global !p # Capitalize the first letter without affecting the rest of the letters def capitalize_first(word): if(word): word = word[0].upper() + word[1:] return word endglobal # Functional components snippet rfc "react functional component" b import React, {useState} from "react" function ${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename`}(${2}){ return( <div> ${3:<p>Body</p>} </div> ) } export default $4`!p snip.rv = snip.basename` endsnippet # React Hooks snippet useS "useState Hook" b const [${1}, set`!p snip.rv=capitalize_first(t[1])`] = useState(${3:"${4}"}) endsnippet snippet useE "useEffect Hook" b useEffect(() => { ${1:${0}} }${2}) endsnippet snippet useC "useContext Hook" b const ${1:context} = useContext(${2}) endsnippet snippet useRe "useReducer Hook" b const [${3:state}, ${4:dispatch}] = useReducer(${5:reducer}, ${2:initial_value}) endsnippet snippet useCB "useCallback(fn, inputs)" b const ${1:callback} = useCallback((${2})) => ${3:{ ${4} }}, [${5}]) endsnippet snippet useM "useMemo(fn, inputs)" b const ${1:memorized} = useMemo(() => ${2:{ ${3} }}, [${4}]) endsnippet snippet useR "useRef(defaultValue)" b const ${1:ref} = useRef(${2:null}) endsnippet