# AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED FILE. EDIT ONLY THE SOURCE FILES AND THEN COMPILE. # DO NOT DIRECTLY EDIT THIS FILE! # MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Matt Hamilton and contributors # Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Eric Nielsen, Matt Hamilton and contributors # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. autoload -Uz is-at-least && if ! is-at-least 5.2; then print -u2 -PR "%F{red}${0}: Error starting Zim. You're using Zsh version %B${ZSH_VERSION}%b and versions < %B5.2%b are not supported. Upgrade your Zsh.%f" return 1 fi # Define Zim location : ${ZIM_HOME=${0:A:h}} _zimfw_print() { if (( _zprintlevel > 0 )) print "${@}" } _zimfw_mv() { local -a cklines if cklines=(${(f)"$(command cksum ${1} ${2} 2>/dev/null)"}) && \ [[ ${${(z)cklines[1]}[1,2]} == ${${(z)cklines[2]}[1,2]} ]]; then _zimfw_print -PR "%F{green})%f %B${2}:%b Already up to date" else if [[ -e ${2} ]]; then command mv -f ${2}{,.old} || return 1 fi command mv -f ${1} ${2} && \ _zimfw_print -PR "%F{green})%f %B${2}:%b Updated. Restart your terminal for changes to take effect." fi } _zimfw_build_init() { local -r ztarget=${ZIM_HOME}/init.zsh # Force update of init.zsh if it's older than .zimrc if [[ ${ztarget} -ot ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zimrc ]]; then command mv -f ${ztarget}{,.old} || return 1 fi _zimfw_mv =( print -R "zimfw() { source ${ZIM_HOME}/zimfw.zsh \"\${@}\" }" if (( ${#_zfpaths} )) print -R 'fpath=('${_zfpaths:A}' ${fpath})' if (( ${#_zfunctions} )) print -R 'autoload -Uz '${_zfunctions} print -R ${(F)_zcmds} ) ${ztarget} } _zimfw_build_login_init() { # Array with unique dirs. ${ZIM_HOME} or any subdirectory should only occur once. local -Ur zscriptdirs=(${ZIM_HOME} ${${_zdirs##${ZIM_HOME}/*}:A}) local -r zscriptglob=("${^zscriptdirs[@]}/(^*test*/)#*.zsh(|-theme)(N-.)") local -r ztarget=${ZIM_HOME}/login_init.zsh # Force update of login_init.zsh if it's older than .zimrc if [[ ${ztarget} -ot ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zimrc ]]; then command mv -f ${ztarget}{,.old} || return 1 fi _zimfw_mv =( print -Rn "() { setopt LOCAL_OPTIONS CASE_GLOB EXTENDED_GLOB autoload -Uz zrecompile local zdumpfile zfile # Compile the completion cache; significant speedup zstyle -s ':zim:completion' dumpfile 'zdumpfile' || zdumpfile=\${ZDOTDIR:-\${HOME}}/.zcompdump if [[ -f \${zdumpfile} ]]; then zrecompile -p \${1} \${zdumpfile} || return 1 fi # Compile Zsh startup files for zfile in \${ZDOTDIR:-\${HOME}}/.z(shenv|profile|shrc|login|logout)(N-.); do zrecompile -p \${1} \${zfile} || return 1 done # Compile Zim scripts for zfile in ${zscriptglob}; do zrecompile -p \${1} \${zfile} || return 1 done if [[ \${1} != -q ]] print -P 'Done with compile.' } \"\${@}\" " ) ${ztarget} } _zimfw_build() { _zimfw_build_init && _zimfw_build_login_init && _zimfw_print -P 'Done with build.' } zmodule() { local -r zusage="Usage: %B${0}%b [%B-n%b|%B--name%b ] [options] Add %Bzmodule%b calls to your %B${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zimrc%b file to define the modules to be initialized. The modules are initialized in the same order they are defined. Module absolute path or repository URL. The following URL formats are equivalent: %Bname%b, %Bzimfw/name%b, %Bhttps://github.com/zimfw/name.git%b. %B-n%b|%B--name%b Set a custom module