# Introduction Thank you for considering contributing to **yadm**. I develop this project in my limited spare time, so help is very appreciated. All contributors must follow our [Code of Conduct][conduct]. Please make sure you are welcoming and friendly during your interactions, and report any unacceptable behavior to . Contributions can take many forms, and often don’t require writing code—maybe something could be documented more clearly, maybe a feature could be more helpful, maybe installation could be easier. Help is welcome in any of these areas. To contribute, you can: * Star the yadm repo, the star count helps others discover yadm. * Report [bugs](#reporting-a-bug) * Request [features/enhancements](#suggesting-a-feature-or-enhancement) * Contribute changes to [code, tests](#contributing-code), and [documentation](#improving-documentation) * Maintain installation [packages](#maintaining-packages) * Help other users by [answering support questions](#answering-support-questions) # Reporting a bug Notice something amiss? You’re already helping by reporting the problem! Bugs are tracked using GitHub issues. Here are some steps you can take to help problems get fixed quickly and effectively: ### Before submitting an issue Please take a quick look to see whether the problem has been reported already (there’s a list of [open issues][open-issues]). You can try the search function with some related terms for a cursory check. If you do find a previous report, please add a comment there instead of opening a new issue. ### Security issues If you have found a security vulnerability, do **NOT** open an issue. Any security issues should be emailed directly to . In order to determine whether you are dealing with a security issue, ask yourself these two questions: * Can I access something that's not mine, or something I shouldn't have access to? * Can I disable something for other people? If the answer to either of those two questions is "yes", then you're probably dealing with a security issue. ### Submitting a (great) bug report Choose the "[Bug report][new-bug]" issue type. Pick a descriptive title that clearly identifies the issue. Describe the steps that led to the problem so that we can go through the same sequence. A clear set of steps to reproduce the problem is key to fixing an issue. If possible, attach a [`script.gz`](#attaching-a-scriptgz) to the bug report. Describe what you had expected and how that differed from what happened, and possibly, why. Include the version numbers of your operating system, of **yadm**, and of Git. ### Attaching a script.gz Consider trying to reproduce the bug inside a docker container using the [yadm/testbed][] docker image. Doing so will greatly increase the likelihood of the problem being fixed. The easiest way to start this container, is to clone the [TheLocehiliosan/yadm repo][yadm-repo], and use the `scripthost` make target. _(You will need `make` and `docker` installed.)_ For example: ```text $ git clone https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm.git $ cd yadm $ make scripthost version=1.12.0 Starting scripthost version="1.12.0" (recording script) root@scripthost:~# ### run commands which root@scripthost:~# ### demonstrate the problem root@scripthost:~# ### a succinct set of commands is best root@scripthost:~# exit logout Script saved to script.gz $ ``` A `script.gz` like this can be useful to developers to make a repeatable test for the problem. You can attach the `script.gz` file to an issue. Look [here][attach-help] for help with [attaching a file][attach-help]. # Suggesting a feature or enhancement Have an idea for an improvement? Creating a feature request is a good way to communicate it. ### Before submitting an issue Please take a quick look to see whether your idea has been suggested already (there’s a list of [open issues][open-issues]). You can try the search function with some related terms for a cursory check. If you do find a previous feature request, please add a comment there instead of opening a new issue. ### Submitting a (great) feature request Choose the "[Feature request][new-feature]" issue type. Summarize your idea with a clear title. Describe your suggestion in as much detail as possible. Explain alternatives you've considered. # Contributing code Wow, thank you for considering making a contribution of code! ### Before you begin Please take a quick look to see whether a similar change is already being worked on. A similar pull request may already exist. If the change is related to an issue, look to see if that issue has an assignee. Consider reaching out before you start working. It's possible developers may have some ideas and code lying around, and might be able to give you a head start. [Creating a hook][hooks-help] is an easy way to begin adding features to an already existing **yadm** operation. If the hook works well, it could be the basis of a **yadm** feature addition. Or it might just be a [useful hook][contrib-hooks] for someone else. ### Design principles **yadm** was created with a few core design principles in mind. Please adhere to these principles when making changes. * **Single repository** * **yadm** is designed to maintain dotfiles in a single repository. * **Very few dependencies** * **yadm** should be as portable as possible. This is one of the main reasons it has only two dependencies (Bash and Git). Features using other dependencies should gracefully downgrade instead of breaking. For example, encryption requires GnuPG installed, and displays that information if it is not. * **Sparse configuration** * **yadm** should require very little configuration, and come with sensible defaults. Changes requiring users to define meta-data for all of their dotfiles will not be accepted. * **Maintain dotfiles in place** * The default treatment for tracked data should be to allow it to remain a file, in the location it is normally kept. * **Leverage Git** * Stay out of the way and let Git do what it’s good at. Git has a deep and rich set of features for just about every use case. Staying hands off for almost all Git operations will make **yadm** more flexible and future-proof. ### Repository branches and tags * `master` * This branch will always represent the latest release of **yadm**. * `#.#.#` _(tags)_ * Every release of **yadm** will have a commit tagged with the version number. * `develop` * This branch should be used for the basis of every change. As changes are accepted, they will be merged into `develop`. * `release/*` * These are ephemeral branches used to prepare new releases. * `hotfix/*` * These are ephemeral branches used to prepare a patch release, which only includes bug fixes. * `gh-pages` * This branch contains the yadm.io website source. * `dev-pages` * This branch should be used for the basis of every website change. As changes are accepted, they will be merged into dev-pages. * `netlify/*` * These branches deploy configurations to Netlify websites. Currently this is only used to drive redirections for [bootstrap.yadm.io](https://bootstrap.yadm.io/). ### GitHub workflow 1. Fork the [yadm repository][yadm-repo] on GitHub. 