Update chezmoi config and using toml

This commit is contained in:
Eric Renfro 2023-12-26 20:35:35 -05:00
parent d60bca0137
commit d113086f8e
Signed by: psi-jack
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:1TKB8Z257L8EHK8GWNxKgMhD8a+FAR+f+j3nnlcuNVM
2 changed files with 35 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -1,23 +1,45 @@
{{- $gitname := promptStringOnce . "gitname" "Git Name" -}} {{ $personal := promptBoolOnce . "personal" "Is this a personal computer" -}}
{{- $gitmail := promptStringOnce . "gitmail" "Git Mail Address" -}} {{ $choicestype := list "desktop" "server" -}}
{{- $osid := chezmoi.os -}} {{ $hosttype := promptChoiceOnce . "hosttype" "What type of host are you on" $choicestype -}}
{{- if .chezmoi.osRelease -}}
{{- if hasKey .chezmoi.osRelease "id" -}}
{{- $osid = printf "%s-%s" .chezmoi.os .chezmoi.osRelease.id -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
pager = "less -R" {{ $email := "psi-jack@linux-help.org" -}}
encryption = "age" {{ $work := false -}}
{{ if ne $personal true -}}
{{ $email := promptStringOnce . "email" "What is your email" -}}
{{ $work := promptBoolOnce . "work" "Is this for work" -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ $osid := .chezmoi.os -}}
{{ if .chezmoi.osRelease -}}
{{ if hasKey .chezmoi.osRelease "id" -}}
{{ $osid = printf "%s-%s" .chezmoi.os .chezmoi.osRelease.id -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ end -}}
[data] [data]
gitname = {{ $gitname | quote }} name = "Eric Renfro"
gitmail = {{ $gitmail | quote }} email = {{ $email | quote }}
osid = {{ $osid | quote }} osid = {{ $osid | quote }}
personal = {{ $personal }}
work = {{ $work }}
hosttype = {{ $hosttype | quote }}
terminal = "alacritty"
editor = "micro"
visual = "less"
pager = "less -R"
browser = "firefox"
name = "Hack Nerd Font"
size = 12.0
[age] [age]
identity = ~"~/.config/sops/keys.txt" identity = "~/.config/sops/keys.txt"
recipient = "age1fc7myuewzdr7rvqr9fl3x3jwky3j4gp92hxguf3dlgnesm9s9e8q45xmp2" recipient = "age1fc7myuewzdr7rvqr9fl3x3jwky3j4gp92hxguf3dlgnesm9s9e8q45xmp2"
[git] [git]

.chezmoidata.toml Normal file
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