name. Default: the last component in the . Repository options: %B-b%b|%B--branch%b Use specified branch when installing and updating the module. Overrides the tag option. Default: the repository's default branch. %B-t%b|%B--tag%b Use specified tag when installing and updating the module. Overrides the branch option. %B-z%b|%B--frozen%b Don't install or update the module. Initialization options: %B-f%b|%B--fpath%b Add specified path to fpath. The path is relative to the module root directory. Default: %Bfunctions%b, if the subdirectory exists. %B-a%b|%B--autoload%b Autoload specified function. Default: all valid names inside the module's specified fpath paths. %B-s%b|%B--source%b Source specified file. The file path is relative to the module root directory. Default: the file with largest size matching %B{init.zsh,module_name.{zsh,plugin.zsh,zsh-theme,sh}}%b, if any exist. %B-c%b|%B--cmd%b Execute specified command. Occurrences of the %B{}%b placeholder in the command are substituted by the module root directory path. %B-s 'script.zsh'%b and %B-c 'source {}/script.zsh'%b are equivalent. %B-d%b|%B--disabled%b Don't initialize or uninstall the module. " if [[ ${${funcfiletrace[1]%:*}:t} != .zimrc ]]; then print -u2 -PR "%F{red}${0}: Must be called from %B${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zimrc%b%f"$'\n\n'${zusage} return 1 fi if (( ! # )); then print -u2 -PR "%F{red}x ${funcfiletrace[1]}: Missing zmodule url%f"$'\n\n'${zusage} _zfailed=1 return 1 fi setopt LOCAL_OPTIONS CASE_GLOB EXTENDED_GLOB local zmodule=${1:t} zurl=${1} local ztype zrev local -i zdisabled=0 zfrozen=0 local -a zfpaths zfunctions zcmds local zarg zdir if [[ ${zurl} =~ ^[^:/]+: ]]; then zmodule=${zmodule%.git} elif [[ ${zurl} != /* ]]; then # Count number of slashes case ${#zurl//[^\/]/} in 0) zurl="https://github.com/zimfw/${zurl}.git" ;; 1) zurl="https://github.com/${zurl}.git" ;; esac fi shift if [[ ${1} == (-n|--name) ]]; then if (( # < 2 )); then print -u2 -PR "%F{red}x ${funcfiletrace[1]}:%B${zmodule}:%b Missing argument for zmodule option ${1}%f"$'\n\n'${zusage} _zfailed=1 return 1 fi shift zmodule=${1} shift fi if [[ ${zurl} == /* ]]; then zdir=${zurl} else zdir=${ZIM_HOME}/modules/${zmodule} fi while (( # > 0 )); do case ${1} in -b|--branch|-t|--tag|-f|--fpath|-a|--autoload|-s|--source|-c|--cmd) if (( # < 2 )); then print -u2 -PR "%F{red}x ${funcfiletrace[1]}:%B${zmodule}:%b Missing argument for zmodule option ${1}%f"$'\n\n'${zusage} _zfailed=1 return 1 fi ;; esac case ${1} in -b|--branch) shift ztype=branch zrev=${1} ;; -t|--tag) shift ztype=tag zrev=${1} ;; -z|--frozen) zfrozen=1 ;; -f|--fpath) shift zarg=${1} if [[ ${zarg} != /* ]] zarg=${zdir}/${zarg} zfpaths+=(${zarg}) ;; -a|--autoload) shift zfunctions+=(${1}) ;; -s|--source) shift zarg=${1} if [[ ${zarg} != /* ]] zarg=${zdir}/${zarg} zcmds+=("source ${zarg:A}") ;; -c|--cmd) shift zcmds+=(${1//{}/${zdir:A}}) ;; -d|--disabled) zdisabled=1 ;; *) print -u2 -PR "%F{red}x ${funcfiletrace[1]}:%B${zmodule}:%b Unknown zmodule option ${1}%f"$'\n\n'${zusage} _zfailed=1 return 1 ;; esac shift done if (( _zprepare_zargs )); then if (( ! zfrozen )); then _zmodules_zargs+=(${zmodule} ${zdir} ${zurl} "${ztype}" "${zrev}" ${_zprintlevel}) fi else if (( zdisabled )); then _zdisableds+=(${zmodule}) else if [[ ! -d ${zdir} ]]; then print -u2 -PR "%F{red}x ${funcfiletrace[1]}:%B${zmodule}:%b Not installed. Run %Bzimfw install%b to install.