" File: snipMate.vim " Author: Michael Sanders " Version: 0.84 " Description: snipMate.vim implements some of TextMate's snippets features in " Vim. A snippet is a piece of often-typed text that you can " insert into your document using a trigger word followed by a "<tab>". " " For more help see snipMate.txt; you can do this by using: " :helptags ~/.vim/doc " :h snipMate.txt if exists('loaded_snips') || &cp || version < 700 finish endif let loaded_snips = 1 if !exists('snips_author') | let snips_author = 'Me' | endif try call funcref#Function('') catch /.*/ echoe "you're missing vim-addon-mw-utils. See install instructions at ".expand('<sfile>:h:h').'/README.rst' endtry if (!exists('g:snipMateSources')) let g:snipMateSources = {} " default source: get snippets based on runtimepath: let g:snipMateSources['default'] = funcref#Function('snipMate#DefaultPool') endif au BufRead,BufNewFile *.snippet set ft=snippet au FileType snippet setl noet nospell au BufRead,BufNewFile *.snippets set ft=snippets au FileType snippets setl noet nospell fdm=expr fde=getline(v:lnum)!~'^\\t\\\\|^$'?'>1':1 " config which can be overridden (shared lines) if !exists('g:snipMate') let g:snipMate = {} endif let s:snipMate = g:snipMate let s:snipMate['get_snippets'] = get(s:snipMate, 'get_snippets', funcref#Function("snipMate#GetSnippets")) " old snippets_dir: function returning list of paths which is used to read " snippets. You can replace it with your own implementation. Defaults to all " directories in &rtp/snippets/* let s:snipMate['snippet_dirs'] = get(s:snipMate, 'snippet_dirs', funcref#Function('return split(&runtimepath,",")')) " _ is default scope added always " " &ft honors multiple filetypes and syntax such as in set ft=html.javascript syntax=FOO let s:snipMate['get_scopes'] = get(s:snipMate, 'get_scopes', funcref#Function('return split(&ft,"\\.")+[&syntax, "_"]')) if !exists('snippets_dir') let snippets_dir = substitute(globpath(&rtp, 'snippets/'), "\n", ',', 'g') endif " Processes a single-snippet file; optionally add the name of the parent " directory for a snippet with multiple matches. fun! s:ProcessFile(file, ft, ...) let keyword = fnamemodify(a:file, ':t:r') if keyword == '' | return | endif try let text = join(readfile(a:file), "\n") catch /E484/ echom "Error in snipMate.vim: couldn't read file: ".a:file endtry return a:0 ? MakeSnip(a:ft, a:1, text, keyword) \ : MakeSnip(a:ft, keyword, text) endf " dummy for compatibility - will be removed " moving to autoload to improve loading speed and debugging fun! TriggerSnippet() echoe "replace TriggerSnippet by snipMate#TriggerSnippet, please!" return snipMate#TriggerSnippet() endf fun! BackwardSnippet() echoe "replace BackwardSnippet by snipMate#BackwardsSnippet, please!" return snipMate#BackwardsSnippet() endf " vim:noet:sw=4:ts=4:ft=vim