
176 lines
5.3 KiB
Executable file

#! /bin/sh
if [ -z "$1" -o "$1" == "man" ]; then
exec /usr/bin/pod2man -n CA-INIT -s 1 -d "12 February 2010" \
-r "ca-scripts version 0.9" -c "SSL Certificate Authority utilities" $0
elif [ "$1" == "html" ]; then
exec /usr/bin/pod2html --title "ca-init(1)" < $0
elif [ "$1" == "text" ]; then
exec /usr/bin/pod2text -o $0
echo "Unrecognised output format '$1', try man, html, or text."
exit 1
=head1 NAME
ca-init - initialise an X.509 SSL CA and generate CA certificate
B<ca-init> [B<-csx>] [B<-f> I<config>] [B<-d> I<days>] [B<-l> I<days>]
[B<-b> I<bits>] [B<-i> I<template>] [B<-o> I<output>]
B<ca-init> [B<-h>] | [B<--help>]
B<ca-init> reads the ca-scripts configuration file and generates an openssl(1)
configuration file and an X.509 certificate and key suitable for use as an
x509(1) certificate authority. It can also optionally generate an HTML file
with MD5 and SHA1 fingerprints suitable for publishing the CA certificate and
the CRL. The format of the ca-scripts configuration file is documented in
=head1 OPTIONS
=item B<-h>, B<--help>
Prints out a short synopsis of the options to B<ca-init>.
=item B<-c>, B<--encrypt>
Encrypt the private key generated for the certificate authority with 3DES.
=item B<-f> I<FILE>, B<--config> I<FILE>
Load the ca-scripts configuration from I<FILE> instead of
=item B<-d> I<DAYS>, B<--days> I<DAYS>
Sign the CA certificate to be valid for I<DAYS> days instead of the default
B<CA_DAYS> set in the configuration file.
=item B<-l> I<DAYS>, B<--crl-days> I<DAYS>
Generate a CRL that is valid for I<DAYS> days instead of the default
B<CA_CRL_DAYS> set in the configuration file.
=item B<-b> I<BITS>, B<--bits> I<BITS>
Generate a I<BITS>-bit CA certificate instead of the default B<CA_CRT_BITS> set
in the config file. Traditionally this is a power of two, e.g. 1024 or 2048.
=item B<-i> I<FILE>, B<--template> I<FILE>
Use the index.html template in I<FILE> rather than the standard one provided
with ca-scripts. See the B<TEMPLATING> section of ca-scripts.conf(5) for more
details of the templating system. Hint: it's sed(1) based...
=item B<-o> I<FILE>, B<--output> I<FILE>
Generate a HTML page in I<FILE> suitable for serving your CA certificate and
revocation lists via HTTP. The default template is basic but provides MD5 and
SHA1 fingerprints of both files for verification purposes.
=item B<-s>, B<--sign-only>
Generate the CA certificate and private key from a previously-created openssl
configuration. May only be used after having run B<ca-init> with the
B<--cnf-only> option, and mutually exclusive to that option.
=item B<-x>, B<--cnf-only>
Create initial CA directory structure and openssl configuration, but do not
generate CA certificate and private key. Using this option in conjunction with
B<--sign-only> allows the user to manually customise the openssl config
before generating the certificates. Mutually exclusive to B<--sign-only>.
B<ca-init> creates a number of subdirectories under the path specified in
the mandatory configuration variable B<CA_HOME>. This path must exist before
B<ca-init> will run correctly. All files and directories under this path
will be created with a restrictive umask of 0027, and in particular the CA
private key will be created with permissions of 0400.
It is recommended but not required that a non-privileged system "ssl" user and
group are created for running the ca-scripts suite of utilities, and that any
local services needing access to a certificate are added to the "ssl" group.
Access to generate certificates can be bestowed to individuals on a multi-user
system by adding them to the same group and allowing them to run ca-scripts
utilities via sudo(8).
The directories B<ca-init> creates are as follows:
=item I<cnf/>
Contains a cache of openssl configuration files created by the various
ca-scripts utilities from templates.
=item I<crl/>
Contains the certificate revocation list for the CA in both PEM and DER forms.
=item I<crt/>
Contains the signed certificates generated by ca-create-cert(1).
=item I<csr/>
Contains the unsigned certificate signing requests generated by
=item I<db/>
Contains internal openssl(1ssl) database files required for certificate
authority management.
=item I<idx/>
Contains signed certificates indexed by serial number to make certificate
revocation simpler.
=item I<key/>
Contains the private keys associated with the certificates in I<crt/>.
=item I<p12/>
Contains any PKCS#12 certificate archives created by ca-create-cert(1).
=head1 BUGS
Probably. Of particular note is that the default openssl configuration file
requires the C (country) and O (organisation) fields of all generated
certificates to match those in the CA certificate, but ca-create-cert(1)
allows these fields to be changed.
New releases of the ca-scripts utilities can be found at
L<the developer's website|>.
A L<git repository|git://>
for development versions also exists.
=head1 AUTHORS
Copyright 2009, 2010 Alex Bramley
=head1 SEE ALSO
ca-create-cert(1), ca-scripts.conf(5), openssl(1ssl), ca(1ssl), req(1ssl),
x509(1ssl), config(5ssl), and x509v3_config(5ssl).