" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim]) " @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037 " @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) " @Revision: 64 " Extra tags for |tlib#tag#Retrieve()| (see there). Can also be buffer-local. TLet g:tlib_tags_extra = '' " Filter the tag description through |substitute()| for these filetypes. " This applies only if the tag cmd field (see |taglist()|) is used. " :nodefault: TLet g:tlib_tag_substitute = { \ 'java': [['\s*{\s*$', '', '']], \ 'ruby': [['\<\(def\|class\|module\)\>\s\+', '', '']], \ 'vim': [ \ ['^\s*com\%[mand]!\?\(\s\+-\S\+\)*\s*\u\w*\zs.*$', '', ''], \ ['^\s*\(let\|aug\%[roup]\|fu\%[nction]!\?\|com\%[mand]!\?\(\s\+-\S\+\)*\)\s*', '', ''], \ ['"\?\s*{{{\d.*$', '', ''], \ ], \ } " :def: function! tlib#tag#Retrieve(rx, ?extra_tags=0) " Get all tags matching rx. Basically, this function simply calls " |taglist()|, but when extra_tags is true, the list of the tag files " (see 'tags') is temporarily expanded with |g:tlib_tags_extra|. " " Example use: " If you want to include tags for, eg, JDK, normal tags use can become " slow. You could proceed as follows: " 1. Create a tags file for the JDK sources. When creating the tags " file, make sure to include inheritance information and the like " (command-line options like --fields=+iaSm --extra=+q should be ok). " In this example, we want tags only for public methods (there are " most likely better ways to do this): > " ctags -R --fields=+iaSm --extra=+q ${JAVA_HOME}/src " head -n 6 tags > tags0 " grep access:public tags >> tags0 " < 2. Make 'tags' include project specific tags files. In " ~/vimfiles/after/ftplugin/java.vim insert: > " let b:tlib_tags_extra = $JAVA_HOME .'/tags0' " < 3. When this function is invoked as > " echo tlib#tag#Retrieve('print') " < it will return only project-local tags. If it is invoked as > " echo tlib#tag#Retrieve('print', 1) " < tags from the JDK will be included. function! tlib#tag#Retrieve(rx, ...) "{{{3 TVarArg ['extra_tags', 0] Tlibtrace 'tlib', a:rx, extra_tags if extra_tags let tags_orig = &l:tags if empty(tags_orig) setlocal tags< endif try let more_tags = tlib#var#Get('tlib_tags_extra', 'bg') if !empty(more_tags) let &l:tags .= ','. more_tags endif let taglist = taglist(a:rx) finally let &l:tags = tags_orig endtry else let taglist = taglist(a:rx) endif Tlibtrace 'tlib', len(taglist) return copy(taglist) endf " Retrieve tags that meet the constraints (a dictionnary of fields and " regexp, with the exception of the kind field which is a list of chars). " For the use of the optional use_extra argument see " |tlib#tag#Retrieve()|. " :def: function! tlib#tag#Collect(constraints, ?use_extra=1, ?match_front=1) function! tlib#tag#Collect(constraints, ...) "{{{3 TVarArg ['use_extra', 0], ['match_end', 1], ['match_front', 1] Tlibtrace 'tlib', a:constraints, use_extra, match_end, match_front let rx = get(a:constraints, 'name', '') if empty(rx) || rx == '*' let rx = '.' else let rxl = ['\C'] if match_front call add(rxl, '^') endif " call add(rxl, tlib#rx#Escape(rx)) call add(rxl, rx) if match_end call add(rxl, '$') endif let rx = join(rxl, '') endif Tlibtrace 'tlib', rx, use_extra let tags = tlib#tag#Retrieve(rx, use_extra) Tlibtrace 'tlib', len(tags) for [field, rx] in items(a:constraints) if !empty(rx) && rx != '*' " TLogVAR field, rx if field == 'kind' call filter(tags, 'v:val.kind =~ "['. rx .']"') elseif field != 'name' call filter(tags, '!empty(get(v:val, field)) && get(v:val, field) =~ rx') endif endif endfor Tlibtrace 'tlib', len(tags) return tags endf function! tlib#tag#Format(tag) "{{{3 if has_key(a:tag, 'signature') let name = a:tag.name . a:tag.signature elseif a:tag.cmd[0] == '/' let name = a:tag.cmd let name = substitute(name, '^/\^\?\s*', '', '') let name = substitute(name, '\s*\$\?/$', '', '') let name = substitute(name, '\s\{2,}', ' ', 'g') let tsub = tlib#var#Get('tlib_tag_substitute', 'bg') if has_key(tsub, &filetype) for [rx, rplc, sub] in tsub[&filetype] let name = substitute(name, rx, rplc, sub) endfor endif else let name = a:tag.name endif return name endf