## New release checklist ○ Version bump EVERYTHING ○ Copyright year update? ○ Rebuild contribs ○ Rebuild man ○ Update specfile ○ Update CHANGES ○ Tag X.XX ○ Merge dev → master ○ Update Homebrew ○ Update Copr ○ Tweet ## Homebrew update brew update cd $(brew --repo homebrew/core) git fetch --unshallow origin # only if still a shallow clone, #this might just fail if this was already done git remote add TheLocehiliosan git@github.com:TheLocehiliosan/homebrew-core.git git push -f TheLocehiliosan master:master vim Formula/yadm.rb brew install --build-from-source yadm brew reinstall --verbose --debug yadm (✗₂) brew audit --strict yadm brew test yadm git add Formula/yadm.rb git commit -S -m 'yadm X.XX' git push TheLocehiliosan master:yadm-X.XX Open pull request ## Copr update checkout yadm-rpm bring in yadm.spec from yadm repo update version in Makefile make tarball make buildhost cd yadm-rpm because centos 6,7... add 'Group: Development/Tools' disable BuildRequires disable %check fedpkg --dist f25 local that should leave a src RPM in the yadm-rpm dir create a new build by uploading the src rpm to copr