.. default-role:: code ########################### GNU Guile support for Vim ########################### This plugin extends Vim's Scheme support to include the additions to the language provided by the `GNU Guile`_ implementation. The plugin automatically detects whether a Scheme file is a Guile file and adds syntax highlighting for Guile's special forms. Installation ############ Install this like any other Vim plugin. Using the plugin ################ When a Guile buffer has been detected its `filetype` option will be set to the value `scheme.guile`. This uses Vim's dotted file type (see `:h 'filetype'`) in order to allow users to keep using their setting any plugins for Scheme in addition to this. Guile is detected by either looking for a shebang in the first line (see `4.3.1 The Top of a Script File`_ in the Guile manual), or by scanning the file for an occurrence of `define-module` or `use-modules`. This is not absolutely reliable, but it should work for the vast majority of cases. License ####### Released under the MIT (Expat) license, see the COPYING_ file for details. .. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. _GNU Guile: http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/ .. _COPYING: COPYING.txt .. _4.3.1 The Top of a Script File: info:guile.info#The%20Top%20of%20a%20Script%20File