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{%- from "prometheus/map.jinja" import server with context %}
# Set the command-line arguments to pass to the server.
ARGS="-config.file {{server.dir.config}}/prometheus.yml -storage.local.path {{}} -web.console.libraries {{server.dir.version_path}}/console_libraries -web.console.templates {{ server.dir.version_path }}/consoles -alertmanager.url {%- if server.alertmanager is defined %}{{server.alertmanager.get('host', 'localhost')}}:{{server.alertmanager.get('port', 9093)}}{%- endif %}"
# Prometheus supports the following options:
# -config.file "/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml"
# Prometheus configuration file name.
# -alertmanager.notification-queue-capacity 10000
# The capacity of the queue for pending alert manager notifications.
# -alertmanager.timeout 10s
# Alert manager HTTP API timeout.
# -alertmanager.url
# The URL of the alert manager to send notifications to.
# == LOG ==
# -log.format
# If set use a syslog logger or JSON logging. Example:
# logger:syslog?appname=bob&local=7 or logger:stdout?json=true. Defaults to
# stderr.
# -log.level "info"
# Only log messages with the given severity or above. Valid levels:
# [debug, info, warn, error, fatal].
# == QUERY ==
# -query.max-concurrency 20
# Maximum number of queries executed concurrently.
# -query.staleness-delta 5m0s
# Staleness delta allowance during expression evaluations.
# -query.timeout 2m0s
# Maximum time a query may take before being aborted.
# == STORAGE ==
# -storage.local.checkpoint-dirty-series-limit 5000
# If approx. that many time series are in a state that would require
# a recovery operation after a crash, a checkpoint is triggered, even if
# the checkpoint interval hasn't passed yet. A recovery operation requires
# a disk seek. The default limit intends to keep the recovery time below
# 1min even on spinning disks. With SSD, recovery is much faster, so you
# might want to increase this value in that case to avoid overly frequent
# checkpoints.
# -storage.local.checkpoint-interval 5m0s
# The period at which the in-memory metrics and the chunks not yet
# persisted to series files are checkpointed.
# -storage.local.chunk-encoding-version 1
# Which chunk encoding version to use for newly created chunks.
# Currently supported is 0 (delta encoding) and 1 (double-delta encoding).
# -storage.local.dirty false
# If set, the local storage layer will perform crash recovery even if
# the last shutdown appears to be clean.
# -storage.local.index-cache-size.fingerprint-to-metric 10485760
# The size in bytes for the fingerprint to metric index cache.
# -storage.local.index-cache-size.fingerprint-to-timerange 5242880
# The size in bytes for the metric time range index cache.
# -storage.local.index-cache-size.label-name-to-label-values 10485760
# The size in bytes for the label name to label values index cache.
# -storage.local.index-cache-size.label-pair-to-fingerprints 20971520
# The size in bytes for the label pair to fingerprints index cache.
# -storage.local.max-chunks-to-persist 524288
# How many chunks can be waiting for persistence before sample
# ingestion will be throttled. Many chunks waiting to be persisted will
# increase the checkpoint size.
# -storage.local.memory-chunks 1048576
# How many chunks to keep in memory. While the size of a chunk is
# 1kiB, the total memory usage will be significantly higher than this value
# * 1kiB. Furthermore, for various reasons, more chunks might have to be
# kept in memory temporarily. Sample ingestion will be throttled if the
# configured value is exceeded by more than 10%.
# -storage.local.path "/var/lib/prometheus/metrics"
# Base path for metrics storage.
# -storage.local.pedantic-checks false
# If set, a crash recovery will perform checks on each series file.
# This might take a very long time.
# -storage.local.retention 360h0m0s
# How long to retain samples in the local storage.
# -storage.local.series-file-shrink-ratio 0.1
# A series file is only truncated (to delete samples that have
# exceeded the retention period) if it shrinks by at least the provided
# ratio. This saves I/O operations while causing only a limited storage
# space overhead. If 0 or smaller, truncation will be performed even for a
# single dropped chunk, while 1 or larger will effectively prevent any
# truncation.
# -storage.local.series-sync-strategy "adaptive"
# When to sync series files after modification. Possible values:
# 'never', 'always', 'adaptive'. Sync'ing slows down storage performance
# but reduces the risk of data loss in case of an OS crash. With the
# 'adaptive' strategy, series files are sync'd for as long as the storage
# is not too much behind on chunk persistence.
# -storage.remote.graphite-address
# The host:port of the remote Graphite server to send samples to.
# None, if empty.
# -storage.remote.graphite-prefix
# The prefix to prepend to all metrics exported to Graphite. None, if
# empty.
# -storage.remote.graphite-transport "tcp"
# Transport protocol to use to communicate with Graphite. 'tcp', if
# empty.
# -storage.remote.influxdb-url
# The URL of the remote InfluxDB server to send samples to. None, if
# empty.
# -storage.remote.influxdb.database "prometheus"
# The name of the database to use for storing samples in InfluxDB.
# -storage.remote.influxdb.retention-policy "default"
# The InfluxDB retention policy to use.
# -storage.remote.influxdb.username
# The username to use when sending samples to InfluxDB. The
# corresponding password must be provided via the INFLUXDB_PW environment
# variable.
# -storage.remote.opentsdb-url
# The URL of the remote OpenTSDB server to send samples to. None, if
# empty.
# -storage.remote.timeout 30s
# The timeout to use when sending samples to the remote storage.
# == WEB ==
# -web.console.libraries "/etc/prometheus/console_libraries"
# Path to the console library directory.
# -web.console.templates "/etc/prometheus/consoles"
# Path to the console template directory, available at /consoles.
# -web.enable-remote-shutdown false
# Enable remote service shutdown.
# -web.external-url
# The URL under which Prometheus is externally reachable (for
# example, if Prometheus is served via a reverse proxy). Used for
# generating relative and absolute links back to Prometheus itself. If the
# URL has a path portion, it will be used to prefix all HTTP endpoints
# served by Prometheus. If omitted, relevant URL components will be derived
# automatically.
# -web.listen-address ":9090"
# Address to listen on for the web interface, API, and telemetry.
# -web.local-assets "/usr/share/prometheus/web/"
# Path to static assets/templates directory.
# -web.telemetry-path "/metrics"
# Path under which to expose metrics.
# -web.user-assets
# Path to static asset directory, available at /user.