Thanks to all bug reporters, and special thanks to those who have contributed code: Brian Egan (brianegan): Initial compiling support Ches Martin (ches): Initial vim docs Chris Hoffman (cehoffman): Add new keywoards from, to, and do Highlight the - in negative integers Add here regex highlighting, increase fold level for here docs David Wilhelm (bigfish): CoffeeRun command Jay Adkisson (jayferd): Support for eco templates Karl Guertin (grayrest) Cakefiles are coffeescript Maciej Konieczny (narfdotpl): Fix funny typo Matt Sacks (mattsa): Javascript omni-completion coffee_compile_vert option Nick Stenning (nickstenning): Fold by indentation for coffeescript Simon Lipp (sloonz): Trailing spaces are not error on lines containing only spaces Stéphan Kochen (stephank): Initial HTML CoffeeScript highlighting Sven Felix Oberquelle (Svelix): Haml CoffeeScript highlighting Wei Dai (clvv): Fix the use of Vim built-in make command.