2. Clone your fork locally. ```text $ git clone ``` 3. Add the official repository (`upstream`) as a remote repository. ```text $ git remote add upstream https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm.git ``` 4. Verify you can run the test harness. _(This will require dependencies: `make`, `docker`, and `docker-compose`)_. ```text $ make test ``` 5. Create a feature branch, based off the `develop` branch. ```text $ git checkout -b upstream/develop ``` 6. Add changes to your feature branch. 7. If your changes take a few days, be sure to occasionally pull the latest changes from upstream, to ensure that your local branch is up-to-date. ```text $ git pull --rebase upstream develop ``` 8. When your work is done, push your local branch to your fork. ```text $ git push origin ``` 9. [Create a pull request][pr-help] using `develop` as the "base". ### Code conventions When updating the yadm code, please follow these guidelines: * Code linting * Bash code should pass the scrutiny of [ShellCheck][shellcheck]. * Python code must pass the scrutiny of [pylint][] and [flake8][]. * Any YAML must pass the scrutiny of [yamllint][]. * Running `make test_syntax.py` is an easy way to run all linters. * Interface changes * Any changes to **yadm**'s interface should include a commit that updates the `yadm.1` man page. ### Test conventions The test system is written in Python 3 using [pytest][]. Tests should be written for all bugs fixed and features added. To make testing portable and uniform, tests should be performed via the [yadm/testbed][] docker image. The `Makefile` has several "make targets" for testing. Running `make` by itself will produce a help page. Please follow these guidelines while writing tests: * Organization * Tests should be kept in the `test/` directory. * Every test module name should start with `test_`. * Unit tests, which test individual functions should have names that begin with `test_unit_`. * Completely new features should get their own test modules, while updates to existing features should have updated test modules. * Efficiency * Care should be taken to make tests run as efficiently as possible. * Scope large, unchanging, fixtures appropriately so they do not have to be recreated multiple times. ### Commit conventions When arranging your commits, please adhere to the following conventions. * Commit messages * Use the "[Tim Pope][tpope-style]" style of commit messages. Here is a [great guide][commit-style] to writing commit messages. * Atomic commits * Please create only [atomic commits][atomic-commits]. * Signed commits * All commits must be [cryptographically signed][signing-commits]. # Improving documentation Wow, thank you for considering making documentation improvements! There is overlap between the content of the man page, and the information on the website. Consider reviewing both sets of documentation, and submitting similar changes for both to improve consistency. ### Man page changes The man page documentation is contained in the file `yadm.1`. This file is formatted using [groff man macros][groff-man]. Changes to this file can be tested using "make targets": ```text $ make man $ make man-wide $ make man-ps ``` While the [markdown version of the man page][yadm-man] is generated from `yadm.1`, please do not include changes to `yadm.md` within any pull request. That file is only updated during software releases. ### Website changes The yadm.io website is generated using [Jekyll][jekyll]. The bulk of the documentation is created as an ordered collection within `_docs`. To make website testing easy and portable, use the [yadm/jekyll][] docker image. The `Makefile` has several "make targets" for testing. Running `make` by itself will produce a help page. * `make test`: Perform tests done by continuous integration. * `make up`: Start a container to locally test the website. The test website will be hosted at http://localhost:4000/ * `make clean`: Remove previously built data any any Jekyll containers. When making website changes, be sure to adhere to [code](#code-conventions) and [commit](#commit-conventions) conventions. Use the same [GitHub workflow](#github-workflow) when creating a pull request. However use the `dev-pages` branch as a base instead of `develop`. # Maintaining packages Maintaining installation packages is very important for making **yadm** accessible to as many people as possible. Thank you for considering contributing in this way. Please consider the following: * Watch releases * GitHub allows users to "watch" a project for "releases". Doing so will provide you with notifications when a new version of **yadm** has been released. * Include License * Any package of **yadm** should include the license file from the repository. * Dependencies * Be sure to include dependencies in a manner appropriate to the packaging system being used. **yadm** won't work very well without Git. :) # Answering support questions Are you an experienced **yadm** user, with an advanced knowledge of Git? Your expertise could be useful to someone else who is starting out or struggling with a problem. Consider reviewing the list of [open support questions][questions] to see if you can help. [atomic-commits]: https://www.google.com/search?q=atomic+commits [attach-help]: https://help.github.com/en/articles/file-attachments-on-issues-and-pull-requests [commit-style]: https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/#seven-rules [conduct]: CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md [contrib-hooks]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/tree/master/contrib/hooks [flake8]: https://pypi.org/project/flake8/ [groff-man]: https://www.gnu.org/software/groff/manual/html_node/man.html [hooks-help]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/blob/master/yadm.md#hooks [html-proofer]: https://github.com/gjtorikian/html-proofer [jekyll]: https://jekyllrb.com [new-bug]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/issues/new?template=BUG_REPORT.md [new-feature]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/issues/new?template=FEATURE_REQUEST.md [open-issues]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/issues [pr-help]: https://help.github.com/en/articles/creating-a-pull-request-from-a-fork [pylint]: https://pylint.org/ [pytest]: https://pytest.org/ [questions]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/labels/question [refactor]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/issues/146 [shellcheck]: https://www.shellcheck.net [signing-commits]: https://help.github.com/en/articles/signing-commits [tpope-style]: https://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html [yadm-man]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/blob/master/yadm.md [yadm-repo]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm [yadm/jekyll]: https://hub.docker.com/r/yadm/jekyll [yadm/testbed]: https://hub.docker.com/r/yadm/testbed [yamllint]: https://github.com/adrienverge/yamllint