# AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED FILE. EDIT ONLY THE SOURCE FILES AND THEN COMPILE. # DO NOT DIRECTLY EDIT THIS FILE! # MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Matt Hamilton and contributors # Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Eric Nielsen, Matt Hamilton and contributors # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. autoload -Uz is-at-least && if ! is-at-least 5.2; then print -u2 -R $'\E[31m'${0}$': Error starting zimfw. You\'re using Zsh version \E[1m'${ZSH_VERSION}$'\E[0;31m and versions < \E[1m5.2\E[0;31m are not supported. Update your Zsh.\E[0m' return 1 fi autoload -Uz zargs if (( ! ${+ZIM_HOME} )); then print -u2 -R $'\E[31m'${0}$': \E[1mZIM_HOME\E[0;31m not defined\E[0m' return 1 fi # Define zimfw location typeset -g __ZIMFW_FILE=${0} _zimfw_print() { if (( _zprintlevel > 0 )) print "${@}" } _zimfw_mv() { local -a cklines if cklines=(${(f)"$(command cksum ${1} ${2} 2>/dev/null)"}) && \ [[ ${${(z)cklines[1]}[1,2]} == ${${(z)cklines[2]}[1,2]} ]]; then _zimfw_print -R $'\E[32m)\E[0m \E[1m'${2}$':\E[0m Already up to date' else if [[ -e ${2} ]]; then command mv -f ${2}{,.old} || return 1 fi command mv -f ${1} ${2} && command chmod a+r ${2} && _zimfw_print -R $'\E[32m)\E[0m \E[1m'${2}$':\E[0m Updated.'${_zrestartmsg} fi } _zimfw_build_init() { local -r ztarget=${ZIM_HOME}/init.zsh # Force update of init.zsh if it's older than .zimrc if [[ ${ztarget} -ot ${_zconfig} ]]; then command mv -f ${ztarget}{,.old} || return 1 fi _zimfw_mv =( print -R '# FILE AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED FROM '${_zconfig} print '# EDIT THE SOURCE FILE AND THEN RUN zimfw build. DO NOT DIRECTLY EDIT THIS FILE!' print print -R 'if [[ -e ${ZIM_CONFIG_FILE:-${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zimrc} ]] zimfw() { source '${${(qqq)__ZIMFW_FILE}/${HOME}/\${HOME}}' "${@}" }' local zroot_dir zpre local -a zif_functions zif_cmds zroot_functions zroot_cmds local -a zfunctions=(${_zfunctions}) zcmds=(${_zcmds}) # Keep fpath constant regardless of "if" root dirs, to avoid confusing compinit. # Move all from zfunctions and zcmds with "if" root dirs prefixes. for zroot_dir in ${_zroot_dirs}; do if (( ${+_zifs[${zroot_dir}]} )); then zpre=${zroot_dir}$'\0' zif_functions+=(${(M)zfunctions:#${zpre}*}) zif_cmds+=(${(M)zcmds:#${zpre}*}) zfunctions=(${zfunctions:#${zpre}*}) zcmds=(${zcmds:#${zpre}*}) fi done zpre=$'*\0' if (( ${#_zfpaths} )) print -R 'fpath=('${${(qqq)${_zfpaths#${~zpre}}:a}/${HOME}/\${HOME}}' ${fpath})' if (( ${#zfunctions} )) print -R 'autoload -Uz -- '${zfunctions#${~zpre}} for zroot_dir in ${_zroot_dirs}; do zpre=${zroot_dir}$'\0' if (( ${+_zifs[${zroot_dir}]} )); then zroot_functions=(${${(M)zif_functions:#${zpre}*}#${zpre}}) zroot_cmds=(${${(M)zif_cmds:#${zpre}*}#${zpre}}) if (( ${#zroot_functions} || ${#zroot_cmds} )); then print -R 'if '${_zifs[${zroot_dir}]}'; then' if (( ${#zroot_functions} )) print -R ' autoload -Uz -- '${zroot_functions} if (( ${#zroot_cmds} )) print -R ${(F):- ${^zroot_cmds}} print fi fi else zroot_cmds=(${${(M)zcmds:#${zpre}*}#${zpre}}) if (( ${#zroot_cmds} )) print -R ${(F)zroot_cmds} fi done ) ${ztarget} } _zimfw_build_login_init() { local -r ztarget=${ZIM_HOME}/login_init.zsh # Force update of login_init.zsh if it's older than .zimrc if [[ ${ztarget} -ot ${_zconfig} ]]; then command mv -f ${ztarget}{,.old} || return 1 fi _zimfw_mv =( print '# Do nothing. This file is deprecated.' ) ${ztarget} } _zimfw_build() { _zimfw_build_init && _zimfw_build_login_init && _zimfw_print 'Done with build.' } _zimfw_source_zimrc() { zmodule() { local -r zusage=$'Usage: \E[1m'${0}$'\E[0m [\E[1m-n\E[0m|\E[1m--name\E[0m ] [\E[1m-r\E[0m|\E[1m--root\E[0m ] [options] Add \E[1mzmodule\E[0m calls to your \E[1m'${_zconfig}$'\E[0m file to define the modules to be initialized. The initialization will be done in the same order it\'s defined. Module absolute path or repository URL. The following URL formats are equivalent: \E[1mfoo\E[0m, \E[1mzimfw/foo\E[0m, \E[1mhttps://github.com/zimfw/foo.git\E[0m. If an absolute path is given, the module is considered externally installed and won\'t be installed or updated by zimfw. \E[1m-n\E[0m|\E[1m--name\E[0m Set a custom module name. Default: the last component in . Slashes can be used inside the name to organize the module into subdirectories. The module will be installed at \E[1m'${ZIM_HOME}$'/\E[0m. \E[1m-r\E[0m|\E[1m--root\E[0m Relative path to the module root. Per-module options: \E[1m-b\E[0m|\E[1m--branch\E[0m Use specified