# This runs in a new shell readonly MODULE=${1} readonly DIR=${2} readonly URL=${3} readonly TYPE=${4:=branch} REV=${5} readonly -i PRINTLEVEL=${6} readonly CLEAR_LINE=$'\E[2K\r' if (( PRINTLEVEL > 0 )) print -Rn ${CLEAR_LINE}"Updating ${MODULE}<%= ellipsis %>" if ! builtin cd -q ${DIR} 2>/dev/null; then print -u2 -PR ${CLEAR_LINE}"%F{red}<%= error %>%B${MODULE}:%b Not installed. Run %Bzimfw install%b to install.%f" return 1 fi if [[ ${PWD} != $(command git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null) ]]; then # Not in repo root. Will not try to update. return 0 fi if [[ ${URL} != $(command git config --get remote.origin.url) ]]; then print -u2 -PR ${CLEAR_LINE}"%F{red}<%= error %>%B${MODULE}:%b URL does not match. Expected ${URL}. Will not try to update.%f" return 1 fi if ! ERR=$(command git fetch -pq origin 2>&1); then print -u2 -PR ${CLEAR_LINE}"%F{red}<%= error %>%B${MODULE}:%b Error during git fetch%f"$'\n'${(F):- ${(f)^ERR}} return 1 fi if [[ ${TYPE} == tag ]]; then if [[ ${REV} == $(command git describe --tags --exact-match 2>/dev/null) ]]; then if (( PRINTLEVEL > 0 )) print -PR ${CLEAR_LINE}"<%= okay %>%B${MODULE}:%b Already up to date" return 0 fi elif [[ -z ${REV} ]]; then # Get HEAD remote branch if ! ERR=$(command git remote set-head origin -a 2>&1); then print -u2 -PR ${CLEAR_LINE}"%F{red}<%= error %>%B${MODULE}:%b Error during git remote set-head%f"$'\n'${(F):- ${(f)^ERR}} return 1 fi REV=${$(command git symbolic-ref --short refs/remotes/origin/HEAD)#origin/} || return 1 fi if [[ ${TYPE} == branch ]]; then LOG_REV=${REV}@{u} else LOG_REV=${REV} fi LOG=$(command git log --graph --color --format='%C(yellow)%h%C(reset) %s %C(cyan)(%cr)%C(reset)' ..${LOG_REV} -- 2>/dev/null) if ! ERR=$(command git checkout -q ${REV} -- 2>&1); then print -u2 -PR ${CLEAR_LINE}"%F{red}<%= error %>%B${MODULE}:%b Error during git checkout%f"$'\n'${(F):- ${(f)^ERR}} return 1 fi if [[ ${TYPE} == branch ]]; then if ! OUT=$(command git merge --ff-only --no-progress -n 2>&1); then print -u2 -PR ${CLEAR_LINE}"%F{red}<%= error %>%B${MODULE}:%b Error during git merge%f"$'\n'${(F):- ${(f)^OUT}} return 1 fi # keep just first line of OUT OUT=${OUT%%($'\n'|$'\r')*} else OUT="Updating to ${TYPE} ${REV}" fi if ! ERR=$(command git submodule update --init --recursive -q 2>&1); then print -u2 -PR ${CLEAR_LINE}"%F{red}<%= error %>%B${MODULE}:%b Error during git submodule update%f"$'\n'${(F):- ${(f)^ERR}} return 1 fi if (( PRINTLEVEL > 0 )); then if [[ -n ${LOG} ]] OUT=${OUT}$'\n'${(F):- ${(f)^LOG}} print -PR ${CLEAR_LINE}"<%= okay %>%B${MODULE}:%b ${OUT}" fi