# prompt style and colors based on Steve Losh's Prose theme: # http://github.com/sjl/oh-my-zsh/blob/master/themes/prose.zsh-theme # # Requires the `git-info` zmodule to be included in the .zimrc file. prompt_steeef_git() { [[ -n ${git_info} ]] && print -n " ${(e)git_info[prompt]}" } prompt_steeef_virtualenv() { [[ -n ${VIRTUAL_ENV} ]] && print -n " (%F{blue}${VIRTUAL_ENV:t}%f)" } prompt_steeef_precmd() { (( ${+functions[git-info]} )) && git-info } prompt_steeef_setup() { [[ -n ${VIRTUAL_ENV} ]] && export VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT=1 local purple local orange local limegreen local turquoise local hotpink # use extended color palette if available if [[ -n ${terminfo[colors]} && ${terminfo[colors]} -ge 256 ]]; then purple='%F{135}' orange='%F{166}' limegreen='%F{118}' turquoise='%F{81}' hotpink='%F{161}' else purple='%F{magenta}' orange='%F{yellow}' limegreen='%F{green}' turquoise='%F{cyan}' hotpink='%F{red}' fi autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook autoload -Uz colors && colors prompt_opts=(cr percent sp subst) add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_steeef_precmd zstyle ':zim:git-info' verbose 'yes' zstyle ':zim:git-info:branch' format '%b' zstyle ':zim:git-info:commit' format '%c' zstyle ':zim:git-info:action' format "(${limegreen}%s%f)" zstyle ':zim:git-info:unindexed' format "${orange}●" zstyle ':zim:git-info:indexed' format "${limegreen}●" zstyle ':zim:git-info:untracked' format "${hotpink}●" zstyle ':zim:git-info:keys' format \ 'prompt' "(${turquoise}%b%c%I%i%u%f)%s" PROMPT=" ${purple}%n%f at ${orange}%m%f in ${limegreen}%~%f\$(prompt_steeef_git)\$(prompt_steeef_virtualenv) %(!.#.$) " RPROMPT='' } prompt_steeef_setup "$@"