branch when installing and updating the module. Overrides the tag option. Default: the repository default branch. \E[1m-t\E[0m|\E[1m--tag\E[0m Use specified tag when installing and updating the module. Over- rides the branch option. \E[1m-u\E[0m|\E[1m--use\E[0m Install and update the module using the defined tool. Default is either defined by \E[1mzstyle \':zim:zmodule\' use \'\E[0m\E[1m\'\E[0m, or \E[1mgit\E[0m if none is provided. The tools available are: \E[1mgit\E[0m uses the git command. Local changes are preserved on updates. \E[1mdegit\E[0m uses curl or wget, and currently only works with GitHub URLs. Modules install faster and take less disk space. Local changes are lost on updates. Git submodules are not supported. \E[1mmkdir\E[0m creates an empty directory. The is only used to set the module name. Use the \E[1m-c\E[0m|\E[1m--cmd\E[0m or \E[1m--on-pull\E[0m options to execute the desired command to generate the module files. \E[1m--no-submodules\E[0m Don\'t install or update git submodules. \E[1m-z\E[0m|\E[1m--frozen\E[0m Don\'t install or update the module. The per-module options above are carried over multiple zmodule calls for the same module. Modules are uniquely identified by their name. Per-module-root options: \E[1m--if\E[0m Will only initialize module root if specified test returns a zero exit status. The test is evaluated at every new terminal startup. \E[1m--if-command\E[0m Will only initialize module root if specified external command is available. This is evaluated at every new terminal startup. Equivalent to \E[1m--if \'(( \${+commands[\E[0m\E[1m]} ))\'\E[0m. \E[1m--if-ostype\E[0m Will only initialize module root if \E[1mOSTYPE\E[0m is equal to the given expression. This is evaluated at every new terminal startup. Equivalent to \E[1m--if \'[[ \${OSTYPE} == \E[0m\E[1m ]]\'\E[0m. \E[1m--on-pull\E[0m Execute command after installing or updating the module. The com- mand is executed in the module root directory. \E[1m-d\E[0m|\E[1m--disabled\E[0m Don\'t initialize the module root or uninstall the module. The per-module-root options above are carried over multiple zmodule calls for the same mod- ule root. Per-call initialization options: \E[1m-f\E[0m|\E[1m--fpath\E[0m Will add specified path to fpath. The path is relative to the module root directory. Default: \E[1mfunctions\E[0m, if the subdirectory exists and is non-empty. \E[1m-a\E[0m|\E[1m--autoload\E[0m Will autoload specified function. Default: all valid names inside the \E[1mfunctions\E[0m subdirectory, if any. \E[1m-s\E[0m|\E[1m--source\E[0m Will source specified file. The path is relative to the module root directory. Default: \E[1minit.zsh\E[0m, if a non-empty \E[1mfunctions\E[0m sub- directory exists, else the largest of the files matching the glob \E[1m(init.zsh|\E[0m\E[1m.(zsh|plugin.zsh|zsh-theme|sh))\E[0m, if any. in the glob is resolved to the last component of the mod- ule name, or the last component of the path to the module root. \E[1m-c\E[0m|\E[1m--cmd\E[0m Will execute specified command. Occurrences of the \E[1m{}\E[0m placeholder in the command are substituted by the module root directory path. I.e., \E[1m-s \'foo.zsh\'\E[0m and \E[1m-c \'source {}/foo.zsh\'\E[0m are equivalent. Setting any per-call initialization option above will disable the default values from the other per-call initialization options, so only your provided values will be used. I.e. these values are either all automatic, or all manual in each zmodule call. To use default values and also provided values, use separate zmodule calls.' if (( ! # )); then print -u2 -lR $'\E[31mx '${funcfiletrace[1]}$': Missing zmodule url\E[0m' '' ${zusage} _zfailed=1 return 2 fi local zurl=${1} zname=${1:t} zroot zarg local -a zfpaths zfunctions zcmds if [[ ${zurl} =~ ^[^:/]+: ]]; then zname=${zname%.git} elif [[ ${zurl} != /* ]]; then # Count number of slashes case ${#zurl//[^\/]/} in 0) zurl=https://github.com/zimfw/${zurl}.git ;; 1) zurl=https://github.com/${zurl}.git ;; esac fi shift while [[ ${1} == (-n|--name|-r|--root) ]]; do if (( # < 2 )); then print -u2 -lR $'\E[31mx '${funcfiletrace[1]}$':\E[1m'${zname}$':\E[0;31m Missing argument for zmodule option \E[1m'${1}$'\E[0m' '' ${zusage} _zfailed=1 return 2 fi case ${1} in -n|--name) shift zname=${${1%%/##}##/##} ;; -r|--root) shift zroot=${${1%%/##}##/##} ;; esac shift done if [[ ${zurl} == /* ]]; then _zdirs[${zname}]=${zurl%%/##} zurl= else _zdirs[${zname}]=${ZIM_HOME}/modules/${zname} fi if [[ ${+_zurls[${zname}]} -ne 0 && ${_zurls[${zname}]} != ${zurl} ]]; then