# Installation ## bash completions ### Prerequisites **yadm** completion only works if Git completions are also enabled. ### Homebrew If using `homebrew` to install **yadm**, completions should automatically be handled if you also install `brew install bash-completion`. This might require you to include the main completion script in your own bashrc file like this: ``` [ -f /usr/local/etc/bash_completion ] && source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion ``` ### Manual installation Copy the completion script locally, and add this to you bashrc: ``` [ -f /full/path/to/yadm.bash_completion ] && source /full/path/to/yadm.bash_completion ``` ## zsh completions ### Manual installation Copy the completion script `_yadm` locally, and add this to you zshrc: ```shell fpath=(/path/to/folder/containing/_yadm $fpath) ``` ### Installation using [zplug](https://github.com/b4b4r07/zplug) Load `_yadm` as a plugin in your `.zshrc` ```shell zplug "TheLocehiliosan/yadm/completion/_yadm", defer:2 ```