# # Minimal² theme # https://github.com/subnixr/minimal # # Requires the `git-info` zmodule to be included in the .zimrc file. # Switches MINIMAL_PROMPT="${MINIMAL_PROMPT:-yes}" MINIMAL_RPROMPT="${MINIMAL_RPROMPT:-yes}" MINIMAL_MAGIC_ENTER="${MINIMAL_MAGIC_ENTER:-yes}" MINIMAL_SSH_HOSTNAME="${MINIMAL_SSH_HOSTNAME:-yes}" # Parameters MINIMAL_OK_COLOR="${MINIMAL_OK_COLOR:-2}" MINIMAL_USER_CHAR="${MINIMAL_USER_CHAR:-λ}" MINIMAL_INSERT_CHAR="${MINIMAL_INSERT_CHAR:-›}" MINIMAL_NORMAL_CHAR="${MINIMAL_NORMAL_CHAR:-·}" MINIMAL_PWD_LEN="${MINIMAL_PWD_LEN:-2}" MINIMAL_PWD_CHAR_LEN="${MINIMAL_PWD_CHAR_LEN:-10}" MINIMAL_MAGIC_ENTER_MARGIN="${MINIMAL_MAGIC_ENTER_MARGIN:- | }" # check if function exists function _isfn { type -w "$1" | grep -wq function } # Extensions if ! _isfn minimal_magic_output; then function minimal_magic_output { minimal_magic_output_base } fi if ! _isfn minimal_vcs; then function minimal_vcs { # git if [[ -n ${git_info} ]]; then print -n " ${(e)git_info[color]}${(e)git_info[prompt]}%{\e[0m%}" fi } fi if ! _isfn minimal_env; then function minimal_env { # python virtual env if [ -n "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ]; then _venv="$(basename $VIRTUAL_ENV)" echo -n "${_venv%%.*} " fi } fi if ! _isfn minimal_ssh_hostname; then function minimal_ssh_hostname { if [[ "${MINIMAL_SSH_HOSTNAME}" == "yes" ]] && ([[ -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ]] || [[ -n "$SSH_TTY" ]]); then echo "$(hostname -s) " fi } fi # Setup autoload -U colors && colors setopt prompt_subst _grey="\e[38;5;244m" _greyp="%{$_grey%}" # Left Prompt function minimal_lprompt { local user_status="%{\e[%(1j.4.0);3%(0?.$MINIMAL_OK_COLOR.1)m%}\ %(!.#.$MINIMAL_USER_CHAR)" local kmstatus="$MINIMAL_INSERT_CHAR" [ "$KEYMAP" = 'vicmd' ] && kmstatus="$MINIMAL_NORMAL_CHAR" echo -n "$user_status%{\e[0m%} $kmstatus" } function minimal_ps2 { local kmstatus="$MINIMAL_INSERT_CHAR" local offset="$((${#_venv} + 2))" [ "$KEYMAP" = 'vicmd' ] && kmstatus="$MINIMAL_NORMAL_CHAR" printf " %.0s" {1..$offset} echo -n "$kmstatus" } # Right Prompt function minimal_path { local w="%{\e[0m%}" local cwd="%${MINIMAL_PWD_LEN}~" local pi="" local len="$MINIMAL_PWD_CHAR_LEN" [ "$len" -lt 4 ] && len=4 local hlen=$((len / 2 - 1)) cwd="${(%)cwd}" cwd=("${(@s:/:)cwd}") for i in {1..${#cwd}}; do pi="$cwd[$i]" [ "${#pi}" -gt "$len" ] && cwd[$i]="${pi:0:$hlen}$w..$_greyp${pi: -$hlen}" done echo -n "$_greyp${(j:/:)cwd//\//$w/$_greyp}$w" } # Magic Enter function minimal_infoline { local last_err="$1" local w="\e[0m" local rn="\e[0;31m" local rb="\e[1;31m" local user_host_pwd="$_grey%n$w@$_grey%m$w:$_grey%~$w" user_host_pwd="${${(%)user_host_pwd}//\//$w/$_grey}" local v_files="$(ls -1 | sed -n '$=')" local h_files="$(ls -1A | sed -n '$=')" local job_n="$(jobs | sed -n '$=')" local iline="[$user_host_pwd] [$_grey${v_files:-0}$w ($_grey${h_files:-0}$w)]" [ "$job_n" -gt 0 ] && iline="$iline [$_grey$job_n$w&]" if [ "$last_err" != "0" ]; then iline="$iline \e[1;31m[\e[0;31m$last_err\e[1;31m]$w" fi echo "$iline" } function minimal_magic_output_base { local margin="${#MINIMAL_MAGIC_ENTER_MARGIN}" if [ "$(dirs -p | wc -l)" -gt 1 ]; then local stack="$(dirs)" echo "[${_grey}dirs\e[0m - ${_grey}${stack//\//\e[0m/$_grey}\e[0m]" fi if [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ] && ! ls --version &> /dev/null; then COLUMNS=$((COLUMNS - margin)) CLICOLOR_FORCE=1 ls -C -G else ls -C --color="always" -w $((COLUMNS - margin)) fi git -c color.status=always status -sb 2> /dev/null } function minimal_wrap_output { local output="$1" local output_len="$(echo "$output" | sed -n '$=')" if [ -n "$output" ]; then if [ "$output_len" -gt "$((LINES - 2))" -a -n "$PAGER" ]; then printf "$output\n" | "$PAGER" -R else printf "$output\n" | sed "s/^/$MINIMAL_MAGIC_ENTER_MARGIN/" fi fi } function minimal_magic_enter { local last_err="$?" # I need to capture this ASAP if [ -z "$BUFFER" ]; then minimal_infoline $last_err minimal_wrap_output "$(minimal_magic_output)" zle redisplay else zle accept-line fi } prompt_minimal_precmd() { (( ${+functions[git-info]} )) && git-info } # Apply Switches if [ "$MINIMAL_PROMPT" = "yes" ]; then # prompt redraw on vimode change function reset_prompt { zle reset-prompt } zle -N zle-line-init reset_prompt zle -N zle-keymap-select reset_prompt add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_minimal_precmd zstyle ':zim:git-info:branch' format '%b' zstyle ':zim:git-info:commit' format '%c' zstyle ':zim:git-info:dirty' format '%{\e[0;31m%}' zstyle ':zim:git-info:diverged' format '%{\e[0;31m%}' zstyle ':zim:git-info:behind' format '%F{11}' zstyle ':zim:git-info:ahead' format '%f' zstyle ':zim:git-info:keys' format \ 'prompt' '%b%c' \ 'color' '$(coalesce "%D" "%V" "%B" "%A" "%{\e[0;3${MINIMAL_OK_COLOR}m%}")' PROMPT='$(minimal_env)$(minimal_ssh_hostname)$(minimal_lprompt) ' PS2='$(minimal_ps2) ' [ "$MINIMAL_RPROMPT" = "yes" ] && RPROMPT='$(minimal_path)$(minimal_vcs)' fi if [ "$MINIMAL_MAGIC_ENTER" = "yes" ]; then zle -N minimal-magic-enter minimal_magic_enter bindkey -M main "^M" minimal-magic-enter bindkey -M vicmd "^M" minimal-magic-enter fi