%f" _zfailed=1 return 1 fi if (( ! ${#zfpaths} )) zfpaths+=(${zdir}/functions(NF)) if (( ! ${#zfunctions} )); then # _* functions are autoloaded by compinit # prompt_*_setup functions are autoloaded by promptinit zfunctions+=(${^zfpaths}/^(*~|*.zwc(|.old)|_*|prompt_*_setup)(N-.:t)) fi if (( ! ${#zcmds} )); then local -r zscript=(${zdir}/(init.zsh|${zmodule:t}.(zsh|plugin.zsh|zsh-theme|sh))(NOL[1])) zcmds+=("source ${^zscript[@]:A}") fi if (( ! ${#zfpaths} && ! ${#zfunctions} && ! ${#zcmds} )); then print -u2 -PR "%F{yellow}! ${funcfiletrace[1]}:%B${zmodule}:%b Nothing found to be initialized. Customize the module name or initialization with %Bzmodule%b options.%f"$'\n\n'${zusage} fi _zmodules+=(${zmodule}) _zdirs+=(${zdir}) _zfpaths+=(${zfpaths}) _zfunctions+=(${zfunctions}) _zcmds+=(${zcmds}) fi fi } _zimfw_source_zimrc() { local -r ztarget=${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zimrc local -ri _zprepare_zargs=${1} local -i _zfailed=0 if ! source ${ztarget} || (( _zfailed )); then print -u2 -PR "%F{red}Failed to source %B${ztarget}%b%f" return 1 fi if (( _zprepare_zargs && ! ${#_zmodules_zargs} )); then print -u2 -PR "%F{red}No modules defined in %B${ztarget}%b%f" return 1 fi } _zimfw_version_check() { if (( _zprintlevel > 0 )); then setopt LOCAL_OPTIONS EXTENDED_GLOB local -r ztarget=${ZIM_HOME}/.latest_version # If .latest_version does not exist or was not modified in the last 30 days if [[ -w ${ztarget:h} && ! -f ${ztarget}(#qNm-30) ]]; then command git ls-remote --tags --refs https://github.com/zimfw/zimfw.git 'v*' | \ command sed 's?^.*/v??' | command sort -n -t. -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 | \ command tail -n1 >! ${ztarget} &! fi if [[ -f ${ztarget} ]]; then local -r zlatest_version=$(<${ztarget}) if [[ -n ${zlatest_version} && ${_zversion} != ${zlatest_version} ]]; then print -u2 -PR "%F{yellow}Latest zimfw version is %B${zlatest_version}%b. You're using version %B${_zversion}%b. Run %Bzimfw upgrade%b to upgrade.%f"$'\n' fi fi fi } _zimfw_clean_compiled() { # Array with unique dirs. ${ZIM_HOME} or any subdirectory should only occur once. local -Ur zscriptdirs=(${ZIM_HOME} ${${_zdirs##${ZIM_HOME}/*}:A}) local zopt if (( _zprintlevel > 0 )) zopt='-v' command rm -f ${zopt} ${^zscriptdirs}/**/*.zwc(|.old)(N) || return 1 command rm -f ${zopt} ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.z(shenv|profile|shrc|login|logout).zwc(|.old)(N) || return 1 _zimfw_print -P 'Done with clean-compiled. Run %Bzimfw compile%b to re-compile.' } _zimfw_clean_dumpfile() { local zdumpfile zopt zstyle -s ':zim:completion' dumpfile 'zdumpfile' || zdumpfile=${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zcompdump if (( _zprintlevel > 0 )) zopt='-v' command rm -f ${zopt} ${zdumpfile}(|.zwc(|.old))(N) || return 1 _zimfw_print -P 'Done with clean-dumpfile. Restart your terminal to dump an updated configuration.' } _zimfw_compile() { local zopt if (( _zprintlevel <= 0 )) zopt='-q' source ${ZIM_HOME}/login_init.zsh ${zopt} } _zimfw_info() { print -R 'zimfw version: '${_zversion}' (built at 2021-02-19 20:25:37 UTC, previous commit is 8afb0b9)' print -R 'ZIM_HOME: '${ZIM_HOME} print -R 'Zsh version: '${ZSH_VERSION} print -R 'System info: '$(command uname -a) } _zimfw_uninstall() { local zopt if (( _zprintlevel > 