## Global Snippets # Define a new Angular Controller; # You can change the controller name and parameters snippet ngc ${1:controllerName} = (${2:scope}, ${3:injectables}) -> ${4} # angular.foreach loop snippet ngfor angular.forEach ${1:iterateOver}, (value, key) -> ${2} ## Module Based Snippets # A new angular module without a config function snippet ngm angular.module '${1:moduleName}', [${2:moduleDependencies}] ${3} # A new angular module without a config function and a variable assignment snippet ngma ${1:moduleName} = angular.module '$1', [${2:moduleDeps}] ${3} # A new angular module with a config function snippet ngmc ${1:moduleName} = angular.module('$1', [${2:moduleDeps}], (${3:configDeps}) -> ${4} ) # A factory in a module snippet ngmfa factory '${1:factoryName}', (${2:dependencies}) -> ${3} # Define an Angular Module Service to be attached to a previously defined module # You can change the service name and service injectables snippet ngms service '${1:serviceName}', (${2:injectables}) -> ${3} # Define an Angular Module Filter to be attached to a previously defined module # You can change the filter name snippet ngmfi filter '${1:filterName}', (${2:injectables}) -> (input, ${3:args}) -> ${4} ## Route Based Snippets # Defines a when condition of an AngularJS route snippet ngrw $routeProvider.when '${1:url}', templateUrl: '${2:templateUrl}' controller: '${3:controller}' ${4} # Defines a when condition of an AngularJS route with the resolve block snippet ngrwr $routeProvider.when '${1:url}', templateUrl: '${2:templateUrl}' controller: '${3:controller}' resolve: ${4} ${5} # Defines an otherwise condition of an AngularJS route snippet ngro $routeProvider.otherwise redirectTo: '${1:url}' ${2} ## Scope Related Snippets # Define a new $scope'd function (usually inside an AngularJS Controller) # You can change the function name and arguments snippet $f $scope.${1:functionName} = (${2:args}) -> ${3} # Defines a new $scope'd variable inside an AngularJS controller snippet $v $scope.${1:variable} = ${2:value} ${3} # Defines a new $scope'd variable inside an AngularJS controller and assigns a value from a constructor arguments snippet $va $scope.${1:variable} = ${2:variable} ${3} # Define a $watch for an expression # You can change the expression to be watched snippet $w $scope.$watch '${1:watchExpr}', (newValue, oldValue) -> ${2} # Define a $on for a $broadcast/$emit on the $scope inside an Angular Controller # You can change the event name to listen on snippet $on $scope.$on '${1:eventName}', (event, ${2:args}) -> ${3} # Define a $broadcast for a $scope inside an Angular Controller / Angular Controller Function # You can change the event name and optional event arguments snippet $b $scope.$broadcast '${1:eventName}', ${2:eventArgs} ${3} # Define an $emit for a $scope inside an Angular Controller / Angular Controller Function # You can change the event name and optional event arguments snippet $e $scope.$emit '${1:eventName}', ${2:eventArgs} ${3} ## Directive related snippets # A compile function snippet ngdcf compile = (tElement, tAttrs, transclude) -> (scope, element, attrs) -> ${1} # A linking function in a directive snippet ngdlf (scope, element, attrs${1:ctrl}) -> ${2} # A directive with a compile function snippet ngdc directive '${1:directiveName}', factory = (${2:injectables}) -> directiveDefinitionObject = ${3:directiveAttrs} compile: compile = (tElement, tAttrs, transclude) -> (scope, element, attrs) -> directiveDefinitionObject # A directive with a linking function only snippet ngdl .directive('${1:directiveName}', (${2:directiveDeps}) -> (scope, element, attrs${3:ctrl}) -> ${4} )