_zimfw_upgrade() { local zscript=${ZIM_HOME}/<%= script_filename %> local zurl=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zimfw/zimfw/develop/<%= script_filename %> if (( ${+commands[wget]} )); then command wget -nv ${1} -O ${zscript}.new ${zurl} || return 1 else command curl -fsSL -o ${zscript}.new ${zurl} || return 1 fi if command cmp -s ${zscript}{,.new}; then command rm ${zscript}.new && \ if [[ ${1} != -q ]]; then print -P "%F{green}✓%f <%= script_filename %>: Already up to date." fi else command mv ${zscript}{,.old} && command mv ${zscript}{.new,} && \ if [[ ${1} != -q ]]; then print -P "%F{green}✓%f <%= script_filename %>: upgraded. Restart your terminal for changes to take effect." fi fi }