print -u2 -lR $'\E[31mx '${funcfiletrace[1]}$':\E[1m'${zname}$':\E[0;31m Module already defined with a different URL. Expected \E[1m'${_zurls[${zname}]}$'\E[0m' '' ${zusage} _zfailed=1 return 2 fi _zurls[${zname}]=${zurl} local -r zroot_dir=${_zdirs[${zname}]}${zroot:+/${zroot}} _zroot_dirs+=(${zroot_dir}) # Set default values if (( ! ${+_ztools[${zname}]} )); then zstyle -s ':zim:zmodule' use "_ztools[${zname}]" || _ztools[${zname}]=git fi if (( ! ${+_ztypes[${zname}]} )) _ztypes[${zname}]=branch if (( ! ${+_zsubmodules[${zname}]} )) _zsubmodules[${zname}]=1 # Set values from options while (( # > 0 )); do case ${1} in -b|--branch|-t|--tag|-u|--use|--on-pull|--if|--if-command|--if-ostype|-f|--fpath|-a|--autoload|-s|--source|-c|--cmd) if (( # < 2 )); then print -u2 -lR $'\E[31mx '${funcfiletrace[1]}$':\E[1m'${zname}$':\E[0;31m Missing argument for zmodule option \E[1m'${1}$'\E[0m' '' ${zusage} _zfailed=1 return 2 fi ;; esac case ${1} in -b|--branch|-t|--tag|-u|--use|--no-submodules) if [[ -z ${zurl} ]] _zimfw_print -u2 -R $'\E[33m! '${funcfiletrace[1]}$':\E[1m'${zname}$':\E[0;33m The zmodule option \E[1m'${1}$'\E[0;33m has no effect for external modules\E[0m' ;; esac case ${1} in -b|--branch) shift _ztypes[${zname}]=branch _zrevs[${zname}]=${1} ;; -t|--tag) shift _ztypes[${zname}]=tag _zrevs[${zname}]=${1} ;; -u|--use) shift _ztools[${zname}]=${1} ;; --no-submodules) _zsubmodules[${zname}]=0 ;; -z|--frozen) _zfrozens[${zname}]=1 ;; --on-pull) shift zarg=${1} if [[ -n ${zroot} ]] zarg="(builtin cd -q ${zroot}; ${zarg})" _zonpulls[${zname}]="${_zonpulls[${zname}]+${_zonpulls[${zname}]}; }${zarg}" ;; --if) shift _zifs[${zroot_dir}]=${1} ;; --if-command) shift _zifs[${zroot_dir}]="(( \${+commands[${1}]} ))" ;; --if-ostype) shift _zifs[${zroot_dir}]="[[ \${OSTYPE} == ${1} ]]" ;; -f|--fpath) shift zarg=${1} if [[ ${zarg} != /* ]] zarg=${zroot_dir}/${zarg} zfpaths+=(${zarg}) ;; -a|--autoload) shift zfunctions+=(${1}) ;; -s|--source) shift zarg=${1} if [[ ${zarg} != /* ]] zarg=${zroot_dir}/${zarg} zcmds+=('source '${(qqq)zarg:a}) ;; -c|--cmd) shift zcmds+=(${1//{}/${(qqq)zroot_dir:a}}) ;; -d|--disabled) _zdisabled_root_dirs+=(${zroot_dir}) ;; *) print -u2 -lR $'\E[31mx '${funcfiletrace[1]}$':\E[1m'${zname}$':\E[0;31m Unknown zmodule option \E[1m'${1}$'\E[0m' '' ${zusage} _zfailed=1 return 2 ;; esac shift done if (( _zflags & 1 )); then _znames+=(${zname}) fi if (( _zflags & 2 )); then if [[ ! -e ${zroot_dir} ]]; then print -u2 -R $'\E[31mx '${funcfiletrace[1]}$':\E[1m'${zname}': '${zroot_dir}$'\E[0;31m not found\E[0m' _zfailed=1 return 1 fi if (( ! ${#zfpaths} && ! ${#zfunctions} && ! ${#zcmds} )); then zfpaths=(${zroot_dir}/functions(NF)) # _* functions are autoloaded by compinit # prompt_*_setup functions are autoloaded by promptinit zfunctions=(${^zfpaths}/^(*~|*.zwc(|.old)|_*|prompt_*_setup)(N-.:t)) local -ra prezto_scripts=(${zroot_dir}/init.zsh(N)) if (( ${#zfpaths} && ${#prezto_scripts} )); then # this follows the prezto module format, no need to check for other scripts zcmds=('source '${(qqq)^prezto_scripts:a}) else # get script with largest size (descending `O`rder by `L`ength, and return only `[1]` first) local -ra zscripts=(${zroot_dir}/(init.zsh|(${zname:t}|${zroot_dir:t}).(zsh|plugin.zsh|zsh-theme|sh))(NOL[1])) zcmds=('source '${(qqq)^zscripts:a}) fi fi if (( ! ${#zfpaths} && ! ${#zfunctions} && ! ${#zcmds} )); then _zimfw_print -u2 -lR $'\E[33m! '${funcfiletrace[1]}$':\E[1m'${zname}$':\E[0;33m Nothing found to be initialized. Customize the module name, root or initialization with \E[1mzmodule\E[0;33m options.\E[0m' '' ${zusage} fi # Prefix is added to all _zfpaths, _zfunctions and _zcmds to distinguish the originating root dir local -r zpre=${zroot_dir}$'\0' _zfpaths+=(${zpre}${^zfpaths}) _zfunctions+=(${zpre}${^zfunctions}) zcmds=(${zcmds//${HOME}/\${HOME}}) _zcmds+=(${zpre}${^zcmds}) fi } { local -r _zflags=${1} local -i _zfailed=0 if ! source ${_zconfig} || (( _zfailed )); then print -u2 -R $'\E[31mFailed to source \E[1m'${_zconfig}$'\E[0m' return 1 fi if (( _zflags & 1 && ${#_znames} == 0 )); then print -u2 -R $'\E[31mNo modules defined in \E[1m'${_zconfig}$'\E[0m' return 1 fi # Remove all from _zfpaths, _zfunctions and _zcmds with disabled root dirs prefixes local zroot_dir zpre for zroot_dir in ${_zdisabled_root_dirs}; do zpre=${zroot_dir}$'\0' _zfpaths=(${_zfpaths:#${zpre}*}) _zfunctions=(${_zfunctions:#${zpre}*}) _zcmds=(${_zcmds:#${zpre}*}) done } always { unfunction zmodule } } _zimfw_list_unuseds() { local -i i=1 local zinstalled=(${ZIM_HOME}/modules/*(N/)) local -r zdirs=(${(v)_zdirs}) # Search into subdirectories while (( i <= ${#zinstalled} )); do if (( ${zdirs[(I)${zinstalled[i]}/*]} )); then zinstalled+=(${zinstalled[i]}/*(N/)) zinstalled[i]=() else (( i++ )) fi done # Unused = all installed dirs not in zdirs _zunused_dirs=(${zinstalled:|zdirs}) local zunused for zunused (${_zunused_dirs}) _zimfw_print -R $'\E[1m'${zunused:t}$':\E[0m '${zunused}${1} } _zimfw_check_dumpfile() { _zimfw_print -u2 $'\E[33m! Deprecated action. This is now handled by the completion module alone.