--- # Theme remote_theme: mmistakes/minimal-mistakes@4.15.2 minimal_mistakes_skin: default # Site Settings locale: en-US title: yadm title_separator: "-" name: Tim Byrne description: Yet Another Dotfiles Manager url: https://yadm.io repository: TheLocehiliosan/yadm # Social Sharing twitter: username: TheLocehiliosan footer: links: - label: "GitHub" icon: "fab fa-fw fa-github" url: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan - label: "Twitter" icon: "fab fa-fw fa-twitter-square" url: https://twitter.com/TheLocehiliosan - label: "Privacy Policy" icon: "fas fa-fw fa-user-shield" url: /privacy atom_feed: false # path: false # Analytics analytics: provider: google-universal google: tracking_id: UA-83783540-1 # Site Author author: name: Tim Byrne email: sultan@locehilios.com links: - label: Email icon: fas fa-fw fa-envelope-square url: mailto:sultan@locehilios.com - label: Twitter icon: fab fa-fw fa-twitter-square url: https://twitter.com/TheLocehiliosan - label: GitHub icon: fab fa-fw fa-github url: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan # Reading Files include: - _docs - _pages exclude: - CNAME - Gemfile* - Makefile - docker-compose.yml - test* keep_files: - .git encoding: utf-8 markdown_ext: markdown,mkdown,mkdn,mkd,md # Conversion markdown: kramdown highlighter: rouge lsi: false excerpt_separator: "\n\n" incremental: false # Markdown Processing kramdown: input: GFM hard_wrap: false auto_ids: true footnote_nr: 1 entity_output: as_char toc_levels: 1..6 smart_quotes: lsquo,rsquo,ldquo,rdquo enable_coderay: false # Collections collections: docs: output: true permalink: /:collection/:path/ # Sass/SCSS sass: sass_dir: _sass style: compressed # Outputting permalink: /:categories/:title/ # paginate: 5 # paginate_path: /page:num/ # Plugins (previously gems:) plugins: - jekyll-paginate - jekyll-sitemap - jekyll-gist - jekyll-feed - jemoji - jekyll-include-cache # mimic GitHub Pages with --safe whitelist: - jekyll-paginate - jekyll-sitemap - jekyll-gist - jekyll-feed - jemoji - jekyll-include-cache # Archives # Type # - GitHub Pages compatible archive pages built with Liquid ~> type: liquid # (default) # - Jekyll Archives plugin archive pages ~> type: jekyll-archives # Path (examples) # - Archive page should exist at path when using Liquid method or you can # expect broken links (especially with breadcrumbs enabled) # - /tags/my-awesome-tag/index.html ~> path: /tags/ # - path: /categories/ # - path: / category_archive: type: liquid path: /categories/ tag_archive: type: liquid path: /tags/ # https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-archives # jekyll-archives: # enabled: # - categories # - tags # layouts: # category: archive-taxonomy # tag: archive-taxonomy # permalinks: # category: /categories/:name/ # tag: /tags/:name/ # HTML Compression # - http://jch.penibelst.de/ compress_html: clippings: all ignore: envs: development # Defaults defaults: - scope: path: "" type: docs values: layout: single read_time: false author_profile: false share: false comments: false sidebar: nav: docs