"""Unit tests: parse_encrypt""" import pytest def test_not_called(runner, paths): """Test parse_encrypt (not called)""" run = run_parse_encrypt(runner, paths, skip_parse=True) assert run.success assert run.err == '' assert 'EIF:unparsed' in run.out, 'EIF should be unparsed' assert 'EIF_COUNT:1' in run.out, 'Only value of EIF should be unparsed' def test_short_circuit(runner, paths): """Test parse_encrypt (short-circuit)""" run = run_parse_encrypt(runner, paths, twice=True) assert run.success assert run.err == '' assert 'PARSE_ENCRYPT_SHORT=parse_encrypt() not reprocessed' in run.out, ( 'parse_encrypt() should short-circuit') @pytest.mark.parametrize( 'encrypt', [ ('missing'), ('empty'), ]) def test_empty(runner, paths, encrypt): """Test parse_encrypt (file missing/empty)""" # write encrypt file if encrypt == 'missing': assert not paths.encrypt.exists(), 'Encrypt should be missing' else: paths.encrypt.write('') assert paths.encrypt.exists(), 'Encrypt should exist' assert paths.encrypt.size() == 0, 'Encrypt should be empty' # run parse_encrypt run = run_parse_encrypt(runner, paths) assert run.success assert run.err == '' # validate parsing result assert 'EIF_COUNT:0' in run.out, 'EIF should be empty' @pytest.mark.usefixtures('ds1_repo_copy') def test_file_parse_encrypt(runner, paths): """Test parse_encrypt Test an array of supported features of the encrypt configuration. """ edata = '' expected = set() # empty line edata += '\n' # simple comments edata += '# a simple comment\n' edata += ' # a comment with leading space\n' # unreferenced directory paths.work.join('unreferenced').mkdir() # simple files edata += 'simple_file\n' edata += 'simple.file\n' paths.work.join('simple_file').write('') paths.work.join('simple.file').write('') paths.work.join('simple_file2').write('') paths.work.join('simple.file2').write('') expected.add('simple_file') expected.add('simple.file') # simple files in directories edata += 'simple_dir/simple_file\n' paths.work.join('simple_dir/simple_file').write('', ensure=True) paths.work.join('simple_dir/simple_file2').write('', ensure=True) expected.add('simple_dir/simple_file') # paths with spaces edata += 'with space/with space\n' paths.work.join('with space/with space').write('', ensure=True) paths.work.join('with space/with space2').write('', ensure=True) expected.add('with space/with space') # hidden files edata += '.hidden\n' paths.work.join('.hidden').write('') expected.add('.hidden') # hidden files in directories edata += '.hidden_dir/.hidden_file\n' paths.work.join('.hidden_dir/.hidden_file').write('', ensure=True) expected.add('.hidden_dir/.hidden_file') # wildcards edata += 'wild*\n' paths.work.join('wildcard1').write('', ensure=True) paths.work.join('wildcard2').write('', ensure=True) expected.add('wildcard1') expected.add('wildcard2') edata += 'dirwild*\n' paths.work.join('dirwildcard/file1').write('', ensure=True) paths.work.join('dirwildcard/file2').write('', ensure=True) expected.add('dirwildcard') # excludes edata += 'exclude*\n' edata += 'ex ex/*\n' paths.work.join('exclude_file1').write('') paths.work.join('exclude_file2.ex').write('') paths.work.join('exclude_file3.ex3').write('') expected.add('exclude_file1') expected.add('exclude_file3.ex3') edata += '!*.ex\n' edata += '!ex ex/*.txt\n' paths.work.join('ex ex/file4').write('', ensure=True) paths.work.join('ex ex/file5.txt').write('', ensure=True) paths.work.join('ex ex/file6.text').write('', ensure=True) expected.add('ex ex/file4') expected.add('ex ex/file6.text') # write encrypt file print(f'ENCRYPT:\n---\n{edata}---\n') paths.encrypt.write(edata) assert paths.encrypt.isfile() # run parse_encrypt run = run_parse_encrypt(runner, paths) assert run.success assert run.err == '' assert f'EIF_COUNT:{len(expected)}' in run.out, 'EIF count wrong' for expected_file in expected: assert f'EIF:{expected_file}\n' in run.out sorted_expectations = '\n'.join( [f'EIF:{exp}' for exp in sorted(expected)]) assert sorted_expectations in run.out def run_parse_encrypt( runner, paths, skip_parse=False, twice=False): """Run parse_encrypt A count of ENCRYPT_INCLUDE_FILES will be reported as EIF_COUNT:X. All values of ENCRYPT_INCLUDE_FILES will be reported as individual EIF:value lines. """ parse_cmd = 'parse_encrypt' if skip_parse: parse_cmd = '' if twice: parse_cmd = 'parse_encrypt; parse_encrypt' script = f""" YADM_TEST=1 source {paths.pgm} YADM_ENCRYPT={paths.encrypt} export YADM_ENCRYPT GIT_DIR={paths.repo} export GIT_DIR LC_ALL=C {parse_cmd} export ENCRYPT_INCLUDE_FILES export PARSE_ENCRYPT_SHORT env echo EIF_COUNT:${{#ENCRYPT_INCLUDE_FILES[@]}} for value in "${{ENCRYPT_INCLUDE_FILES[@]}}"; do echo "EIF:$value" done """ run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script) return run