# _fpp() {
# tmux capture-pane -J -S - -E - -b "fpp-$1" -t "$1"
# tmux split-window "tmux show-buffer -b fpp-$1 | fpp || true; tmux delete-buffer -b fpp-$1"
# }
# "$@"