main() { # Use colors, but only if connected to a terminal, and that terminal # supports them. if which tput >/dev/null 2>&1; then ncolors=$(tput colors); fi; if [ -t 1 ] && [ -n "${ncolors}" ] && [ "${ncolors}" -ge 8 ]; then RED="$(tput setaf 1)"; GREEN="$(tput setaf 2)"; YELLOW="$(tput setaf 3)"; BLUE="$(tput setaf 4)"; BOLD="$(tput bold)"; NORMAL="$(tput sgr0)"; else RED=""; GREEN=""; YELLOW=""; BLUE=""; BOLD=""; NORMAL=""; fi; # Only enable exit-on-error after the non-critical colorization stuff, # which may fail on systems lacking tput or terminfo set -e ZSH_INSTALLED=$(grep /zsh$ /etc/shells | wc -l) if [ ! "${ZSH_INSTALLED}" -ge 1 ]; then printf "${RED}Error: zsh is not installed!${BLUE} Please install zsh first!${NORMAL}\n"; exit 1; fi; unset ZSH_INSTALLED # Set Zim directory if [ ! -n "${ZIM_DIR}" ]; then ZIM_DIR="${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zim"; fi; # Check if Zim is already installed if [ -d "${ZIM_DIR}" ]; then printf "${RED}Error: You already have Zim installed!${NORMAL}\n"; exit 1; fi; # Check if other frameworks are installed if [ -d "${HOME}/.oh-my-zsh" ]; then mv "${HOME}/.oh-my-zsh" "${HOME}/.oh-my-zsh_zimbackup"; printf "${YELLOW}Oh-My-Zsh detected and backed up to \ ${HOME}/.oh-my-zsh_zimbackup${NORMAL}\n"; printf "${BLUE}This is done to prevent framework conflicts.${NORMAL}\n"; elif [ -d "${HOME}/.zplug" ]; then mv "${HOME}/.zplug" "${HOME}/.zplug_zimbackup"; printf "${YELLOW}Zplug detected and backed up to \ ${HOME}/.zplug_zimbackup${NORMAL}\n"; printf "${BLUE}This is done to prevent framework conflicts.${NORMAL}\n"; elif [ -d "${HOME}/.zprezto" ]; then mv "${HOME}/.zprezto" "${HOME}/.zprezto_zimbackup"; printf "${YELLOW}Prezto detected and backed up to \ ${HOME}/.zprezto_zimbackup${NORMAL}\n"; printf "${BLUE}This is done to prevent framework conflicts.${NORMAL}\n"; else : # Do nothing fi; # Prevent the cloned repository from having insecure permissions. umask g-w,o-w # Check if git is installed hash git >/dev/null 2>&1 || { printf "${RED}Error: git is not installed!${NORMAL}\n"; exit 1; } # The Windows (MSYS) Git is not compatible with normal use on cygwin if [ "${OSTYPE}" = cygwin ]; then if git --version | grep msysgit > /dev/null; then printf "${RED}Error: Windows/MSYS Git is not supported on Cygwin${NORMAL}\n"; printf "${RED}Error: Make sure the Cygwin git package is installed and is first on the path${NORMAL}\n"; exit 1; fi; fi; ZIM_REPO="" # Clone the repo, including submodules. `-j8` allows parallel downloading env git clone --recursive -j8 "${ZIM_REPO}" "${ZIM_DIR}" &> /dev/null || { printf "${RED}Error: git clone of Zim repo failed${NORMAL}\n"; exit 1; } unset ZIM_REPO unset ZIM_DIR # Back-up old zsh dotfiles if [ -f "${HOME}/.zshrc" ] || [ -L "${HOME}/.zshrc" ]; then printf "${YELLOW}Found ${HOME}/.zshrc!