0 )) zopt='-v' local zuninstalls=(${ZIM_HOME}/modules/*(N/:t)) # Uninstall all installed modules not in _zmodules and _zdisableds zuninstalls=(${${zuninstalls:|_zmodules}:|_zdisableds}) if (( ${#zuninstalls} )); then _zimfw_print -PR %B${(F)zuninstalls}%b if (( _zprintlevel <= 0 )) || read -q "?Uninstall ${#zuninstalls} module(s) listed above [y/N]? "; then _zimfw_print command rm -rf ${zopt} ${ZIM_HOME}/modules/${^zuninstalls} || return 1 fi fi _zimfw_print -P 'Done with uninstall.' } _zimfw_upgrade() { local -r ztarget=${ZIM_HOME}/zimfw.zsh local -r zurl=https://github.com/zimfw/zimfw/releases/latest/download/zimfw.zsh.gz { if (( ${+commands[curl]} )); then command curl -fsSL -o ${ztarget}.new.gz ${zurl} || return 1 else local zopt if (( _zprintlevel <= 1 )) zopt='-q' if ! command wget -nv ${zopt} -O ${ztarget}.new.gz ${zurl}; then if (( _zprintlevel <= 1 )) print -u2 -PR "%F{red}x Error downloading %B${zurl}%b. Use %B-v%b option to see details.%f" return 1 fi fi command gunzip -f ${ztarget}.new.gz || return 1 # .latest_version can be outdated and will yield a false warning if zimfw is # upgraded before .latest_version is refreshed. Bad thing about having a cache. _zimfw_mv ${ztarget}{.new,} && command rm -f ${ZIM_HOME}/.latest_version && \ _zimfw_print -P 'Done with upgrade.' } always { command rm -f ${ztarget}.new{,.gz} } } zimfw() { local -r _zversion='1.4.2' local -r zusage="Usage: %B${0}%b [%B-q%b|%B-v%b] Actions: %Bbuild%b Build %Binit.zsh%b and %Blogin_init.zsh%b %Bclean%b Clean all (see below) %Bclean-compiled%b Clean Zsh compiled files %Bclean-dumpfile%b Clean completion dump file %Bcompile%b Compile Zsh files %Bhelp%b Print this help %Binfo%b Print Zim and system info %Binstall%b Install new modules %Buninstall%b Delete unused modules %Bupdate%b Update current modules %Bupgrade%b Upgrade %Bzimfw.zsh%b %Bversion%b Print Zim version Options: %B-q%b Quiet (yes to prompts, and only outputs errors) %B-v%b Verbose " local ztool local -a _zdisableds _zmodules _zdirs _zfpaths _zfunctions _zcmds _zmodules_zargs local -i _zprintlevel=1 if (( # > 2 )); then print -u2 -PR "%F{red}${0}: Too many options%f"$'\n\n'${zusage} return 1 elif (( # > 1 )); then case ${2} in -q) _zprintlevel=0 ;; -v) _zprintlevel=2 ;; *) print -u2 -PR "%F{red}${0}: Unknown option ${2}%f"$'\n\n'${zusage} return 1 ;; esac fi if ! zstyle -t ':zim' disable-version-check; then _zimfw_version_check fi case ${1} in install) ztool="# This runs in a new shell readonly MODULE=\${1} readonly DIR=\${2} readonly URL=\${3} readonly BRANCH=\${5:+-b \${5}} readonly -i PRINTLEVEL=\${6} readonly CLEAR_LINE=$'\E[2K\r' if [[ -e \${DIR} ]]; then # Already exists return 0 fi if (( PRINTLEVEL > 0 )) print -Rn \${CLEAR_LINE}\"Installing \${MODULE} ...\" if ERR=\$(command git clone \${=BRANCH} -q --recursive \${URL} \${DIR} 2>&1); then if (( PRINTLEVEL > 0 )) print -PR \${CLEAR_LINE}\"%F{green})%f %B\${MODULE}:%b Installed\" else print -u2 -PR \${CLEAR_LINE}\"%F{red}x %B\${MODULE}:%b Error during git clone%f\"$'\n'\${(F):- \${(f)^ERR}} return 1 fi " ;; update) ztool="# This runs in a new shell readonly MODULE=\${1} readonly DIR=\${2} readonly URL=\${3} readonly TYPE=\${4:=branch} REV=\${5} readonly -i PRINTLEVEL=\${6} readonly CLEAR_LINE=$'\E[2K\r' if (( PRINTLEVEL > 0 )) print -Rn \${CLEAR_LINE}\"Updating \${MODULE} ...