Git === Provides nice git aliases and functions. Also provides functions necessary for many prompts. Many thanks to [Sorin Ionescu]( for the excellent aliases. Aliases ------- ### Git - `g` is short for `git`. ### Branch - `gb` lists, creates, renames, and deletes branches. - `gbc` creates a new branch. - `gbl` lists branches and their commits. - `gbL` lists local and remote branches and their commits. - `gbs` lists branches and their commits with ancestry graphs. - `gbS` lists local and remote branches and their commits with ancestry graphs. - `gbx` deletes a branch. - `gbX` deletes a branch irrespective of its merged status. - `gbm` renames a branch. - `gbM` renames a branch even if the new branch name already exists. ### Commit - `gc` records changes to the repository. - `gca` stages all modified and deleted files. - `gcm` records changes to the repository with the given message. - `gco` checks out a branch or paths to work tree. - `gcO` checks out hunks from the index or the tree interactively. - `gcf` amends the tip of the current branch using the same log message as *HEAD*. - `gcF` amends the tip of the current branch. - `gcp` applies changes introduced by existing commits. - `gcP` applies changes introduced by existing commits without committing. - `gcr` reverts existing commits by reverting patches and recording new commits. - `gcR` removes the *HEAD* commit. - `gcs` displays various types of objects. - `gcl` lists lost commits. ### Conflict - `gCl` lists unmerged files. - `gCa` adds unmerged file contents to the index. - `gCe` executes merge-tool on all unmerged file. - `gCo` checks out our changes for unmerged paths. - `gCO` checks out our changes for all unmerged paths. - `gCt` checks out their changes for unmerged paths. - `gCT` checks out their changes for all unmerged paths. ### Data - `gd` displays information about files in the index and the work tree. - `gdc` lists cached files. - `gdx` lists deleted files. - `gdm` lists modified files. - `gdu` lists untracked files. - `gdk` lists killed files. - `gdi` lists ignored files. ### Fetch - `gf` downloads objects and references from another repository. - `gfc` clones a repository into a new directory. - `gfm` fetches from and merges with another repository or local branch. - `gfr` fetches from and rebases on another repository or local branch. ### Grep - `gg` displays lines matching a pattern. - `ggi` displays lines matching a pattern ignoring case. - `ggl` lists files matching a pattern. - `ggL` lists files that are not matching a pattern. - `ggv` displays lines not matching a pattern. - `ggw` displays lines matching a pattern at word boundary. ### Index - `gia` adds file contents to the index. - `giA` adds file contents to the index interactively. - `giu` adds file contents to the index (updates only known files). - `gid` displays changes between the index and a named commit (diff). - `giD` displays changes between the index and a named commit (word diff). - `gir` resets the current HEAD to the specified state. - `giR` resets the current index interactively. - `gix` removes files/directories from the index (recursively). - `giX` removes files/directories from the index (recursively and forced). ### Log - `gl` displays the log. - `gls` displays the stats log. - `gld` displays the diff log. - `glo` displays the one line log. - `glg` displays the graph log. - `glb` displays the brief commit log. - `glc` displays the commit count for each contributor in descending order. ### Merge - `gm` joins two or more development histories together. - `gmC` joins two or more development histories together but does not commit. - `gmF` joins two or more development histories together but does not commit generating a merge commit even if the merge resolved as a fast-forward. - `gma` aborts the conflict resolution, and reconstructs the pre-merge state. - `gmt` runs the merge conflict resolution tools to resolve conflicts. ### Push - `gp` updates remote refs along with associated objects. - `gpf` forcefully updates remote refs along with associated objects. - `gpa` updates remote branches along with associated objects. - `gpA` updates remote branches and tags along with associated objects. - `gpt` updates remote tags along with associated objects. - `gpc` updates remote refs along with associated objects and adds *origin* as an upstream reference for the current branch. - `gpp` pulls and pushes from origin to origin. ### Rebase - `gr` forward-ports local commits to the updated upstream head. - `gra` aborts the rebase. - `grc` continues the rebase after merge conflicts are resolved. - `gri` makes a list of commits to be rebased and opens the editor. - `grs` skips the current patch. ### Remote - `gR` manages tracked repositories. - `gRl` lists remote names and their URLs. - `gRa` adds a new remote. - `gRx` removes a remote. - `gRm` renames a remote. - `gRu` fetches remotes updates. - `gRp` prunes all stale remote tracking branches. - `gRs` displays information about a given remote. - `gRb` opens a remote on GitHub in the default browser. ### Stash - `gs` stashes the changes of the dirty working directory. - `gsa` applies the changes recorded in a stash to the working directory. - `gsx` drops a stashed state. - `gsX` drops all the stashed states. - `gsl` lists stashed states. - `gsL` lists dropped stashed states. - `gsd` displays changes between the stash and its original parent. - `gsp` removes and applies a single stashed state from the stash list. - `gsr` recovers a given stashed state. - `gss` stashes the changes of the dirty working directory, including untracked. - `gsS` stashes the changes of the dirty working directory interactively. - `gsw` stashes the changes of the dirty working directory retaining the index. ### Submodule - `gS` initializes, updates, or inspects submodules. - `gSa` adds given a repository as a submodule. - `gSf` evaluates a shell command in each of checked out submodules. - `gSi` initializes submodules. - `gSI` initializes and clones submodules recursively. - `gSl` lists the commits of all submodules. - `gSm` moves a submodule. - `gSs` synchronizes submodules' remote URL to the value specified in .gitmodules. - `gSu` fetches and merges the latest changes for all submodule. - `gSx` removes a submodule. ### Working directory - `gws` displays working-tree status in the short format. - `gwS` displays working-tree status. - `gwd` displays changes between the working tree and the index (diff). - `gwD` displays changes between the working tree and the index (word diff). - `gwr` resets the current HEAD to the specified state, does not touch the index nor the working tree. - `gwR` resets the current HEAD, index and working tree to the specified state. - `gwc` removes untracked files from the working tree (dry-run). - `gwC` removes untracked files from the working tree. - `gwx` removes files from the working tree and from the index recursively. - `gwX` removes files from the working tree and from the index recursively and forcefully. ### Shadows The following aliases may shadow system commands: - `gpt` shadows the GUID partition table maintenance utility. - `gs` shadows Ghostscript. If you frequently use the above commands, you may wish to remove said aliases from this module or to disable them at the bottom of the zshrc with `unalias`. You can temporarily bypass an alias by prefixing it with a backward slash: `\gpt`. Functions --------- General: - `git-branch-current` displays the current branch. - `git-commit-lost` lists lost commits. - `git-dir` displays the path to the Git directory. - `git-hub-browse` opens the GitHub repository in the default browser. - `git-hub-shorten-url` shortens GitHub URLs. - `git-ignore-add` adds any arguments to the .gitignore in the project root. - `git-root` displays the path to the working tree root. - `git-stash-clear-interactive` asks for confirmation before clearing the stash. - `git-stash-dropped` lists dropped stashed states. - `git-stash-recover` recovers given dropped stashed states. - `git-submodule-move` moves a submodule. - `git-submodule-remove` removes a submodule. Prompt: - `git_prompt_info` provides git information to oh-my-zsh sourced prompts. - `parse-git-dirty` needed for `git-prompt-info` to check if repo is dirty.