Chef Cookbook: Plex YUM Repository
Updated 2018-11-27 18:39:07 -05:00
SELinux Policies for mlogc
Updated 2018-11-27 18:28:29 -05:00
Borgmatic Base Template for new backup setups
Updated 2023-09-23 16:27:39 -04:00
Postfix Salt Formula
Updated 2018-11-27 21:02:52 -05:00
SaltStack Formula for Prometheus monitoring
Updated 2019-05-08 11:08:51 -04:00
Consul Salt Formula
Updated 2019-05-06 15:59:27 -04:00
Consul Ansible Collection for DebOps
Updated 2022-03-01 15:01:02 -05:00
Dynamic IP Updator Script system
Updated 2023-11-01 02:39:22 -04:00
Zabbix Trapper System & Scripts
Updated 2018-11-27 18:54:36 -05:00
Prometheus Second Generation SaltStack Formula
Updated 2019-05-26 14:22:05 -04:00
HAProxy Salt Formula
Updated 2018-11-27 21:03:36 -05:00
Fabio Salt Formua
Updated 2018-11-27 21:04:46 -05:00
Simple tool to manage users
Updated 2022-12-02 11:34:21 -05:00
Simple web UI to manage OpenVPN users.
Updated 2023-12-12 01:58:55 -05:00
Generate an OpenVPN Connect private tunnel profile in the unified format
Updated 2019-11-25 10:36:27 -05:00