Note taking syntax This note contains examples of the syntax highlighting styles supported by the notes plug-in. When your Vim configuration supports concealing of text, the markers which enable the syntax highlighting won’t be visible. In this case you can make the markers visible by selecting the text. # Headings Lines prefixed with one or more ‘#’ symbols are headings which can be used for automatic text folding. There’s also an alternative heading format which isn’t folded, it consists of a line shorter than 60 letters that starts with an uppercase letter and ends in a colon (the hard wrapping in this paragraph illustrates why the “starts with uppercase” rule is needed): # Inline formatting Text styles: • _italic text_ • *bold text* Hyper links and such: • Hyper links:, sftp://server/file • Domain names: • E-mail addresses: user@host.ext • UNIX filenames: ~/relative/to/home, /absolute/path • Windows filenames: ~\relative\to\home, c:\absolute\path, \\server\share # Lists Bulleted lists can be used for to-do lists: • DONE Publish my notes.vim plug-in • TODO Write an indent script for atx headings • XXX This one is really important Numbered lists are also supported: 1. And You can 2) use any type 3/ of marker # Block quotes > Quotes are written using > the convention from e-mail # Embedded syntax highlighting If you type three ‘{’ characters followed by the name of a Vim file type, all text until the three closing ‘}’ characters will be highlighted using the indicated file type. Here are some examples of the Fibonacci sequence: Lua: {{{lua function fib(n) return n < 2 and n or fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) end }}} Vim script: {{{vim function fib(n) | return n < 2 ? n : fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) | endfunction }}} Python: {{{python def fib(n): return n < 2 and n or fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) }}}