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# vim:sts=2 ts=2 sw=2 et ai
{% from "apt-cacher/map.jinja" import apt_cacher with context %}
# This file is managed by Salt, do not edit by hand!!
# This is the config file for apt-cacher. On most Debian systems you can safely #
# leave the defaults alone. #
# #
# Commented defaults or examples are given. They can be changed here, or #
# overridden using a fragment placed in ./conf.d/ #
### GENERAL ###
# The location of the local cache/working directory. This can become quite
# large, so make sure it is somewhere with plenty of space.
#cache_dir = /var/cache/apt-cacher
# The directory to use for apt-cacher access and error logs.
# The access log records every request in the format:
# date-time|PID|client IP address|HIT/HEAD/MISS/EXPIRED/NOTMOD|object size|object name
# The error log is slightly more free-form, and is also used for debug messages
# if debug mode is turned on.
#log_dir = /var/log/apt-cacher
# The email address of the administrator is displayed in the info page and
# traffic reports.
admin_email = {{ apt_cacher.get('admin_email', 'root@localhost') }}
# Daemon port setting, only useful in stand-alone mode. You need to run the
# daemon as root to use privileged ports (<1024).
# For standalone daemon auto startup settings please edit the file
# /etc/default/apt-cacher.
#daemon_port = 3142
# Optional settings, user and group to run the daemon as. Make sure they have
# sufficient permissions within the cache and log directories. Comment the
# settings to run apt-cacher as the invoking user.
group = {{ apt_cacher.get('group', 'www-data') }}
user = {{ apt_cacher.get('user', 'www-data') }}
# optional setting, binds the listening daemon to specified IP(s).
#daemon_addr = localhost
# Apt-cacher can be used in offline mode which just uses files already cached,
# but doesn't make any new outgoing connections by setting this to 1.
#offline_mode = 1
# To enable data checksumming, install libberkeleydb-perl and set this option to
# 1. Then wait until the Packages/Sources files have been refreshed once (and so
# the database has been built up). You can also delete them from the cache to
# trigger the database update.
#checksum = 1
# Importing checksums from new index files into the checksum database can cause
# high CPU usage on slower systems. This option sets a limit to the number of
# index files that are imported simultaneously, thereby limiting CPU load
# average, but, possibly, taking longer. Set to 0 for no limit.
#concurrent_import_limit = 1
# CGI mode is deprecated.
# Send a 410 (Gone) HTTP message with the specified text when accessed via
# CGI. Useful to tell users to adapt their sources.list files when the
# apt-cacher server is being relocated (via apt-get's error messages while
# running "update")
#cgi_advise_to_use = Please use http://cacheserver:3142/ as apt-cacher access URL
#cgi_advise_to_use = Server relocated. To change sources.list, run
# perl -pe "s,/apt-cacher??,:3142," -i /etc/apt/sources.list
# To further facilitate migration from CGI to daemon mode this setting will
# automatically redirect incoming CGI requests to the specified daemon URL.
#cgi_redirect = http://localhost:3142/
# Apt-cacher can pass all its requests to an external HTTP proxy like Squid,
# which could be very useful if you are using an ISP that blocks port 80 and
# requires all web traffic to go through its proxy. The format is
# 'hostname:port', eg: ''.
#http_proxy =
# External http proxy sometimes need authentication to get full access. The
# format is 'username:password'.
#http_proxy_auth = proxyuser:proxypass
# Use of the configured external proxy can be turned on or off with this flag.
# Value should be either 0 (off) or 1 (on).
#use_proxy = 0
# Use of external proxy authentication can be turned on or off with this flag.
# Value should be either 0 (off) or 1 (on).
#use_proxy_auth = 0
# This sets the interface to use for the upstream connection.
# Specify an interface name, an IP address or a host name.
# If unset, the default route is used.
{%- if apt_cacher.get('interface', 'False') != 'False' %}
interface = {{ apt_cacher.get('interface', 'False') }}
{%- endif %}
#interface = eth0
# Rate limiting sets the maximum bandwidth in bytes per second to use for
# fetching packages. Use 0 value for no rate limiting.
#limit = 0
# Server mapping - this allows mapping virtual paths that appear in the access
# URL to real server names. The syntax is the part of the beginning of the URL
# to replace (the key), followed by a list of mirror URLs, all space
# separated. Multiple mappings are separated by semicolons or commas, as
# usual. Note that you need to specify all keys (or use the 'PATH_MAP'
# shorthand) in the allowed_locations option, if you make use of it. Also note
# that the paths should not overlap each other.
# The keys are also used to separate the caching of multiple distributions
# within a single apt-cacher instance if distinct_namespaces is also set.
#path_map = debian ;
