" Author: Alexander Olofsson <alexander.olofsson@liu.se> " Description: Puppet Language Server integration for ALE call ale#Set('puppet_languageserver_executable', 'puppet-languageserver') function! ale_linters#puppet#languageserver#GetProjectRoot(buffer) abort " Note: The metadata.json file is recommended for Puppet 4+ modules, but " there's no requirement to have it, so fall back to the other possible " Puppet module directories let l:root_path = ale#path#FindNearestFile(a:buffer, 'metadata.json') if !empty(l:root_path) return fnamemodify(l:root_path, ':h') endif for l:test_path in [ \ 'manifests', \ 'templates', \] let l:root_path = ale#path#FindNearestDirectory(a:buffer, l:test_path) if !empty(l:root_path) return fnamemodify(l:root_path, ':h:h') endif endfor return '' endfunction call ale#linter#Define('puppet', { \ 'name': 'languageserver', \ 'lsp': 'stdio', \ 'executable': {b -> ale#Var(b, 'puppet_languageserver_executable')}, \ 'command': '%e --stdio', \ 'language': 'puppet', \ 'project_root': function('ale_linters#puppet#languageserver#GetProjectRoot'), \})