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# Garuda Linux common settings
2020-10-03 10:57:13 -04:00
2023-11-19 09:05:19 -05:00
[![pipeline status](](
[![Commitizen friendly](](
2023-11-19 09:05:19 -05:00
[![Latest Release](](
## Found any issue?
- If any packaging issues occur, don't hesitate to report them via our issues section of our PKGBUILD repo. You can click [here]( to create a new one.
- If issues concerning the configurations and settings occur, please open a new issue on this repository. Click [here]( to start the process.
## How to contribute?
We highly appreciate contributions of any sort! 😊 To do so, please follow these steps:
- [Create a fork of this repository](
- Clone your fork locally ([short git tutorial](
- Add the desired changes to PKGBUILDs or source code.
- Commit using a [conventional commit message]( and push any changes back to your fork. This is crucial as it allows our CI to generate changelogs easily.
- The [commitizen]( application helps with creating a fitting commit message.
- You can install it via [pip]( as there is currently no package in Arch repos: `pip install --user -U Commitizen`.
- Then proceed by running `cz commit` in the cloned folder.
- [Create a new merge request at our main repository](
- Check if any of the pipeline runs fail and apply eventual suggestions.
We will then review the changes and eventually merge them.
## Where is the PKGBUILD?
The PKGBUILD can be found in our [PKGBUILDs]( repository. Accordingly, packaging changes need to be happening over there.
## How to deploy a new version?
To deploy a new version, pushing a new tag is sufficient. The deployment will happen automatically via the [PKGBUILDs repo's pipelines](, which check half-hourly for the existance of a more recent tag.