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fixed #{username} broken under Cygwin

This commit is contained in:
Gregory Pakosz 2017-06-04 04:03:54 -07:00
parent 32c14a61c6
commit 15f03e7ce6
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ run 'cut -c3- ~/.tmux.conf | sh -s _apply_configuration'
# ssh_only=$2
# # shellcheck disable=SC2039
# if [ x"$OSTYPE" = x"cygwin" ]; then
# pid=$(ps -a | awk -v tty="${tty##/dev/}" '$5 == tty && /ssh/ && && !/vagrant ssh/ && !/autossh/ && !/-W/ { print $1 }')
# pid=$(ps -a | awk -v tty="${tty##/dev/}" '$5 == tty && /ssh/ && !/vagrant ssh/ && !/autossh/ && !/-W/ { print $1 }')
# [ -n "$pid" ] && ssh_parameters=$(tr '\0' ' ' < "/proc/$pid/cmdline" | sed 's/^ssh //')
# else
# ssh_parameters=$(ps -t "$tty" -o command= | awk '/ssh/ && !/vagrant ssh/ && !/autossh/ && !/-W/ { $1=""; print $0; exit }')