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added Facebook PathPicker integration

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Gregory Pakosz 2015-07-24 22:25:55 +02:00
parent 3007fa8f6c
commit db80cb7fc4
1 changed files with 9 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -100,6 +100,11 @@ bind m run "cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s toggle_mouse"
bind u run "cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s urlview #{pane_id}"
# -- facebook pathpicker -------------------------------------------------------
bind f run "cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s fpp #{pane_id}"
# -- list choice ---------------------------------------------------------------
bind -t vi-choice h tree-collapse
@ -427,4 +432,8 @@ run 'for name in $(printenv | grep -Eo ^tmux_conf_[^=]+); do tmux setenv -gu $na
# tmux split-window "(tmux show-buffer -b urlview-$1 | urlview || true); tmux delete-buffer -b urlview-$1"
# }
# fpp() {
# tmux capture-pane -J -S - -E - -b fpp-$1 -t $1
# tmux split-window "(tmux show-buffer -b fpp-$1 | fpp || true); tmux delete-buffer -b fpp-$1"
# }
# $@