Fork 0
mirror of synced 2024-09-29 05:57:03 -04:00
Tim Byrne 9fa5c9418c
Refactor website (#146)
* Migrate to using "remote themes" instead of forked content
* Update to most recent mmistakes
* Add docker-based testing
* Create Makefile for test targets
* Add travis-ci integration
* Update badges to use shields.io
* Replace splash page image (old one's attribution disappeared from
2019-03-20 01:45:26 -05:00

122 lines
3.5 KiB

layout: splash
permalink: /
stars_button: '
frameborder="0" scrolling="0" width="100"
height="20px" style="float: right;"></iframe>{:/nomarkdown}
title: Yet Another Dotfiles Manager
overlay_color: "#000"
overlay_filter: 0.7
overlay_image: /images/unsplash.jpg
cta_label: Install Now
cta_url: /docs/install
caption: "_Photo: [Michael Jasmund](https://unsplash.com/photos/o51enAB_89A)_"
excerpt: '
When you live in a command line, configurations are a deeply personal thing.
They are often crafted over years of experience, battles lost, lessons learned,
advice followed, and ingenuity rewarded. When you are away from your own
configurations, you are an orphaned refugee in unfamiliar and hostile
surroundings. You feel clumsy and out of sorts. You are filled with a sense of
longing to be back in a place you know. A place you built. A place where all the
short-cuts have been worn bare by your own travels. A place you proudly call...
- title: Overview
alt: Overview
btn_class: btn--inverse
btn_label: Discover yadm
image_path: /images/cogs-padding.png
url: /docs/overview
excerpt: '
If you know how to use Git, you already know how to use **yadm**.
**yadm** helps you maintain a single repository of dotfiles, while keeping
them where they belong---in `$HOME`.
Anything you can do with Git, you can do using **yadm**.
- title: Alternate Files
alt: Alternates
btn_class: btn--inverse
btn_label: Details
image_path: /images/copy-padding.png
url: /docs/alternates
excerpt: '
Sometimes you need different configurations on different systems.
**yadm** makes it possible to use alternate versions of files based on
the OS or hostname of the system.
- title: Encryption
alt: Encryption
btn_class: btn--inverse
btn_label: Learn more
image_path: /images/secret-padding.png
url: /docs/encryption
excerpt: '
Configurations occasionally include secrets such as passwords,
encryption keys, or other sensitive information. **yadm** allows you to
add such files to an encrypted archive, which can be maintained
alongside your other configurations.
- title: Bootstrap
alt: Bootstrap
btn_class: btn--inverse
btn_label: Explore how
image_path: /images/tasks-padding.png
url: /docs/bootstrap
excerpt: '
Define your own instructions to complete your dotfiles installation.
If provided, **yadm** can execute your custom program immediately
following a successful clone.
- title: FAQ
alt: FAQ
btn_class: btn--inverse
btn_label: Get answers
image_path: /images/question-circle-padding.png
url: /docs/faq
excerpt: '
Have a question? You might find an answer in the FAQ.
- title: Manual
alt: Manual
btn_class: btn--inverse
btn_label: See man page
image_path: /images/book-padding.png
url: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/blob/master/yadm.md
excerpt: '
View the manual online.
- title: Example Dotfiles
alt: Examples
btn_class: btn--inverse
btn_label: View examples
image_path: /images/keyboard-padding.png
url: /docs/examples
excerpt: '
Need some inspiration? Here are some example dotfiles repository.
{% include feature_row id="intro" type="center" %}
{% include feature_row %}