# # startup file read in interactive login shells # # The following code helps us by optimizing the existing framework. # This includes zcompile, zcompdump, etc. # ( local file local zmodule setopt LOCAL_OPTIONS EXTENDED_GLOB autoload -U zrecompile # zcompile .zshrc zrecompile -pq ${ZDOTDIR:-${HOME}}/.zshrc # zcompile enabled module autoloaded functions zrecompile -pq ${ZIM_HOME}/functions ${ZIM_HOME}/modules/${^zmodules}/functions/^([_.]*|prompt_*_setup|README*|*.zwc)(-.N) # zcompile enabled module init scripts for zmodule (${zmodules}); do zrecompile -pq ${ZIM_HOME}/modules/${zmodule}/init.zsh done # zcompile all prompt setup scripts for file in ${ZIM_HOME}/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_*_setup; do zrecompile -pq ${file} done # syntax-highlighting for file in ${ZIM_HOME}/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/**^test-data/*.zsh; do zrecompile -pq ${file} done zrecompile -pq ${ZIM_HOME}/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh # zsh-histery-substring-search zrecompile -pq ${ZIM_HOME}/modules/history-substring-search/external/zsh-history-substring-search.zsh ) &!