#!/bin/bash ## Here we handle exception. ## We will catch if currently right clicked directory actually exists, ## ... Or is it the root filesystem? WORKING_DIR=$1 # Don't show the action if Sublime Text is not installed. type -P subl &>/dev/null || exit 1 ## IF: WORKING_DIR is empty (eg. recents, trash or search results) --- does not exist ## OR: WORKING_DIR is / (eg. favorites or root filesystem) --- we don't touch root filesystem if [[ -z "$WORKING_DIR" || "$WORKING_DIR" == "$HOME" || "$WORKING_DIR" == '/' ]]; then # THEN: We exit with err. code 1, so that Nemo action will receive err. condition # ...and won't continue executing, aka. won't show VSCode menu entry at all. exit 1 fi exit 0