\" if ! builtin cd -q \${DIR} 2>/dev/null; then print -u2 -PR \${CLEAR_LINE}\"%F{red}x %B\${MODULE}:%b Not installed. Run %Bzimfw install%b to install.%f\" return 1 fi if [[ \${PWD} != \$(command git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null) ]]; then # Not in repo root. Will not try to update. return 0 fi if [[ \${URL} != \$(command git config --get remote.origin.url) ]]; then print -u2 -PR \${CLEAR_LINE}\"%F{red}x %B\${MODULE}:%b URL does not match. Expected \${URL}. Will not try to update.%f\" return 1 fi if ! ERR=\$(command git fetch -pq origin 2>&1); then print -u2 -PR \${CLEAR_LINE}\"%F{red}x %B\${MODULE}:%b Error during git fetch%f\"$'\n'\${(F):- \${(f)^ERR}} return 1 fi if [[ \${TYPE} == tag ]]; then if [[ \${REV} == \$(command git describe --tags --exact-match 2>/dev/null) ]]; then if (( PRINTLEVEL > 0 )) print -PR \${CLEAR_LINE}\"%F{green})%f %B\${MODULE}:%b Already up to date\" return 0 fi elif [[ -z \${REV} ]]; then # Get HEAD remote branch if ! ERR=\$(command git remote set-head origin -a 2>&1); then print -u2 -PR \${CLEAR_LINE}\"%F{red}x %B\${MODULE}:%b Error during git remote set-head%f\"$'\n'\${(F):- \${(f)^ERR}} return 1 fi REV=\${\$(command git symbolic-ref --short refs/remotes/origin/HEAD)#origin/} || return 1 fi if [[ \${TYPE} == branch ]]; then LOG_REV=\${REV}@{u} else LOG_REV=\${REV} fi LOG=\$(command git log --graph --color --format='%C(yellow)%h%C(reset) %s %C(cyan)(%cr)%C(reset)' ..\${LOG_REV} -- 2>/dev/null) if ! ERR=\$(command git checkout -q \${REV} -- 2>&1); then print -u2 -PR \${CLEAR_LINE}\"%F{red}x %B\${MODULE}:%b Error during git checkout%f\"$'\n'\${(F):- \${(f)^ERR}} return 1 fi if [[ \${TYPE} == branch ]]; then if ! OUT=\$(command git merge --ff-only --no-progress -n 2>&1); then print -u2 -PR \${CLEAR_LINE}\"%F{red}x %B\${MODULE}:%b Error during git merge%f\"$'\n'\${(F):- \${(f)^OUT}} return 1 fi # keep just first line of OUT OUT=\${OUT%%($'\n'|$'\r')*} else OUT=\"Updating to \${TYPE} \${REV}\" fi if ! ERR=\$(command git submodule update --init --recursive -q 2>&1); then print -u2 -PR \${CLEAR_LINE}\"%F{red}x %B\${MODULE}:%b Error during git submodule update%f\"$'\n'\${(F):- \${(f)^ERR}} return 1 fi if (( PRINTLEVEL > 0 )); then if [[ -n \${LOG} ]] OUT=\${OUT}$'\n'\${(F):- \${(f)^LOG}} print -PR \${CLEAR_LINE}\"%F{green})%f %B\${MODULE}:%b \${OUT}\" fi " ;; esac case ${1} in build) _zimfw_source_zimrc && _zimfw_build || return 1 (( _zprintlevel-- )) _zimfw_compile ;; init) _zimfw_source_zimrc && _zimfw_build ;; clean) _zimfw_source_zimrc && _zimfw_clean_compiled && _zimfw_clean_dumpfile ;; clean-compiled) _zimfw_source_zimrc && _zimfw_clean_compiled ;; clean-dumpfile) _zimfw_clean_dumpfile ;; compile) _zimfw_source_zimrc && _zimfw_build_login_init && _zimfw_compile ;; help) print -PR ${zusage} ;; info) _zimfw_info ;; install|update) _zimfw_source_zimrc 1 || return 1 autoload -Uz zargs && \ zargs -n 9 -P 10 -- "${_zmodules_zargs[@]}" -- zsh -c ${ztool} ${1} && \ _zimfw_print -PR "Done with ${1}. Restart your terminal for any changes to take effect." || return 1 (( _zprintlevel-- )) _zimfw_source_zimrc && _zimfw_build && _zimfw_compile ;; uninstall) _zimfw_source_zimrc && _zimfw_uninstall ;; upgrade) _zimfw_upgrade || return 1 (( _zprintlevel-- )) _zimfw_compile ;; version) print -PR ${_zversion} ;; *) print -u2 -PR "%F{red}${0}: Unknown action ${1}%f"$'\n\n'${zusage} return 1 ;; esac } zimfw "${@}"