# # A simple theme that displays relevant, contextual information. # # Authors: # Sorin Ionescu # # Screenshots: # http://i.imgur.com/nrGV6pg.png # # # 16 Terminal Colors # -- --------------- # 0 black # 1 red # 2 green # 3 yellow # 4 blue # 5 magenta # 6 cyan # 7 white # 8 bright black # 9 bright red # 10 bright green # 11 bright yellow # 12 bright blue # 13 bright magenta # 14 bright cyan # 15 bright white # function prompt_sorin_git { cd -q "$1" echo `git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/'` } function prompt-pwd { setopt localoptions extendedglob local current_pwd="${PWD/#$HOME/~}" local ret_directory if [[ "$current_pwd" == (#m)[/~] ]]; then ret_directory="$MATCH" unset MATCH elif zstyle -m ':zim:module:prompt' pwd-length 'full'; then ret_directory=${PWD} elif zstyle -m ':zim:module:prompt' pwd-length 'long'; then ret_directory=${current_pwd} else ret_directory="${${${${(@j:/:M)${(@s:/:)current_pwd}##.#?}:h}%/}//\%/%%}/${${current_pwd:t}//\%/%%}" fi unset current_pwd print "$ret_directory" } function prompt_sorin_precmd { setopt LOCAL_OPTIONS unsetopt XTRACE KSH_ARRAYS # Format PWD. # PWD taken from Prezto _prompt_sorin_pwd=$(prompt-pwd) # Handle updating git data. We also clear the git prompt data if we're in a # different git root now. if (( $+functions[git-dir] )); then local new_git_root="$(git-dir 2> /dev/null)" if [[ $new_git_root != $_sorin_cur_git_root ]]; then _prompt_sorin_git=`git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/'` _sorin_cur_git_root=$new_git_root fi fi # Run python info (this should be fast and not require any async) if (( $+functions[python-info] )); then python-info fi } function prompt_sorin_setup { setopt LOCAL_OPTIONS unsetopt XTRACE KSH_ARRAYS prompt_opts=(cr percent sp subst) # Add hook for calling git-info before each command. add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_sorin_precmd # Set up non-zero return value display local show_return="✘ " # Get the async worker set up _sorin_cur_git_root='' _prompt_sorin_git='' _prompt_sorin_pwd='' # Define prompts. PROMPT='${SSH_TTY:+"%F{9}%n%f%F{7}@%f%F{3}%m%f "}%F{4}${_prompt_sorin_pwd}%(!. %B%F{1}#%f%b.)${editor_info[keymap]} %F{9}>%F{3}>%F{10}> ' RPROMPT='$python_info[virtualenv]${editor_info[overwrite]}%(?:: %F{1}' RPROMPT+=${show_return} RPROMPT+='%f)${VIM:+" %B%F{6}V%f%b"}${_prompt_sorin_git}' # SPROMPT='zsh: correct %F{1}%R%f to %F{2}%r%f [nyae]? ' } function prompt_sorin_preview { local +h PROMPT='' local +h RPROMPT='' local +h SPROMPT='' editor-info 2> /dev/null prompt_preview_theme 'sorin' } prompt_sorin_setup "$@"