# ubuntu ;
# security
# There are 2 default internal path_map settings for the Debian and Ubuntu
# changelog servers which will be merged with this option.
# debian-changelogs
# ubuntu-changelogs
# These can be overridden by specifying an alternative mirror for that key, or
# deleted by just specifying the key with no mirror.
#path_map = debian-changelogs
# From version 1.7.0 there is support for caching multiple distibutions (eg
# Debian and Ubuntu) within the same apt-cacher instance. Enable this by setting
# distinct_namespaces to 1. Distribution package files are cached in separate
# directories whose names are derived from the relevant path_map key. So
# generally there will be a path_map key => server(s) setting for each
# distribution that is cached. Having enabled distinct_namespaces, existing
# packages can be imported into the correct directory by running (as root)
# /usr/share/apt-cacher/ -u {cache_dir}/packages
#distinct_namespaces = 0
# If the apt-cacher machine is directly exposed to the Internet and you are
# worried about unauthorised machines fetching packages through it, you can
# specify a list of IP addresses which are allowed to use it and another list of
# IP addresses which are prohibited.
# Localhost (, ::1 and ::7f00:1) are always allowed. Other addresses
# must be matched by allowed_hosts and not by denied_hosts to be permitted to
# use the cache. Setting allowed_hosts to "*" means "allow all" (which was the
# default before version 1.7.0). The default is now ''.
# The format is a comma-separated list containing addresses, optionally with
# masks (like or, or ranges of addresses
# (two addresses separated by a hyphen with no masks, specifying a valid subnet,
# like '' or ' -') or a DNS resolvable
# hostname. The corresponding IPv6 options allowed_hosts_6 and denied_hosts_6
# are deprecated (but will still be honoured, if set). IPv6 addresses can now be
# added directly to allowed_hosts and denied_hosts along with IPv4 addresses.
allowed_hosts = {{ apt_cacher.get('allowed_hosts', '*') }}
denied_hosts = {{ apt_cacher.get('denied_hosts', '') }}
# Only allow HTTPS/SSL proxy CONNECT to hosts or IPs which match an item in this
# list.
#allowed_ssl_locations =
# Only allow HTTPS/SSL proxy CONNECT to ports which match an item in this list.
# Adding further items to this option can pose a significant security risk. DO
# NOT do it unless you understand the full implications.
#allowed_ssl_ports = 443
# Optional setting to limit access to upstream mirrors based on server names in
# the URLs. This is matched before any path_map settings are expanded. If
# 'PATH_MAP' in included in this option, it will be expanded to the keys of the
# path_map setting. Note these items are strings, not regexps.
#allowed_locations =,,
#allowed_locations =, PATH_MAP
#allowed_locations = PATH_MAP
# List of Ubuntu release names used to expand UBUNTU_RELEASE_NAMES in
# installer_files_regexp (see below). This is required to allow the Ubuntu
# installer to fetch upgrade information. As the naming scheme is unpredictable,
# new release names need to be added to this list.
#ubuntu_release_names = dapper, edgy, feisty, gutsy, hardy, intrepid, jaunty, karmic, lucid, maverick, natty, oneiric, precise
# Apt-cacher can generate usage reports every 24 hours if you set this directive
# to 1. You can view the reports in a web browser by pointing to your cache
# machine with 'report' on the end, like this:
# Generating reports is very fast even with many thousands of logfile lines, so
# you can safely turn this on without creating much additional system load.
#generate_reports = 1
# Apt-cacher can clean up its cache directory every 24 hours if you set this
# directive to 1. Cleaning the cache can take some time to run (generally in the
# order of a few minutes) and removes all package files that are not mentioned
# in any existing 'Packages' lists. This has the effect of deleting packages
# that have been superseded by an updated 'Packages' list.
#clean_cache = 1
# Debug mode makes apt-cacher write a lot of extra debug information to the
# error log (whose location is defined with the 'log_dir' directive). Leave
# this off unless you need it, or your error log will get very big. Acceptable
# values are 0 or an integer up to 7. See man apt-cacher (1) for further
# details.
#debug = 0
# You shouldn't need to change anything below here. If you do, ensure you
# understand the full implications of doing so.
# Permitted package files -- this is a perl regular expression which matches all
# package-type files (files that are uniquely identified by their filename).
#package_files_regexp = (?:^[-+.a-z0-9]+_(?:\d:)?[-+.~a-zA-Z0-9]+(?:_[-a-z0-9]+\.(?:u|d)?deb|\.dsc|\.tar(?:\.gz|\.bz2|\.xz)|\.diff\.gz)|\.rpm|index\.db-.+\.gz|\.jigdo|\.template)$
# Permitted APT pdiff files -- this is a perl regular expression which matches
# APT pdiff files which are ed(1) scripts used to patch index files rather than
# redownloading the whole file afresh.
#pdiff_files_regexp = ^2\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}\.\d{2}\.gz$
# Permitted Index files -- this is the perl regular expression which matches all
# index-type files (files that are uniquely identified by their full path and
# need to be checked for freshness).
#index_files_regexp = ^(?:Index(?:\.bz2)?|Packages(?:\.gz|\.bz2)?|Release(?:\.gpg)?|InRelease|Sources(?:\.gz|\.bz2)?|Contents-(?:[a-z]+-)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.gz|(?:srclist|pkglist)\.[a-z-]+\.bz2|release(?:\.gz|\.bz2)?|Translation-[a-z]{2,3}(?:_[A-Z]{2})?(?:\.gz|\.bz2|\.xz)?)$
# Permitted installer files -- this is the perl regular expression which matches
# all installer-type files (files that are uniquely identified by their full
# path but dont need to be checked for freshness). These are typically files
# used by Debian/Ubuntu Installer, Debian Live and apt. Within this option, the
# shorthand 'UBUNTU_RELEASE_NAMES' will be expanded to the list configured in
# ubuntu_release_names as regexp alternatives.
installer_files_regexp = ^(?:vmlinuz|linux|initrd\.gz|changelog|NEWS.Debian|[a-z]+\.tar\.gz(?:\.gpg)?|UBUNTU_RELEASE_NAMES\.tar\.gz(?:\.gpg)?|(?:Devel|EOL)?ReleaseAnnouncement(?:\.html)?|meta-release(?:-lts)?(?:-(?:development|proposed))?)$
# Perl regular expression which matches Index files from which to read checksums
# if checksum is enabled.
#checksum_files_regexp = ^(?:Packages(?:\.gz|\.bz2)?|Sources(?:\.gz|\.bz2)?|(?:In)?Release|Index(?:\.bz2)?)$
# Perl regular expression which matches URLs to be permitted for Debian bugs
# SOAP requests as made by apt-listbugs(1).
#soap_url_regexp = ^(?:http://)?bugs\.debian\.org(?::80)?/cgi-bin/soap.cgi$