if !exists("g:go_jump_to_error") let g:go_jump_to_error = 1 endif function! go#cmd#Run(bang, ...) let goFiles = '"' . join(go#tool#Files(), '" "') . '"' if IsWin() exec '!go run ' . goFiles if v:shell_error redraws! | echon "vim-go: [run] " | echohl ErrorMsg | echon "FAILED"| echohl None else redraws! | echon "vim-go: [run] " | echohl Function | echon "SUCCESS"| echohl None endif return endif let default_makeprg = &makeprg if !len(a:000) let &makeprg = 'go run ' . goFiles else let &makeprg = "go run " . expand(a:1) endif exe 'make!' if !a:bang cwindow let errors = getqflist() if !empty(errors) if g:go_jump_to_error cc 1 "jump to first error if there is any endif endif endif let &makeprg = default_makeprg endfunction function! go#cmd#Install(...) let pkgs = join(a:000, '" "') let command = 'go install "' . pkgs . '"' let out = go#tool#ExecuteInDir(command) if v:shell_error call go#tool#ShowErrors(out) cwindow return endif if exists("$GOBIN") echon "vim-go: " | echohl Function | echon "installed to ". $GOBIN | echohl None else echon "vim-go: " | echohl Function | echon "installed to ". $GOPATH . "/bin" | echohl None endif endfunction function! go#cmd#Build(bang, ...) let default_makeprg = &makeprg let gofiles = join(go#tool#Files(), '" "') if v:shell_error let &makeprg = "go build . errors" else let &makeprg = "go build -o /dev/null " . join(a:000, ' ') . ' "' . gofiles . '"' endif echon "vim-go: " | echohl Identifier | echon "building ..."| echohl None silent! exe 'make!' redraw! if !a:bang cwindow let errors = getqflist() if !empty(errors) if g:go_jump_to_error cc 1 "jump to first error if there is any endif else redraws! | echon "vim-go: " | echohl Function | echon "[build] SUCCESS"| echohl None endif endif let &makeprg = default_makeprg endfunction function! go#cmd#Test(...) let command = "go test ." if len(a:000) let command = "go test " . expand(a:1) endif echon "vim-go: " | echohl Identifier | echon "testing ..." | echohl None redraw let out = go#tool#ExecuteInDir(command) if v:shell_error call go#tool#ShowErrors(out) cwindow let errors = getqflist() if !empty(errors) if g:go_jump_to_error cc 1 "jump to first error if there is any endif endif echon "vim-go: " | echohl ErrorMsg | echon "[test] FAIL" | echohl None else call setqflist([]) cwindow echon "vim-go: " | echohl Function | echon "[test] PASS" | echohl None endif endfunction function! go#cmd#Coverage(...) let l:tmpname=tempname() let command = "go test -coverprofile=".l:tmpname let out = go#tool#ExecuteInDir(command) if v:shell_error call go#tool#ShowErrors(out) else " clear previous quick fix window call setqflist([]) let openHTML = 'go tool cover -html='.l:tmpname call go#tool#ExecuteInDir(openHTML) endif cwindow let errors = getqflist() if !empty(errors) if g:go_jump_to_error cc 1 "jump to first error if there is any endif endif call delete(l:tmpname) endfunction function! go#cmd#Vet() echon "vim-go: " | echohl Identifier | echon "calling vet..." | echohl None let out = go#tool#ExecuteInDir('go vet') if v:shell_error call go#tool#ShowErrors(out) else call setqflist([]) endif cwindow let errors = getqflist() if !empty(errors) if g:go_jump_to_error cc 1 "jump to first error if there is any endif else redraw | echon "vim-go: " | echohl Function | echon "[vet] PASS" | echohl None endif endfunction " vim:ts=4:sw=4:et "