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mirror of synced 2024-06-01 15:01:10 -04:00
Matt Richards 9e89d7f524 blacken
2021-02-15 21:11:16 +10:00

269 lines
12 KiB

import os
import glob
import shutil
import dotbot
import dotbot.util
import subprocess
class Link(dotbot.Plugin):
Symbolically links dotfiles.
_directive = "link"
def can_handle(self, directive):
return directive == self._directive
def handle(self, directive, data):
if directive != self._directive:
raise ValueError("Link cannot handle directive %s" % directive)
return self._process_links(data)
def _process_links(self, links):
# print("symlinking\n\t", links)
success = True
defaults = self._context.defaults().get("link", {})
for destination, source in links.items():
destination = os.path.expandvars(destination)
relative = defaults.get("relative", False)
canonical_path = defaults.get("canonicalize-path", True)
force = defaults.get("force", False)
relink = defaults.get("relink", False)
create = defaults.get("create", False)
use_glob = defaults.get("glob", False)
test = defaults.get("if", None)
ignore_missing = defaults.get("ignore-missing", False)
if isinstance(source, dict):
# extended config
test = source.get("if", test)
relative = source.get("relative", relative)
canonical_path = source.get("canonicalize-path", canonical_path)
force = source.get("force", force)
relink = source.get("relink", relink)
create = source.get("create", create)
use_glob = source.get("glob", use_glob)
ignore_missing = source.get("ignore-missing", ignore_missing)
path = self._default_source(destination, source.get("path"))
path = self._default_source(destination, source)
if test is not None and not self._test_success(test):
self._log.lowinfo("Skipping %s" % destination)
path = os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(path))
if use_glob:
self._log.debug("Globbing with path: " + str(path))
glob_results = glob.glob(path)
if len(glob_results) == 0:
self._log.warning("Globbing couldn't find anything matching " + str(path))
success = False
glob_star_loc = path.find("*")
if glob_star_loc == -1 and destination[-1] == "/":
self._log.error("Ambiguous action requested.")
"No wildcard in glob, directory use undefined: " + destination + " -> " + str(glob_results)
self._log.warning("Did you want to link the directory or into it?")
success = False
elif glob_star_loc == -1 and len(glob_results) == 1:
# perform a normal link operation
if create:
success &= self._create(destination)
if force or relink:
success &= self._delete(path, destination, relative, canonical_path, force)
success &= self._link(path, destination, relative, canonical_path, ignore_missing)
self._log.lowinfo("Globs from '" + path + "': " + str(glob_results))
glob_base = path[:glob_star_loc]
for glob_full_item in glob_results:
glob_item = glob_full_item[len(glob_base) :]
glob_link_destination = os.path.join(destination, glob_item)
if create:
success &= self._create(glob_link_destination)
if force or relink:
success &= self._delete(
glob_full_item, glob_link_destination, relative, canonical_path, force
success &= self._link(
glob_full_item, glob_link_destination, relative, canonical_path, ignore_missing
if create:
success &= self._create(destination)
if not ignore_missing and not self._exists(os.path.join(self._context.base_directory(), path)):
# we seemingly check this twice (here and in _link) because
# if the file doesn't exist and force is True, we don't
# want to remove the original (this is tested by
# link-force-leaves-when-nonexistent.bash)
success = False
self._log.warning("Nonexistent source %s -> %s" % (destination, path))
if force or relink:
success &= self._delete(path, destination, relative, canonical_path, force)
success &= self._link(path, destination, relative, canonical_path, ignore_missing)
if success:
self._log.info("All links have been set up")
self._log.error("Some links were not successfully set up")
return success
def _test_success(self, command):
ret = dotbot.util.shell_command(command, cwd=self._context.base_directory())
if ret != 0:
self._log.debug("Test '%s' returned false" % command)
return ret == 0
def _default_source(self, destination, source):
if source is None:
basename = os.path.basename(destination)
if basename.startswith("."):
return basename[1:]
return basename
return source
def _is_link(self, path):
Returns true if the path is a symbolic link.
return os.path.islink(os.path.expanduser(path))
def _link_destination(self, path):
Returns the destination of the symbolic link. Truncates the \\?\ start to a path if it
is present. This is an identifier which allows >255 character file name links to work.
Since this function is for the point of comparison, it is okay to truncate
# path = os.path.normpath(path)
path = os.path.expanduser(path)
read_link = os.readlink(path)
# Read link can return paths starting with \\?\ - this allows over the 255 file name
# limit
except OSError as e:
if "[WinError 4390] The file or directory is not a reparse point" in str(e) and os.path.isdir(path):
except Exception as e:
if read_link.startswith("\\\\?\\"):
read_link = read_link.replace("\\\\?\\", "")
return read_link
def _exists(self, path):
Returns true if the path exists. Returns false if contains dangling symbolic links.
path = os.path.expanduser(path)
return os.path.exists(path)
def _create(self, path):
success = True
parent = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(path), os.pardir))
if not self._exists(parent):
self._log.debug("Try to create parent: " + str(parent))
except OSError:
self._log.warning("Failed to create directory %s" % parent)
success = False
self._log.lowinfo("Creating directory %s" % parent)
return success
def _delete(self, source, path, relative, canonical_path, force):
success = True
source = os.path.join(self._context.base_directory(canonical_path=canonical_path), source)
fullpath = os.path.expanduser(path)
if relative:
source = self._relative_path(source, fullpath)
if (self._is_link(path) and self._link_destination(path) != source) or (
self._exists(path) and not self._is_link(path)
removed = False
if os.path.islink(fullpath):
removed = True
elif force:
if os.path.isdir(fullpath):
removed = True
removed = True
except OSError:
self._log.warning("Failed to remove %s" % path)
success = False
if removed:
self._log.lowinfo("Removing %s" % path)
return success
def _relative_path(self, source, destination):
Returns the relative path to get to the source file from the
destination file.
destination_dir = os.path.dirname(destination)
return os.path.relpath(source, destination_dir)
def _link(self, dotfile_source, target_path_to_link_at, relative, canonical_path, ignore_missing):
Links link_name to source.
:param target_path_to_link_at is the file path where we are putting a symlink back to
Returns true if successfully linked files.
success = False
destination = os.path.expanduser(target_path_to_link_at)
base_directory = self._context.base_directory(canonical_path=canonical_path)
absolute_source = os.path.join(base_directory, dotfile_source)
if relative:
dotfile_source = self._relative_path(absolute_source, destination)
dotfile_source = absolute_source
target_path_exists: bool = self._exists(target_path_to_link_at)
target_file_is_link: bool = self._is_link(target_path_to_link_at)
symlink_dest_at_target_path: str = self._link_destination(target_path_to_link_at)
if not target_path_exists and target_file_is_link and symlink_dest_at_target_path != dotfile_source:
self._log.warning("Invalid link %s -> %s" % (target_path_to_link_at, symlink_dest_at_target_path))
# we need to use absolute_source below because our cwd is the dotfiles
# directory, and if source is relative, it will be relative to the
# destination directory
elif not target_path_exists and (ignore_missing or self._exists(absolute_source)):
os.symlink(dotfile_source, destination)
except OSError:
self._log.warning("Linking failed %s -> %s" % (target_path_to_link_at, dotfile_source))
except Exception as e:
f"SYMLINK FAILED with arguments os.symlink({dotfile_source}, {destination})",
raise e
self._log.lowinfo("Creating link %s -> %s" % (target_path_to_link_at, dotfile_source))
success = True
elif target_path_exists and not target_file_is_link:
self._log.warning("%s already exists but is a regular file or directory" % target_path_to_link_at)
elif target_file_is_link and symlink_dest_at_target_path != dotfile_source:
self._log.warning("Incorrect link %s -> %s" % (target_path_to_link_at, symlink_dest_at_target_path))
# again, we use absolute_source to check for existence
elif not self._exists(absolute_source):
if target_file_is_link:
self._log.warning("Nonexistent source %s -> %s" % (target_path_to_link_at, dotfile_source))
self._log.warning("Nonexistent source for %s : %s" % (target_path_to_link_at, dotfile_source))
self._log.lowinfo("Link exists %s -> %s" % (target_path_to_link_at, dotfile_source))
success = True
return success