////////////////////////////// // Import Pieces ////////////////////////////// @import "double/default-pair"; @import "double/double-string"; @import "double/default"; @function breakpoint-parse-double($feature, $empty-media, $first) { $parsed: ''; $leader: ''; // If we're forcing @if not ($empty-media) or not ($first) { $leader: 'and '; } $first: nth($feature, 1); $second: nth($feature, 2); // If we've got two numbers, we know we need to use the default pair because there are no media queries that has a media feature that is a number @if type-of($first) == 'number' and type-of($second) == 'number' { $parsed: breakpoint-parse-default-pair($first, $second); } // If they are both strings, we send it through the string parser @else if type-of($first) == 'string' and type-of($second) == 'string' { $parsed: breakpoint-parse-double-string($first, $second); } // If it's a string/number pair, we parse it as a normal double @else { $parsed: breakpoint-parse-double-default($first, $second); } @return $leader + $parsed; }