if !exists("g:go_gocode_bin") let g:go_gocode_bin = "gocode" endif fu! s:gocodeCurrentBuffer() let buf = getline(1, '$') if &encoding != 'utf-8' let buf = map(buf, 'iconv(v:val, &encoding, "utf-8")') endif if &l:fileformat == 'dos' " XXX: line2byte() depend on 'fileformat' option. " so if fileformat is 'dos', 'buf' must include '\r'. let buf = map(buf, 'v:val."\r"') endif let file = tempname() call writefile(buf, file) return file endf let s:vim_system = get(g:, 'gocomplete#system_function', 'system') fu! s:system(str, ...) return call(s:vim_system, [a:str] + a:000) endf fu! s:gocodeShellescape(arg) try let ssl_save = &shellslash set noshellslash return shellescape(a:arg) finally let &shellslash = ssl_save endtry endf fu! s:gocodeCommand(cmd, preargs, args) for i in range(0, len(a:args) - 1) let a:args[i] = s:gocodeShellescape(a:args[i]) endfor for i in range(0, len(a:preargs) - 1) let a:preargs[i] = s:gocodeShellescape(a:preargs[i]) endfor let bin_path = go#tool#BinPath(g:go_gocode_bin) if empty(bin_path) return endif let result = s:system(printf('%s %s %s %s', bin_path, join(a:preargs), a:cmd, join(a:args))) if v:shell_error != 0 return "[\"0\", []]" else if &encoding != 'utf-8' let result = iconv(result, 'utf-8', &encoding) endif return result endif endf fu! s:gocodeCurrentBufferOpt(filename) return '-in=' . a:filename endf fu! s:gocodeCursor() if &encoding != 'utf-8' let sep = &l:fileformat == 'dos' ? "\r\n" : "\n" let c = col('.') let buf = line('.') == 1 ? "" : (join(getline(1, line('.')-1), sep) . sep) let buf .= c == 1 ? "" : getline('.')[:c-2] return printf('%d', len(iconv(buf, &encoding, "utf-8"))) endif return printf('%d', line2byte(line('.')) + (col('.')-2)) endf fu! s:gocodeAutocomplete() let filename = s:gocodeCurrentBuffer() let result = s:gocodeCommand('autocomplete', \ [s:gocodeCurrentBufferOpt(filename), '-f=vim'], \ [expand('%:p'), s:gocodeCursor()]) call delete(filename) return result endf function! go#complete#GetInfo() let filename = s:gocodeCurrentBuffer() let result = s:gocodeCommand('autocomplete', \ [s:gocodeCurrentBufferOpt(filename), '-f=godit'], \ [expand('%:p'), s:gocodeCursor()]) call delete(filename) " first line is: Charcount,,NumberOfCandidates, i.e: 8,,1 " following lines are candiates, i.e: func foo(name string),,foo( let out = split(result, '\n') " no candidates are found if len(out) == 1 return "" endif " only one candiate is found if len(out) == 2 return split(out[1], ',,')[0] endif " to many candidates are available, pick one that maches the word under the " cursor let infos = [] for info in out[1:] call add(infos, split(info, ',,')[0]) endfor let wordMatch = '\<' . expand("") . '\>' " escape single quotes in wordMatch before passing it to filter let wordMatch = substitute(wordMatch, "'", "''", "g") let filtered = filter(infos, "v:val =~ '".wordMatch."'") if len(filtered) == 1 return filtered[0] endif return "" endfunction function! go#complete#Info() let result = go#complete#GetInfo() if !empty(result) echo "vim-go: " | echohl Function | echon result | echohl None endif endfunction fu! go#complete#Complete(findstart, base) "findstart = 1 when we need to get the text length if a:findstart == 1 execute "silent let g:gocomplete_completions = " . s:gocodeAutocomplete() return col('.') - g:gocomplete_completions[0] - 1 "findstart = 0 when we need to return the list of completions else return g:gocomplete_completions[1] endif endf " vim:ts=4:sw=4:et