# # # startup file read in interactive login shells # # The following code helps us by optimizing the existing framework. # This includes zcompile, zcompdump, etc. # ( # Function to determine the need of a zcompile. If the .zwc file # does not exist, or the base file is newer, we need to compile. # These jobs are asynchronous, and will not impact the interactive shell zcompare() { if [[ -s ${1} && ( ! -s ${1}.zwc || ${1} -nt ${1}.zwc) ]]; then zcompile ${1} fi } zim_mods=${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zim/modules setopt EXTENDED_GLOB # zcompile the completion cache; siginificant speedup. for file in ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zcomp^(*.zwc)(.); do zcompare ${file} done # zcompile .zshrc zcompare ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zshrc # zcompile some light module init scripts zcompare ${zim_mods}/git/init.zsh zcompare ${zim_mods}/utility/init.zsh zcompare ${zim_mods}/pacman/init.zsh zcompare ${zim_mods}/spectrum/init.zsh zcompare ${zim_mods}/completion/init.zsh zcompare ${zim_mods}/fasd/init.zsh # zcompile all .zsh files in the custom module for file in ${zim_mods}/custom/**/^(README.md|*.zwc)(.); do zcompare ${file} done # zcompile all autoloaded functions for file in ${zim_mods}/**/functions/^(*.zwc)(.); do zcompare ${file} done # syntax-highlighting for file in ${zim_mods}/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/**/*.zsh; do zcompare ${file} done zcompare ${zim_mods}/syntax-highlighting/external/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh # zsh-histery-substring-search zcompare ${zim_mods}/history-substring-search/external/zsh-history-substring-search.zsh ) &! # # # personal configuration below this line # # #