snippet steps steps { sh '${1:make check}' junit '${2:reports/**/*.xml}' } ${0} snippet stage stage('${1:Test}'){ steps { sh '${2:make check}' junit '${3:reports/**/*.xml}' } } ${0} snippet pipeline pipeline { agent any stages { stage('${1:Build}') { steps { sh '${2:make}' } } } } ${0} snippet pipeline_sample pipeline { agent any stages { stage('${1:Build}') { steps { sh '${2:make}' } } stage('${3:Test}'){ steps { sh '${4:make check}' junit '${5:reports/**/*.xml}' } } stage('${6:Deploy}') { steps { sh '${7:make publish}' } } } } ${0} snippet d docker { image '${'}' label '${2:my-defined-label'}' registryUrl '${3:'}' registryCredentialsId '${4:myPredefinedCredentialsInJenkins'}' } snippet df dockerfile { filename '${}' dir '${2:build}' label '${3:my-defined-label}' registryUrl '${4:}' registryCredentialsId '${5:myPredefinedCredentialsInJenkins}' } snippet pa post { always { ${1} } } ${0} snippet pc post { changed { ${1} } } ${0} snippet pf post { fixed { ${1} } } ${0} snippet pr post { regression { ${1} } } ${0} snippet pab post { aborted { ${1} } } ${0} snippet pfa post { failure { ${1} } } ${0} snippet ps post { success { ${1} } } ${0} snippet pu post { unstable { ${1} } } ${0} snippet pc post { cleanup { ${1} } } ${0} snippet psss pipeline { agent any stages { stage('${1:Build}') { steps { sh '${2:make}' } } } ${0} snippet sss stages { stage('${1:Build}') { steps { sh '${2:make}' } } } ${0} snippet parameters parameters{ ${1} } ${0} snippet paramtext text(name: "${1:BIOGRAPHY}" , defaultValue: "${2:default}" , description: "${3:Enter some information about the person}") ${0} snippet parambool booleanParam(name: "${1:TOGGLE}" , defaultValue: ${2:default}, description: "${3:Toggle this value}") ${0} snippet paramchoice choice(name: "${1:CHOICE}" , choices: ["${2:Choices}",] , description: "${3:Pick something}") ${0} snippet parampassword password(name: "${1:PASSWORD}" , defaultValue: "${2:SECRET}" , description: "${3:Enter a password}") ${0} snippet paramfile file(name: "${1:FILE}" , description: "${2:Choose a file to upload}")${0} ${0} snippet triggers triggers { cron('${1:H */4 * * 1-5}') } ${0} snippet input input { message '${1:Should we continue?}' ok '${2:Yes, we should.}' submitter '${3:alice,bob}' parameters { string(name: '${4:PERSON}' , defaultValue: '${5:Mr Jenkins}' , description: '${6:Who should I say hello to?}') } } ${0} snippet whenbranch when { branch '${1:branch}' } ${0} snippet whenbuildingTag when { buildingTag '${1:tag}' } ${0} snippet whenchangelog when { changelog '${1:changelog}' } ${0} snippet whenchangeset when { changeset '${1:changeSet}' } ${0} snippet whenchangeRequest when { changeRequest '${1:changeRequest}' } ${0} snippet whenenvironment when { environment '${1:environment}' } ${0} snippet whenequals when { equals '${1:equals}' } ${0} snippet whenexpression when { expression '${1:expression}' } ${0} snippet whentag when { tag '${1:tag}' } ${0} snippet whennot when { not '${1:not}' } ${0} snippet whenallOf when { allOf '${1:allOf}' } ${0} snippet whenanyOf when { anyOf '${1:anyOf}' }