\E[0m' } _zimfw_check_version() { if (( ${1} )); then if (( ${2} )); then # background check if [[ -w ${_zversion_target:h} ]]; then print -R ${${${(f)"$(GIT_HTTP_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT=1000 GIT_HTTP_LOW_SPEED_TIME=30 command git ls-remote --tags --refs --sort=-v:refname \ https://github.com/zimfw/zimfw.git 'v*' 2>/dev/null)"}##*v}[1]} >! ${_zversion_target} &! fi else # foreground check local tags tags=$(command git ls-remote --tags --refs --sort=-v:refname https://github.com/zimfw/zimfw.git 'v*') || return 1 >! ${_zversion_target} <<<${${${(f)tags}##*v}[1]} || return 1 fi fi if [[ -f ${_zversion_target} ]]; then local -r zlatest_version=$(<${_zversion_target}) if [[ -n ${zlatest_version} && ${_zversion} != ${zlatest_version} ]]; then _zimfw_print -u2 -R $'\E[33mLatest zimfw version is \E[1m'${zlatest_version}$'\E[0;33m. You\'re using version \E[1m'${_zversion}$'\E[0;33m. Run \E[1mzimfw upgrade\E[0;33m to upgrade.\E[0m' return 4 fi fi } _zimfw_clean_compiled() { # Array with unique dirs. ${ZIM_HOME} or any subdirectory should only occur once. local -Ur zscriptdirs=(${ZIM_HOME:A} ${${(v)_zdirs##${ZIM_HOME:A}/*}:A}) local zopt if (( _zprintlevel > 0 )) zopt=-v command rm -f ${zopt} ${^zscriptdirs}/**/*.zwc(|.old)(N) && \ _zimfw_print $'Done with clean-compiled. Restart your terminal or run \E[1mzimfw compile\E[0m to re-compile.' } _zimfw_clean_dumpfile() { local zdumpfile zopt zstyle -s ':zim:completion' dumpfile 'zdumpfile' || zdumpfile=${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zcompdump if (( _zprintlevel > 0 )) zopt=-v command rm -f ${zopt} ${zdumpfile}(|.dat|.zwc(|.old))(N) && \ _zimfw_print -R "Done with clean-dumpfile.${_zrestartmsg}" } _zimfw_compile() { # Compile zimfw scripts local zroot_dir zfile for zroot_dir in ${_zroot_dirs:|_zdisabled_root_dirs}; do if [[ ! -w ${zroot_dir} ]]; then _zimfw_print -R $'\E[33m! \E[1m'${zroot_dir}$':\E[0;33m No write permission, unable to compile.\E[0m' continue fi for zfile in ${zroot_dir}/(^*test*/)#*.zsh(|-theme)(N-.); do if [[ ! ${zfile}.zwc -nt ${zfile} ]]; then zcompile -UR ${zfile} && _zimfw_print -R $'\E[32m)\E[0m \E[1m'${zfile}$'.zwc:\E[0m Compiled' fi done done _zimfw_print 'Done with compile.' } _zimfw_info() { _zimfw_info_print_symlink 'zimfw config' ${_zconfig} _zimfw_info_print_symlink ZIM_HOME ${ZIM_HOME} _zimfw_info_print_symlink 'zimfw script' ${__ZIMFW_FILE} print -R 'zimfw version: '${_zversion}' (built at 2024-10-10 14:13:57 UTC, previous commit is 84c59ed)' local zparam for zparam in LANG ${(Mk)parameters:#LC_*} OSTYPE TERM TERM_PROGRAM TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION ZSH_VERSION; do print -R ${(r.22....:.)zparam}${(P)zparam} done } _zimfw_info_print_symlink() { print -Rn ${(r.22....:.)1}${2} if [[ -L ${2} ]] print -Rn ' -> '${2:A} print } _zimfw_uninstall() { if (( _zprintlevel <= 0 )); then command rm -rf ${_zunused_dirs} || return 1 else local zunused_dir print $'Found \E[1m'${#_zunused_dirs}$'\E[0m unused module(s).' for zunused_dir in ${_zunused_dirs}; do if read -q "?Uninstall ${zunused_dir} [y/N]? "; then print command rm -rfv ${zunused_dir} || return 1 else print fi done print 'Done with uninstall.' fi } _zimfw_upgrade() { local -r ztarget=${__ZIMFW_FILE:A} zurl=https://github.com/zimfw/zimfw/releases/latest/download/zimfw.zsh.gz if [[ ! -w ${ztarget:h} ]]; then print -u2 -R $'\E[31mNo write permission to \E[1m'${ztarget:h}$'\E[0;31m. Will not try to upgrade.\E[0m' return 1 fi { if (( ${+commands[curl]} )); then command curl -fsSL -o ${ztarget}.new.gz ${zurl} || return 1 else local zopt if (( _zprintlevel <= 1 )) zopt=-q if ! command wget -nv ${zopt} -O ${ztarget}.new.gz ${zurl}; then if (( _zprintlevel <= 1 )); then print -u2 -R $'\E[31mFailed to download \E[1m'${zurl}$'\E[0;31m. Use \E[1m-v\E[0;31m option to see details.