updated _maximize_pane() that stopped working with tmux 3.2, fixes #381
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 8 additions and 6 deletions
@ -243,15 +243,18 @@ run -b '[ -z "#{window_active}" ] && [ -z "#{version}" ] && tmux set display-tim
# current_pane=${2:-$(tmux display -p '#{pane_id}')}
# dead_panes=$(tmux list-panes -s -t "$current_session" -F '#{pane_dead} #{pane_id} #{pane_start_command}' | grep -E -o '^1 %.+maximized.+$' || true)
# restore=$(echo "$dead_panes" | sed -n -E -e "s/^1 $current_pane .+maximized.+'(%[0-9]+)'$/tmux swap-pane -s \1 -t $current_pane \; kill-pane -t $current_pane/p" -e "s/^1 (%[0-9]+) .+maximized.+'$current_pane'$/tmux swap-pane -s \1 -t $current_pane \; kill-pane -t \1/p" )
# restore=$(echo "$dead_panes" | sed -n -E -e "s/^1 $current_pane .+maximized.+'(%[0-9]+)'\"?$/tmux swap-pane -s \1 -t $current_pane \; kill-pane -t $current_pane/p"\
# -e "s/^1 (%[0-9]+) .+maximized.+'$current_pane'\"?$/tmux swap-pane -s \1 -t $current_pane \; kill-pane -t \1/p")
# if [ -z "$restore" ]; then
# [ "$(tmux list-panes -t "$current_session:" | wc -l | sed 's/^ *//g')" -eq 1 ] && tmux display "Can't maximize with only one pane" && return
# window=$(tmux new-window -t "$current_session:" -P "exec maximized... 2> /dev/null & tmux setw -t \"$current_session:\" remain-on-exit on; printf \"Pane has been maximized, press <prefix>+ to restore. %s\" '$current_pane'")
# window=${window%.*}
# current_pane_height=$(tmux display -t "$current_pane" -p "#{pane_height}")
# info=$(tmux new-window -t "$current_session:" -F "#{session_name}:#{window_index}.#{pane_id}" -P "maximized... 2>/dev/null & tmux setw -t \"$current_session:\" remain-on-exit on; printf \"\\033[\$(tput lines);0fPane has been maximized, press <prefix>+ to restore\n\" '$current_pane'")
# session_window=${info%.*}
# new_pane=${info#*.}
# retry=1000
# while [ x"$(tmux list-panes -t "$window" -F '#{session_name}:#{window_index} #{pane_dead}' 2>/dev/null)" != x"$window 1" ] && [ "$retry" -ne 0 ]; do
# while [ x"$(tmux list-panes -t "$session_window" -F '#{session_name}:#{window_index}.#{pane_id} #{pane_dead}' 2>/dev/null)" != x"$info 1" ] && [ "$retry" -ne 0 ]; do
# sleep 0.1
# retry=$((retry - 1))
# done
@ -259,8 +262,7 @@ run -b '[ -z "#{window_active}" ] && [ -z "#{version}" ] && tmux set display-tim
# tmux display 'Unable to maximize pane'
# fi
# new_pane=$(tmux display -t "$window" -p '#{pane_id}')
# tmux setw -t "$window" remain-on-exit off \; swap-pane -s "$current_pane" -t "$new_pane"
# tmux setw -t "$session_window" remain-on-exit off \; swap-pane -s "$current_pane" -t "$new_pane"
# else
# $restore || tmux kill-pane
# fi
Reference in a new issue