" ==============================================================================
" File: expand_region.vim
" Author: Terry Ma
" Last Modified: March 30, 2013
" ==============================================================================

let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim

" ==============================================================================
" Settings
" ==============================================================================

" Init global vars
function! expand_region#init()
  if exists('g:expand_region_init') && g:expand_region_init
  let g:expand_region_init = 1

  " Dictionary of text objects that are supported by default. Note that some of
  " the text objects are not available in vanilla vim. '1' indicates that the
  " text object is recursive (think of nested parens or brackets)
  let g:expand_region_text_objects = get(g:, 'expand_region_text_objects', {
          \ 'iw'  :0,
          \ 'iW'  :0,
          \ 'i"'  :0,
          \ 'i''' :0,
          \ 'i]'  :1,
          \ 'ib'  :1,
          \ 'iB'  :1,
          \ 'il'  :0,
          \ 'ip'  :0,
          \ 'ie'  :0,

  " Option to default to the select mode when selecting a new region
  let g:expand_region_use_select_mode = get(g:, 'expand_region_use_select_mode', 0)
call expand_region#init()

" ==============================================================================
" Global Functions
" ==============================================================================

" Allow user to customize the global dictionary, or the per file type dictionary
function! expand_region#custom_text_objects(...)
  if a:0 == 1
    call extend(g:expand_region_text_objects, a:1)
  elseif a:0 == 2
    if !exists("g:expand_region_text_objects_".a:1)
      let g:expand_region_text_objects_{a:1} = {}
      call extend(g:expand_region_text_objects_{a:1}, g:expand_region_text_objects)
    call extend(g:expand_region_text_objects_{a:1}, a:2)

" Returns whether we should perform the region highlighting use visual mode or
" select mode
function! expand_region#use_select_mode()
  return g:expand_region_use_select_mode || index(split(s:saved_selectmode, ','), 'cmd') != -1

" Main function
function! expand_region#next(mode, direction)
  call s:expand_region(a:mode, a:direction)

" ==============================================================================
" Variables
" ==============================================================================

" The saved cursor position when user initiates expand. This is the position we
" use to calcuate the region for all of our text objects. This is also used to
" restore the original cursor position when the region is completely shrinked.
let s:saved_pos = []

" Index into the list of filtered text objects(s:candidates), the text object
" this points to is the currently selected region.
let s:cur_index = -1

" The list of filtered text objects used to expand/shrink the visual selection.
" This is computed when expand-region is called the first time.
" Each item is a dictionary containing the following:
" text_object: The actual text object string
" start_pos: The result of getpos() on the starting position of the text object
" end_pos: The result of getpos() on the ending position of the text object
" length: The number of characters for the text object
let s:candidates = []

" This is used to save the user's selectmode setting. If the user's selectmode
" contains 'cmd', then our expansion should result in the region selected under
" select mode.
let s:saved_selectmode = &selectmode

" ==============================================================================
" Functions
" ==============================================================================

" Sort the text object by length in ascending order
function! s:sort_text_object(l, r)
  return a:l.length - a:r.length

" Compare two position arrays. Each input is the result of getpos(). Return a
" negative value if lhs occurs before rhs, positive value if after, and 0 if
" they are the same.
function! s:compare_pos(l, r)
  " If number lines are the same, compare columns
  return a:l[1] ==# a:r[1] ? a:l[2] - a:r[2] : a:l[1] - a:r[1]

" Boundary check on the cursor position to make sure it's inside the text object
" region. Return 1 if the cursor is within range, 0 otherwise.
function! s:is_cursor_inside(pos, region)
  if s:compare_pos(a:pos, a:region.start_pos) < 0
    return 0
  if s:compare_pos(a:pos, a:region.end_pos) > 0
    return 0
  return 1

" Remove duplicates from the candidate list. Two candidates are duplicates if
" they cover the exact same region (same length and same starting position)
function! s:remove_duplicate(input)
  let i = len(a:input) - 1
  while i >= 1
    if a:input[i].length ==# a:input[i-1].length &&
          \ a:input[i].start_pos ==# a:input[i-1].start_pos
      call remove(a:input, i)
    let i-=1

" Return a single candidate dictionary. Each dictionary contains the following:
" text_object: The actual text object string
" start_pos: The result of getpos() on the starting position of the text object
" end_pos: The result of getpos() on the ending position of the text object
" length: The number of characters for the text object
function! s:get_candidate_dict(text_object)
  " Store the current view so we can restore it at the end
  let winview = winsaveview()

  " Use ! as much as possible
  exec 'normal! v'
  exec 'silent! normal '.a:text_object
  " The double quote is important
  exec "normal! \<Esc>"

  let selection = s:get_visual_selection()
  let ret = {
        \ "text_object": a:text_object,
        \ "start_pos": selection.start_pos,
        \ "end_pos": selection.end_pos,
        \ "length": selection.length,