\E[0m' fi return 1 fi fi command gunzip -f ${ztarget}.new.gz || return 1 # .latest_version can be outdated and will yield a false warning if zimfw is # upgraded before .latest_version is refreshed. Bad thing about having a cache. _zimfw_mv ${ztarget}{.new,} && command rm -f ${ZIM_HOME}/.latest_version && \ _zimfw_print 'Done with upgrade.' } always { command rm -f ${ztarget}.new{,.gz} } } _zimfw_run_list() { local -r zname=${1} local -r zdir=${_zdirs[${zname}]} print -nR $'\E[1m'${zname}$':\E[0m '${zdir} if [[ -z ${_zurls[${zname}]} ]] print -n ' (external)' if (( ${_zfrozens[${zname}]} )) print -n ' (frozen)' if (( ${_zdisabled_root_dirs[(I)${zdir}]} )) print -n ' (disabled)' print if (( _zprintlevel > 1 )); then if [[ ${_zfrozens[${zname}]} -eq 0 && -n ${_zurls[${zname}]} ]]; then if [[ ${_ztools[${zname}]} == mkdir ]]; then print ' From: mkdir' else print -nR " From: ${_zurls[${zname}]}, " if [[ -z ${_zrevs[${zname}]} ]]; then print -n 'default branch' else print -nR "${_ztypes[${zname}]} ${_zrevs[${zname}]}" fi print -nR ", using ${_ztools[${zname}]}" if (( ! _zsubmodules[${zname}] )) print -n ', no git submodules' print fi if [[ -n ${_zonpulls[${zname}]} ]] print -R " On-pull: ${_zonpulls[${zname}]}" fi # Match the current module dir prefix from _zroot_dirs local -r zroot_dirs=(${(M)_zroot_dirs:#${zdir}/*}) if (( ${#zroot_dirs} )); then print ' Additional root:' local zroot_dir for zroot_dir in ${zroot_dirs}; do print -nR " ${zroot_dir}" if (( ${_zdisabled_root_dirs[(I)${zroot_dir}]} )) print -n ' (disabled)' print done fi # Match and remove the prefix from _zfpaths, _zfunctions and _zcmds local -r zpre="${(q)zdir}(|/*)"$'\0' local -r zfpaths=(${${(M)_zfpaths:#${~zpre}*}#${~zpre}}) zfunctions=(${${(M)_zfunctions:#${~zpre}*}#${~zpre}}) zcmds=(${${(M)_zcmds:#${~zpre}*}#${~zpre}}) if (( ${#zfpaths} )) print -R ' fpath: '${zfpaths} if (( ${#zfunctions} )) print -R ' autoload: '${zfunctions} if (( ${#zcmds} )) print -R ' cmd: '${(j:; :)zcmds} fi } _zimfw_create_dir() { if ! ERR=$(command mkdir -p ${1} 2>&1); then _zimfw_print_error "Error creating ${1}" ${ERR} return 1 fi } _zimfw_print_error() { print -u2 -lR $'\E[2K\r\E[31mx \E[1m'${_zname}$':\E[0;31m '${1}$'\E[0m' ${2:+${(F):- ${(f)^2}}} } _zimfw_print_okay() { if (( _zprintlevel > ${2:-0} )) print -lR $'\E[2K\r\E[32m)\E[0m \E[1m'${_zname}$':\E[0m '${1} ${3:+${(F):- ${(f)^3}}} } _zimfw_print_warn() { _zimfw_print -u2 -R $'\E[2K\r\E[33m! \E[1m'${_zname}$':\E[0;33m '${1}$'\E[0m' } _zimfw_pull_print_okay() { # Useb by tools, which run in a subshell if [[ -n ${ONPULL} ]]; then if ! ERR=$(builtin cd -q ${DIR} 2>&1 && builtin eval ${ONPULL} 2>&1); then _zimfw_print_error 'Error during on-pull' ${ERR} return 1 elif [[ ${_zprintlevel} -gt 1 && -n ${ERR} ]]; then # Overrides ${3} to include the on-pull output, to be used by _zimfw_print_okay below. builtin set ${1} ${2:-0} ${3:+${3}$'\n'}'On-pull output:'$'\n'${ERR} fi fi _zimfw_print_okay "${@}" } _zimfw_download_tarball() { if [[ ${URL} =~ ^([^:@/]+://)?([^@]+@)?([^:/]+)[:/]([^/]+/[^/]+)/?$ ]]; then readonly HOST=${match[3]} readonly REPO=${match[4]%.git} fi if [[ ${HOST} != github.com || -z ${REPO} ]]; then _zimfw_print_error ${URL}$' is not a valid URL. Will not try to '${ACTION}$'. The zimfw degit tool only supports GitHub URLs. Use zmodule option \E[1m--use git\E[0;31m to use git instead.' return 1 fi readonly HEADERS_TARGET=${DIR}/${TEMP}_headers { readonly INFO=("${(@f)"$(<${INFO_TARGET})"}") # Previous REV is in line 2, reserved for future use. readonly INFO_HEADER=${INFO[3]} readonly TARBALL_URL=https://api.github.com/repos/${REPO}/tarball/${REV} if [[ ${ACTION} == check ]]; then if [[ -z ${INFO_HEADER} ]] return 0 if (( ${+commands[curl]} )); then command curl -IfsL -H ${INFO_HEADER} ${TARBALL_URL} >${HEADERS_TARGET} else command wget --spider -qS --header=${INFO_HEADER} ${TARBALL_URL} 2>${HEADERS_TARGET} fi else if (( ${+commands[curl]} )); then if ! ERR=$(command curl -fsSL ${INFO_HEADER:+-H} ${INFO_HEADER} -o ${TARBALL_TARGET} -D ${HEADERS_TARGET} ${TARBALL_URL} 2>&1); then _zimfw_print_error "Error downloading ${TARBALL_URL} with curl" ${ERR} return 1 fi else # wget returns 8 when 304 Not Modified, so we cannot use wget's error codes command wget -qS ${INFO_HEADER:+--header=${INFO_HEADER}} -O ${TARBALL_TARGET} ${TARBALL_URL} 2>${HEADERS_TARGET} fi fi while IFS= read -r HEADER; do HEADER=${${HEADER## ##}%%$'\r'##} if [[ ${HEADER} == HTTP/* ]]; then HTTP_CODE=${${(s: :)HEADER}[2]} elif [[ ${${(L)HEADER%%:*}%% ##} == etag ]]; then ETAG=${${HEADER#*:}## ##} fi done < ${HEADERS_TARGET} if (( HTTP_CODE == 304 )); then # Not Modified command rm -f ${TARBALL_TARGET} 2>/dev/null return 0 elif (( HTTP_CODE != 200 )); then _zimfw_print_error "Error downloading ${TARBALL_URL}, HTTP code ${HTTP_CODE}" return 1 fi if [[ -z ${ETAG} ]]; then _zimfw_print_error "Error downloading ${TARBALL_URL}, no ETag header found in response" return 1 fi if [[ ${ACTION} == check ]]; then command touch ${TARBALL_TARGET} # Update available else if ! print -lR "${URL}" "${REV}" "If-None-Match: ${ETAG}" >! ${INFO_TARGET} 2>/dev/null; then _zimfw_print_error "Error creating or updating ${INFO_TARGET}" return 1 fi fi } always { command rm -f ${HEADERS_TARGET} 2>/dev/null } } _zimfw_untar_tarball() { if ! ERR=$(command tar -C ${1} -xzf ${TARBALL_TARGET} 2>&1); then _zimfw_print_error "Error extracting ${TARBALL_TARGET}" ${ERR} return 1 fi local zsubdir for zsubdir in ${1}/*(/); do if ! ERR=$(command mv -f ${zsubdir}/*(DN) ${1} 2>&1 && command rmdir ${zsubdir} 2>&1); then _zimfw_print_error "Error moving ${zsubdir}" ${ERR} return 1 fi done } _zimfw_tool_degit() { # This runs in a subshell readonly -i SUBMODULES=${6} readonly ACTION=${1} DIR=${2} URL=${3} REV=${5} ONPULL=${7} TEMP=.zdegit_${sysparams[pid]}_${RANDOM} readonly TARBALL_TARGET=${DIR}/${TEMP}_tarball.tar.gz INFO_TARGET=${DIR}/.zdegit case ${ACTION} in pre|prereinstall) local premsg if [[ ${ACTION} == pre ]] premsg=$' Use zmodule option \E[1m-z\E[0;31m|\E[1m--frozen\E[0;31m to disable this error or run \E[1mzimfw reinstall\E[0;31m to reinstall.' if [[ -e ${DIR} ]]; then if [[ ! -r ${INFO_TARGET} ]]; then _zimfw_print_error $'Module was not installed using zimfw\'s degit.'${premsg} return 1 fi readonly INFO=("${(@f)"$(<${INFO_TARGET})"}") if [[ ${URL} != ${INFO[1]} ]]; then _zimfw_print_error 'The zimfw degit URL does not match. Expected '${URL}.${premsg} return 1 fi fi return 0 ;; install) { _zimfw_create_dir ${DIR} && _zimfw_download_tarball && _zimfw_untar_tarball ${DIR} && _zimfw_pull_print_okay Installed || return 1 } always { # return 1 does not change ${TRY_BLOCK_ERROR}, only changes ${?} (( TRY_BLOCK_ERROR = ? )) command rm -f ${TARBALL_TARGET} 2>/dev/null if (( TRY_BLOCK_ERROR )) command rm -rf ${DIR} 2>/dev/null } ;; check|update) readonly DIR_NEW=${DIR}${TEMP} { _zimfw_download_tarball || return 1 if [[ ${ACTION} == check ]]; then if [[ -e ${TARBALL_TARGET} ]]; then _zimfw_print_okay 'Update available' return 4 fi _zimfw_print_okay 'Already up to date' 1 return 0 else if [[ -e ${TARBALL_TARGET} ]]; then _zimfw_create_dir ${DIR_NEW} && _zimfw_untar_tarball ${DIR_NEW} || return 1 if (( ${+commands[diff]} )); then LOG=$(command diff -x '.zdegit*' -x '*.zwc' -x '*.zwc.old' -qr ${DIR} ${DIR_NEW} 2>/dev/null) LOG=${${LOG//${DIR_NEW}/new}//${DIR}/old} fi if ! ERR=$({ command cp -f ${INFO_TARGET} ${DIR_NEW} && \ command rm -rf ${DIR} && command mv -f ${DIR_NEW} ${DIR} } 2>&1); then _zimfw_print_error "Error updating ${DIR}" ${ERR} return 1 fi _zimfw_pull_print_okay Updated 0 ${LOG} || return 1 else _zimfw_pull_print_okay 'Already up to date' || return 1 fi fi } always { command rm -f ${TARBALL_TARGET} 2>/dev/null command rm -rf ${DIR_NEW} 2>/dev/null } ;; esac # Check after successful install or update if [[ ${SUBMODULES} -ne 0 && -e ${DIR}/.gitmodules ]]; then _zimfw_print_warn $'Module contains git submodules, which are not supported by zimfw\'s degit. Use zmodule option \E[1m--no-submodules\E[0;33m to disable this warning.' fi } _zimfw_tool_git() { # This runs in a subshell readonly -i SUBMODULES=${6} readonly ACTION=${1} DIR=${2} URL=${3} TYPE=${4} ONPULL=${7} REV=${5} case ${ACTION} in pre|prereinstall) local premsg if [[ ${ACTION} == pre ]] premsg=$' Use zmodule option \E[1m-z\E[0;31m|\E[1m--frozen\E[0;31m to disable this error or run \E[1mzimfw reinstall\E[0;31m to reinstall.' if [[ -e ${DIR} ]]; then if [[ ! -r ${DIR}/.git ]]; then _zimfw_print_error 'Module was not installed using git.'${premsg} return 1 fi if [[ ${URL} != $(command git -C ${DIR} config --get remote.origin.url) ]]; then _zimfw_print_error 'The git URL does not match. Expected '${URL}.${premsg} return 1 fi fi ;; install) if ERR=$(command git clone ${REV:+-b} ${REV} -q --config core.autocrlf=false ${${SUBMODULES:#0}:+--recursive} -- ${URL} ${DIR} 2>&1); then _zimfw_pull_print_okay Installed else _zimfw_print_error 'Error during git clone' ${ERR} return 1 fi ;; check|update) if ! ERR=$(command git -C ${DIR} fetch -pqt origin 2>&1); then _zimfw_print_error 'Error during git fetch' ${ERR} return 1 fi if [[ ${TYPE} == branch ]]; then if [[ -z ${REV} ]]; then # Get HEAD remote branch if ! ERR=$(command git -C ${DIR} remote set-head origin -a 2>&1); then _zimfw_print_error 'Error during git remote set-head' ${ERR} return 1 fi if REV=$(command git -C ${DIR} symbolic-ref --short refs/remotes/origin/HEAD 2>&1); then REV=${REV#origin/} else _zimfw_print_error 'Error during git symbolic-ref' ${REV} return 1 fi fi TO_REV=${REV}@{u} if [[ ${ACTION} == check ]]; then readonly -i BEHIND=$(command git -C ${DIR} rev-list --count ${REV}..