${NORMAL} ${BLUE}Backing up to ${HOME}/.zshrc_zimbackup.${NORMAL}\n"; mv "${HOME}/.zshrc" "${HOME}/.zshrc_zimbackup"; fi; if [ -f "${HOME}/.zlogin" ] || [ -L "${HOME}/.zlogin" ]; then printf "${YELLOW}Found ${HOME}/.zlogin!${NORMAL} ${BLUE}Backing up to ${HOME}/.zlogin_zimbackup${NORMAL}\n"; mv "${HOME}/.zlogin" "${HOME}/.zlogin_zimbackup"; fi; # Place template files in ${HOME} cp -a "${HOME}/.zim/templates/" "${HOME}/" # If this user's login shell is not already "zsh", attempt to switch. CURRENT_SHELL=$(expr "${SHELL}" : '.*/\(.*\)') if [ "${CURRENT_SHELL}" != "zsh" ]; then # Auto-change shell if platform provides "chsh" command if hash chsh >/dev/null 2>&1; then printf "${BLUE}Changing your default shell to zsh!${NORMAL}\n"; chsh -s $(grep /zsh$ /etc/shells | tail -1); # If not, suggest user do so manually. else printf "${YELLOW}I can't change your shell automatically because this system does not have chsh.${NORMAL}\n"; printf "${YELLOW}Please manually change your default shell to zsh!${NORMAL}\n"; fi; fi; unset CURRENT_SHELL Z="${RED}Z${GREEN}" printf "${GREEN} ______ _ _____ __ __ _ ${NORMAL}\n" printf "${GREEN} |$Z$Z$Z$Z$Z/ | | |$Z$Z$Z$Z$Z|$Z$Z\/$Z$Z| | |${NORMAL}\n" printf "${GREEN} /$Z/ ___| |__ |$Z| |$Z\\$Z$Z/$Z|_ __ _ __ _____ _____ __| | ${NORMAL}\n" printf "${GREEN} /$Z/ / __| '_ \ |$Z| |$Z|\/|$Z| '_ \| '__/ _ \ \ / / _ \/ _\` | ${NORMAL}\n" printf "${GREEN} /$Z/__\__ | | | | _|$Z|_|$Z| |$Z| |_) | | | (_) \ V | __| (_| | ${NORMAL}\n" printf "${GREEN} /$Z$Z$Z$Z$Z|___|_| |_| |$Z$Z$Z$Z$Z|$Z| |$Z| .__/|_| \___/ \_/ \___|\__,_| ${NORMAL}\n" printf "${GREEN} | | ${NORMAL}\n" printf "${GREEN} |_| ${NORMAL}\n" unset Z # For archival purposes # ______ _ _____ __ __ _ # |___ / | | |_ _|| \/ | | | # / / ___ | |__ | | | \ / | _ __ _ __ ___ __ __ ___ __| | # / / / __|| '_ \ | | | |\/| || '_ \ | '__|/ _ \\ \ / // _ \ / _` | # / /__ \__ \| | | | _| |_ | | | || |_) || | | (_) |\ V /| __/| (_| | # /_____||___/|_| |_| |_____||_| |_|| .__/ |_| \___/ \_/ \___| \__,_| # | | # |_| # Remind user to copy back old settings if [ -f "${HOME}/.zshrc_zimbackup" ] || [ -L "${HOME}/.zshrc_zimbackup" ]; then printf "${YELLOW}Please inspect ${HOME}/.zshrc_zimbackup and copy over${NORMAL}\n"; printf "${YELLOW}wanted settings to ${HOME}/.zshrc${NORMAL}\n"; fi; if [ -f "${HOME}/.zlogin_zimbackup" ] || [ -L "${HOME}/.zlogin_zimbackup" ]; then printf "${YELLOW}Please inspect ${HOME}/.zlogin_zimbackup and copy over${NORMAL}\n"; printf "${YELLOW}wanted settings to ${HOME}/.zlogin${NORMAL}\n"; fi; # Reload zsh env zsh } main