"============================================================================= " File: texproject.vim " Author: Mikolaj Machowski " Version: 1.0 " Created: Wen Apr 16 05:00 PM 2003 " " Description: Handling tex projects. " "============================================================================= let s:path = expand(":p:h") command! -nargs=0 TProjectEdit :call Tex_ProjectEdit() command! -nargs=0 TProjectWrite :call Tex_ProjectWrite() command! -nargs=0 TProject :call Tex_Project() " Tex_ProjectEdit: Edit project file " {{{ " Description: If project file exists (*.latexmain) open it in window created " with ':split', if no create ':new' window and read there " project template " function! s:Tex_ProjectEdit() let file = expand("%:p") if Tex_GetMainFileName() != '' exe 'split '.Tex_GetMainFileName(":p") else exe 'split '.escape(s:path.'/projecttemplate.vim', ' ') exe 'saveas '.escape(file.'.latexmain', ' ') let g:Tex_ProjectExists = 1 endif endfunction " }}} " Tex_ProjectWrite: write project and source it to refresh changed vars {{{ " Description: " function! s:Tex_ProjectWrite() if expand("%") =~ 'latexmain$' write! exe 'source '.Tex_GetMainFileName(":p") q else echoerr "Sorry, this is not project file" return endif endfunction " }}} " Tex_Project: open project view in explorer {{{ " Description: " function! s:Tex_Project() if g:Tex_ProjectExists == 1 new let w:projView = 1 :Explore else echoerr "Sorry, no project file exists" finish endif endfunction " }}} " Load project file if exists if Tex_GetMainFileName() != '' && Tex_GetMainFileName(':e') == 'latexmain' exe 'source '.Tex_GetMainFileName(":p") let g:Tex_ProjectExists = 1 else let g:Tex_ProjectExists = 0 endif " vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4