${TO_REV} -- 2>/dev/null) if (( BEHIND )); then _zimfw_print_okay "Update available [behind ${BEHIND}]" return 4 else _zimfw_print_okay 'Already up to date' 1 return 0 fi fi else if [[ ${REV} == $(command git -C ${DIR} describe --tags --exact-match 2>/dev/null) ]]; then if [[ ${ACTION} == check ]]; then _zimfw_print_okay 'Already up to date' 1 return 0 else _zimfw_pull_print_okay 'Already up to date' return ${?} fi fi if [[ ${ACTION} == check ]]; then _zimfw_print_okay 'Update available' return 4 fi TO_REV=${REV} fi LOG=$(command git -C ${DIR} log --graph --color --format='%C(yellow)%h%C(reset) %s %C(cyan)(%cr)%C(reset)' ..${TO_REV} -- 2>/dev/null) if ! ERR=$(command git -C ${DIR} checkout -q ${REV} -- 2>&1); then _zimfw_print_error 'Error during git checkout' ${ERR} return 1 fi if [[ ${TYPE} == branch ]]; then if ! OUT=$(command git -C ${DIR} merge --ff-only --no-progress -n 2>&1); then _zimfw_print_error 'Error during git merge' ${OUT} return 1 fi # keep just first line of OUT OUT=${OUT%%($'\n'|$'\r')*} else OUT="Updating to ${TYPE} ${REV}" fi if (( SUBMODULES )); then if ! ERR=$(command git -C ${DIR} submodule update --init --recursive -q -- 2>&1); then _zimfw_print_error 'Error during git submodule update' ${ERR} return 1 fi fi _zimfw_pull_print_okay ${OUT} 0 ${LOG} ;; esac } _zimfw_tool_mkdir() { # This runs in a subshell readonly -i SUBMODULES=${6} readonly ACTION=${1} DIR=${2} TYPE=${4} REV=${5} ONPULL=${7} if [[ ${ACTION} == (pre|prereinstall) ]] return 0 if [[ -n ${REV} ]]; then _zimfw_print_warn $'The zmodule option \E[1m-'${TYPE[1]}$'\E[0;33m|\E[1m--'${TYPE}$'\E[0;33m has no effect when using the mkdir tool' fi if (( ! SUBMODULES )); then _zimfw_print_warn $'The zmodule option \E[1m--no-submodules\E[0;33m has no effect when using the mkdir tool' fi if [[ ! -d ${DIR} || -n ${ONPULL} ]]; then _zimfw_create_dir ${DIR} && _zimfw_pull_print_okay Created || return 1 fi } _zimfw_run_tool() { local zaction=${1} local -r _zname=${2} if [[ -z ${_zurls[${_zname}]} ]]; then _zimfw_print_okay 'Skipping external module' 1 return 0 fi if (( _zfrozens[${_zname}] )); then _zimfw_print_okay 'Skipping frozen module' 1 return 0 fi local -r ztool=${_ztools[${_zname}]} if [[ ${ztool} != (degit|git|mkdir) ]]; then _zimfw_print_error "Unknown tool ${ztool}" return 1 fi set "${_zdirs[${_zname}]}" "${_zurls[${_zname}]}" "${_ztypes[${_zname}]}" "${_zrevs[${_zname}]}" "${_zsubmodules[${_zname}]}" "${_zonpulls[${_zname}]}" if [[ ${zaction} == reinstall ]]; then _zimfw_tool_${ztool} prereinstall "${@}" && return 0 if (( _zprintlevel > 0 )); then if read -q "?Reinstall ${_zname} [y/N]? "; then print else print return 0 fi fi local -r zdir_new=.${_zdirs[${_zname}]}_${sysparams[pid]}_${RANDOM} _zimfw_print -nR 'Reinstalling '${_zname}' ...' { _zimfw_tool_${ztool} install ${zdir_new} "${@:2}" || return 1 if ! ERR=$({ command rm -rf ${_zdirs[${_zname}]} && command mv -f ${zdir_new} ${_zdirs[${_zname}]} } 2>&1); then _zimfw_print_error "Error updating ${_zdirs[${_zname}]}" ${ERR} return 1 fi } always { command rm -rf ${zdir_new} 2>/dev/null } return 0 else _zimfw_tool_${ztool} pre "${@}" || return 1 fi case ${zaction} in install) if [[ -e ${_zdirs[${_zname}]} ]]; then _zimfw_print_okay 'Skipping already installed module' 1 return 0 fi _zimfw_print -nR $'\E[2K\rInstalling '${_zname}' ...' ;; check|update) if [[ ! -d ${_zdirs[${_zname}]} ]]; then _zimfw_print_error $'Not installed. Run \E[1mzimfw install\E[0;31m to install.' return 1 fi if [[ ${zaction} == check ]]; then if (( _zprintlevel > 1 )) print -nR $'\E[2K\rChecking '${_zname}' ...' else _zimfw_print -nR $'\E[2K\rUpdating '${_zname}' ...' fi ;; *) _zimfw_print_error "Unknown action ${zaction}" return 1 ;; esac _zimfw_tool_${ztool} ${zaction} "${@}" } _zimfw_run_tool_action() { local -i zmaxprocs=0 if [[ ${1} == reinstall ]] zmaxprocs=1 _zimfw_source_zimrc 1 || return 1 zargs -n 2 -P ${zmaxprocs} -- "${_znames[@]}" -- _zimfw_run_tool ${1} return 0 } zimfw() { builtin emulate -L zsh -o EXTENDED_GLOB local -r _zconfig=${ZIM_CONFIG_FILE:-${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zimrc} _zversion='1.16.0-SNAPSHOT' local -r zusage=$'Usage: \E[1m'${0}$'\E[0m [\E[1m-q\E[0m|\E[1m-v\E[0m] Actions: \E[1mbuild\E[0m Build \E[1m'${ZIM_HOME}$'/init.zsh\E[0m and \E[1m'${ZIM_HOME}$'/login_init.zsh\E[0m. Also does \E[1mcompile\E[0m. Use \E[1m-v\E[0m to also see its output. \E[1mclean\E[0m Clean all. Does both \E[1mclean-compiled\E[0m and \E[1mclean-dumpfile\E[0m. \E[1mclean-compiled\E[0m Clean Zsh compiled files. \E[1mclean-dumpfile\E[0m Clean completion dumpfile. \E[1mcompile\E[0m Compile Zsh files. \E[1mhelp\E[0m Print this help. \E[1minfo\E[0m Print zimfw and system info. \E[1mlist\E[0m List all modules currently defined in \E[1m'${_zconfig}$'\E[0m. Use \E[1m-v\E[0m to also see the modules details. \E[1minit\E[0m Same as \E[1minstall\E[0m, but with output tailored to be used at terminal startup. \E[1minstall\E[0m Install new modules. Also does \E[1mbuild\E[0m, \E[1mcompile\E[0m. Use \E[1m-v\E[0m to also see their output, any on-pull output and skipped modules. \E[1mreinstall\E[0m Reinstall modules that failed check. Prompts for confirmation. Use \E[1m-q\E[0m for quiet reinstall. Also does \E[1mbuild\E[0m, \E[1mcompile\E[0m. Use \E[1m-v\E[0m to also see their output, any on-pull output and skipped modules. \E[1muninstall\E[0m Delete unused modules. Prompts for confirmation. Use \E[1m-q\E[0m for quiet uninstall. \E[1mcheck\E[0m Check if updates for current modules are available. Use \E[1m-v\E[0m to also see skipped and up to date modules. \E[1mupdate\E[0m Update current modules. Also does \E[1mbuild\E[0m, \E[1mcompile\E[0m. Use \E[1m-v\E[0m to also see their output, any on-pull output and skipped modules. \E[1mcheck-version\E[0m Check if a new version of zimfw is available. \E[1mupgrade\E[0m Upgrade zimfw. Also does \E[1mcompile\E[0m. Use \E[1m-v\E[0m to also see its output. \E[1mversion\E[0m Print zimfw version. Options: \E[1m-q\E[0m Quiet (yes to prompts and only outputs errors) \E[1m-v\E[0m Verbose (outputs more details)' local -Ua _znames _zroot_dirs _zdisabled_root_dirs local -A _zfrozens _ztools _zdirs _zurls _ztypes _zrevs _zsubmodules _zonpulls _zifs local -a _zfpaths _zfunctions _zcmds _zunused_dirs local -i _zprintlevel=1 if (( # > 2 )); then print -u2 -lR $'\E[31m'${0}$': Too many options\E[0m' '' ${zusage} return 2 elif (( # > 1 )); then case ${2} in -q) _zprintlevel=0 ;; -v) _zprintlevel=2 ;; *) print -u2 -lR $'\E[31m'${0}': Unknown option '${2}$'\E[0m' '' ${zusage} return 2 ;; esac fi local -r _zversion_target=${ZIM_HOME}/.latest_version if ! zstyle -t ':zim' disable-version-check && \ [[ ${1} != check-version && -w ${ZIM_HOME} && -w ${__ZIMFW_FILE:A:h} ]] then # If .latest_version does not exist or was not modified in the last 30 days [[ -f ${_zversion_target}(#qNm-30) ]]; local -r zversion_check_force=${?} _zimfw_check_version ${zversion_check_force} 1 fi if [[ ! -w ${ZIM_HOME} && ${1} == (build|check|init|install|update|reinstall|check-version) ]]; then print -u2 -R $'\E[31m'${0}$': No write permission to \E[1m'${ZIM_HOME}$'\E[0;31m. Will not try to '${1}$'.\E[0m' return 1 fi local _zrestartmsg=' Restart your terminal for changes to take effect.' case ${1} in build) _zimfw_source_zimrc 2 && _zimfw_build || return 1 (( _zprintlevel-- )) _zimfw_compile ;; check-dumpfile) _zimfw_check_dumpfile ;; clean) _zimfw_source_zimrc 0 && _zimfw_clean_compiled && _zimfw_clean_dumpfile ;; clean-compiled) _zimfw_source_zimrc 0 && _zimfw_clean_compiled ;; clean-dumpfile) _zimfw_clean_dumpfile ;; compile) _zimfw_source_zimrc 0 && _zimfw_compile ;; help) print -R ${zusage} ;; info) _zimfw_info ;; list) _zimfw_source_zimrc 3 && zargs -n 1 -- "${_znames[@]}" -- _zimfw_run_list && \ _zimfw_list_unuseds ' (unused)' ;; check) _zrestartmsg= _zimfw_run_tool_action ${1} || return 1 (( _zprintlevel-- )) _zimfw_print -R "Done with ${1}." # Only printed in verbose mode ;; init) _zrestartmsg= _zimfw_run_tool_action install || return 1 (( _zprintlevel-- )) _zimfw_print 'Done with install.' # Only printed in verbose mode _zimfw_source_zimrc 2 && _zimfw_build && _zimfw_compile ;; install|update|reinstall) _zimfw_run_tool_action ${1} || return 1 _zimfw_print -R "Done with ${1}.${_zrestartmsg}" (( _zprintlevel-- )) _zimfw_source_zimrc 2 && _zimfw_build && _zimfw_compile ;; uninstall) _zimfw_source_zimrc 0 && _zimfw_list_unuseds && _zimfw_uninstall ;; check-version) _zimfw_check_version 1 ;; upgrade) _zimfw_upgrade || return 1 (( _zprintlevel-- )) _zimfw_source_zimrc 0 && _zimfw_compile ;; version) print -R ${_zversion} ;; *) print -u2 -lR $'\E[31m'${0}': Unknown action '${1}$'\E[0m' '' ${zusage} return 2 ;; esac } zimfw "${@}"