  " Restore peace
  call winrestview(winview)
  return ret

" Return dictionary of text objects that are to be used for the current
" filetype. Filetype-specific dictionaries will be loaded if they exist
" and the global dictionary will be used as a fallback.
function! s:get_configuration()
  let configuration = {}
  for ft in split(&ft, '\.')
    if exists("g:expand_region_text_objects_".ft)
      call extend(configuration, g:expand_region_text_objects_{ft})

  if empty(configuration)
    call extend(configuration, g:expand_region_text_objects)

  return configuration

" Return list of candidate dictionary. Each dictionary contains the following:
" text_object: The actual text object string
" start_pos: The result of getpos() on the starting position of the text object
" length: The number of characters for the text object
function! s:get_candidate_list()
  " Turn off wrap to allow recursive search to work without triggering errors
  let save_wrapscan = &wrapscan
  set nowrapscan

  let config = s:get_configuration()

  " Generate the candidate list for every defined text object
  let candidates = keys(config)
  call map(candidates, "s:get_candidate_dict(v:val)")

  " For the ones that are recursive, generate them until they no longer match
  " any region
  let recursive_candidates = []
  for i in candidates
    " Continue if not recursive
    if !config[i.text_object]
    " If the first level is already empty, no point in going any further
    if i.length ==# 0
    let l:count = 2
    let previous = i.length
    while 1
      let test = l:count.i.text_object
      let candidate = s:get_candidate_dict(test)
      if candidate.length ==# 0
      " If we're not producing larger regions, end early
      if candidate.length ==# previous
      call add(recursive_candidates, candidate)
      let l:count+=1
      let previous = candidate.length

  " Restore wrapscan
  let &wrapscan = save_wrapscan

  return extend(candidates, recursive_candidates)

" Return a dictionary containing the start position, end position and length of
" the current visual selection.
function! s:get_visual_selection()
  let start_pos = getpos("'<")
  let end_pos = getpos("'>")
  let [lnum1, col1] = start_pos[1:2]
  let [lnum2, col2] = end_pos[1:2]
  let lines = getline(lnum1, lnum2)
  let lines[-1] = lines[-1][: col2 - 1]
  let lines[0] = lines[0][col1 - 1:]
  return {
        \ 'start_pos': start_pos,
        \ 'end_pos': end_pos,
        \ 'length': len(join(lines, "\n"))

" Figure out whether we should compute the candidate text objects, or we're in
" the middle of an expand/shrink.
function! s:should_compute_candidates(mode)
  if a:mode ==# 'v'
    " Check that current visual selection is idential to our last expanded
    " region
    if s:cur_index >= 0
      let selection = s:get_visual_selection()
      if s:candidates[s:cur_index].start_pos ==# selection.start_pos
            \ && s:candidates[s:cur_index].length ==# selection.length
        return 0
  return 1

" Computes the list of text object candidates to be used given the current
" cursor position.
function! s:compute_candidates(cursor_pos)
  " Reset index into the candidates list
  let s:cur_index = -1

  " Save the current cursor position so we can restore it later
  let s:saved_pos = a:cursor_pos

  " Compute a list of candidate regions
  let s:candidates = s:get_candidate_list()

  " Sort them and remove the ones with 0 or 1 length
  call filter(sort(s:candidates, "s:sort_text_object"), 'v:val.length > 1')

  " Filter out the ones where the cursor falls outside of its region. i" and i'
  " can start after the cursor position, and ib can start before, so both checks
  " are needed
  call filter(s:candidates, 's:is_cursor_inside(s:saved_pos, v:val)')

  " Remove duplicates
  call s:remove_duplicate(s:candidates)

" Perform the visual selection at the end. If the user wants to be left in
" select mode, do so
function! s:select_region()
  exec 'normal! v'
  exec 'normal '.s:candidates[s:cur_index].text_object
  if expand_region#use_select_mode()
    exec "normal! \<C-g>"

" Expand or shrink the visual selection to the next candidate in the text object
" list.
function! s:expand_region(mode, direction)
  " Save the selectmode setting, and remove the setting so our 'v' command do
  " not get interfered
  let s:saved_selectmode = &selectmode
  let &selectmode=""

  if s:should_compute_candidates(a:mode)
    call s:compute_candidates(getpos('.'))
    call setpos('.', s:saved_pos)

  if a:direction ==# '+'
    " Expanding
    if s:cur_index ==# len(s:candidates) - 1
      normal! gv
      let s:cur_index+=1
      " Associate the window view with the text object
      let s:candidates[s:cur_index].prev_winview = winsaveview()
      call s:select_region()
    if s:cur_index <=# 0
      " In visual mode, doing nothing here will return us to normal mode. For
      " select mode, the following is needed.
      if expand_region#use_select_mode()
        exec "normal! gV"
      " Restore the window view
      call winrestview(s:candidates[s:cur_index].prev_winview)
      let s:cur_index-=1
      call s:select_region()

  " Restore the selectmode setting
  let &selectmode = s:saved_selectmode

let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo