"CLASS: NERDTree "============================================================ let s:NERDTree = {} let g:NERDTree = s:NERDTree "FUNCTION: s:NERDTree.AddPathFilter() {{{1 function! s:NERDTree.AddPathFilter(callback) call add(s:NERDTree.PathFilters(), a:callback) endfunction "FUNCTION: s:NERDTree.changeRoot(node) {{{1 function! s:NERDTree.changeRoot(node) if a:node.path.isDirectory let self.root = a:node else call a:node.cacheParent() let self.root = a:node.parent endif call self.root.open() "change dir to the dir of the new root if instructed to if g:NERDTreeChDirMode ==# 2 call self.root.path.changeToDir() endif call self.render() call self.root.putCursorHere(0, 0) silent doautocmd User NERDTreeNewRoot endfunction "FUNCTION: s:NERDTree.Close() {{{1 "Closes the tab tree window for this tab function! s:NERDTree.Close() if !s:NERDTree.IsOpen() return endif if winnr("$") != 1 " Use the window ID to identify the currently active window or fall " back on the buffer ID if win_getid/win_gotoid are not available, in " which case we'll focus an arbitrary window showing the buffer. let l:useWinId = exists('*win_getid') && exists('*win_gotoid') if winnr() == s:NERDTree.GetWinNum() call nerdtree#exec("wincmd p") let l:activeBufOrWin = l:useWinId ? win_getid() : bufnr("") call nerdtree#exec("wincmd p") else let l:activeBufOrWin = l:useWinId ? win_getid() : bufnr("") endif call nerdtree#exec(s:NERDTree.GetWinNum() . " wincmd w") close if l:useWinId call nerdtree#exec("call win_gotoid(" . l:activeBufOrWin . ")") else call nerdtree#exec(bufwinnr(l:activeBufOrWin) . " wincmd w") endif else close endif endfunction "FUNCTION: s:NERDTree.CloseIfQuitOnOpen() {{{1 "Closes the NERD tree window if the close on open option is set function! s:NERDTree.CloseIfQuitOnOpen() if and(g:NERDTreeQuitOnOpen,1) && s:NERDTree.IsOpen() call s:NERDTree.Close() endif endfunction "FUNCTION: s:NERDTree.CursorToBookmarkTable(){{{1 "Places the cursor at the top of the bookmarks table function! s:NERDTree.CursorToBookmarkTable() if !b:NERDTree.ui.getShowBookmarks() throw "NERDTree.IllegalOperationError: cant find bookmark table, bookmarks arent active" endif if g:NERDTreeMinimalUI return cursor(1, 2) endif let rootNodeLine = b:NERDTree.ui.getRootLineNum() let line = 1 while getline(line) !~# '^>-\+Bookmarks-\+$' let line = line + 1 if line >= rootNodeLine throw "NERDTree.BookmarkTableNotFoundError: didnt find the bookmarks table" endif endwhile call cursor(line, 2) endfunction "FUNCTION: s:NERDTree.CursorToTreeWin(){{{1 "Places the cursor in the nerd tree window function! s:NERDTree.CursorToTreeWin() call g:NERDTree.MustBeOpen() call nerdtree#exec(g:NERDTree.GetWinNum() . "wincmd w") endfunction " Function: s:NERDTree.ExistsForBuffer() {{{1 " Returns 1 if a nerd tree root exists in the current buffer function! s:NERDTree.ExistsForBuf() return exists("b:NERDTree") endfunction " Function: s:NERDTree.ExistsForTab() {{{1 " Returns 1 if a nerd tree root exists in the current tab function! s:NERDTree.ExistsForTab() if !exists("t:NERDTreeBufName") return end "check b:NERDTree is still there and hasn't been e.g. :bdeleted return !empty(getbufvar(bufnr(t:NERDTreeBufName), 'NERDTree')) endfunction function! s:NERDTree.ForCurrentBuf() if s:NERDTree.ExistsForBuf() return b:NERDTree else return {} endif endfunction "FUNCTION: s:NERDTree.ForCurrentTab() {{{1 function! s:NERDTree.ForCurrentTab() if !s:NERDTree.ExistsForTab() return endif let bufnr = bufnr(t:NERDTreeBufName) return getbufvar(bufnr, "NERDTree") endfunction "FUNCTION: s:NERDTree.getRoot() {{{1 function! s:NERDTree.getRoot() return self.root endfunction "FUNCTION: s:NERDTree.GetWinNum() {{{1 "gets the nerd tree window number for this tab function! s:NERDTree.GetWinNum() if exists("t:NERDTreeBufName") return bufwinnr(t:NERDTreeBufName) endif return -1 endfunction "FUNCTION: s:NERDTree.IsOpen() {{{1 function! s:NERDTree.IsOpen() return s:NERDTree.GetWinNum() != -1 endfunction "FUNCTION: s:NERDTree.isTabTree() {{{1 function! s:NERDTree.isTabTree() return self._type == "tab" endfunction "FUNCTION: s:NERDTree.isWinTree() {{{1 function! s:NERDTree.isWinTree() return self._type == "window" endfunction "FUNCTION: s:NERDTree.MustBeOpen() {{{1 function! s:NERDTree.MustBeOpen() if !s:NERDTree.IsOpen() throw "NERDTree.TreeNotOpen" endif endfunction "FUNCTION: s:NERDTree.New() {{{1 function! s:NERDTree.New(path, type) let newObj = copy(self) let newObj.ui = g:NERDTreeUI.New(newObj) let newObj.root = g:NERDTreeDirNode.New(a:path, newObj) let newObj._type = a:type return newObj endfunction "FUNCTION: s:NERDTree.PathFilters() {{{1 function! s:NERDTree.PathFilters() if !exists('s:NERDTree._PathFilters') let s:NERDTree._PathFilters = [] endif return s:NERDTree._PathFilters endfunction "FUNCTION: s:NERDTree.previousBuf() {{{1 function! s:NERDTree.previousBuf() return self._previousBuf endfunction function! s:NERDTree.setPreviousBuf(bnum) let self._previousBuf = a:bnum endfunction "FUNCTION: s:NERDTree.render() {{{1 "A convenience function - since this is called often function! s:NERDTree.render() call self.ui.render() endfunction " vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker: