let s:mx = '\([+>]\|[<^]\+\)\{-}\s*' \ .'\((*\)\{-}\s*' \ .'\([@#.]\{-}[a-zA-Z\!][a-zA-Z0-9:_\!\-$]*\|{\%([^$}]\+\|\$#\|\${\w\+}\|\$\+\)*}[ \t\r\n}]*\)' \ .'\(' \ .'\%(' \ .'\%(#{[{}a-zA-Z0-9_\-\$]\+\|#[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\$]\+\)' \ .'\|\%(\[[^\]]\+\]\)' \ .'\|\%(\.{[{}a-zA-Z0-9_\-\$]\+\|\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\$]\+\)' \ .'\)*' \ .'\)' \ .'\%(\({\%([^$}]\+\|\$#\|\${\w\+}\|\$\+\)*}\)\)\{0,1}' \ .'\%(\*\([0-9]\+\)\)\{0,1}' \ .'\(\%()\%(\*[0-9]\+\)\{0,1}\)*\)' function! zencoding#lang#html#findTokens(str) let str = a:str let [pos, last_pos] = [0, 0] while 1 let tag = matchstr(str, '<[a-zA-Z].\{-}>', pos) if len(tag) == 0 break endif let pos = stridx(str, tag, pos) + len(tag) endwhile let last_pos = pos while len(str) > 0 let token = matchstr(str, s:mx, pos) if token == '' break endif if token =~ '^\s' let token = matchstr(token, '^\s*\zs.*') let last_pos = stridx(str, token, pos) endif let pos = stridx(str, token, pos) + len(token) endwhile return a:str[last_pos :-1] endfunction function! zencoding#lang#html#parseIntoTree(abbr, type) let abbr = a:abbr let type = a:type let settings = zencoding#getSettings() if !has_key(settings, type) let type = 'html' endif if len(type) == 0 | let type = 'html' | endif let settings = zencoding#getSettings() let indent = zencoding#getIndentation(type) " try 'foo' to (foo-x) let rabbr = zencoding#getExpandos(type, abbr) if rabbr == abbr " try 'foo+(' to (foo-x) let rabbr = substitute(abbr, '\%(+\|^\)\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+]\+\)+\([(){}>]\|$\)', '\="(".zencoding#getExpandos(type, submatch(1)).")".submatch(2)', 'i') endif let abbr = rabbr let root = { 'name': '', 'attr': {}, 'child': [], 'snippet': '', 'multiplier': 1, 'parent': {}, 'value': '', 'pos': 0, 'important': 0, 'attrs_order': ['id', 'class'] } let parent = root let last = root let pos = [] while len(abbr) " parse line let match = matchstr(abbr, s:mx) let str = substitute(match, s:mx, '\0', 'ig') let operator = substitute(match, s:mx, '\1', 'ig') let block_start = substitute(match, s:mx, '\2', 'ig') let tag_name = substitute(match, s:mx, '\3', 'ig') let attributes = substitute(match, s:mx, '\4', 'ig') let value = substitute(match, s:mx, '\5', 'ig') let multiplier = 0 + substitute(match, s:mx, '\6', 'ig') let block_end = substitute(match, s:mx, '\7', 'ig') let important = 0 if len(str) == 0 break endif if tag_name =~ '^#' let attributes = tag_name . attributes let tag_name = 'div' endif if tag_name =~ '.!$' let tag_name = tag_name[:-2] let important = 1 endif if tag_name =~ '^\.' let attributes = tag_name . attributes let tag_name = 'div' endif if multiplier <= 0 | let multiplier = 1 | endif " make default node let current = { 'name': '', 'attr': {}, 'child': [], 'snippet': '', 'multiplier': 1, 'parent': {}, 'value': '', 'pos': 0, 'important': 0, 'attrs_order': ['id', 'class'] } let current.name = tag_name let current.important = important " aliases let aliases = zencoding#getResource(type, 'aliases', {}) if has_key(aliases, tag_name) let current.name = aliases[tag_name] endif let use_pipe_for_cursor = zencoding#getResource(type, 'use_pipe_for_cursor', 1) " snippets let snippets = zencoding#getResource(type, 'snippets', {}) if !empty(snippets) && has_key(snippets, tag_name) let snippet = snippets[tag_name] if use_pipe_for_cursor let snippet = substitute(snippet, '|', '${cursor}', 'g') endif let lines = split(snippet, "\n") call map(lines, 'substitute(v:val, "\\( \\|\\t\\)", escape(indent, "\\\\"), "g")') let current.snippet = join(lines, "\n") let current.name = '' endif " default_attributes let default_attributes = zencoding#getResource(type, 'default_attributes', {}) if !empty(default_attributes) for pat in [current.name, tag_name] if has_key(default_attributes, pat) if type(default_attributes[pat]) == 4 let a = default_attributes[pat] let current.attrs_order += keys(a) if use_pipe_for_cursor for k in keys(a) let current.attr[k] = len(a[k]) ? substitute(a[k], '|', '${cursor}', 'g') : '${cursor}' endfor else for k in keys(a) let current.attr[k] = a[k] endfor endif else for a in default_attributes[pat] let current.attrs_order += keys(a) if use_pipe_for_cursor for k in keys(a) let current.attr[k] = len(a[k]) ? substitute(a[k], '|', '${cursor}', 'g') : '${cursor}' endfor else for k in keys(a) let current.attr[k] = a[k] endfor endif endfor endif if has_key(settings.html.default_attributes, current.name) let current.name = substitute(current.name, ':.*$', '', '') endif break endif endfor endif " parse attributes if len(attributes) let attr = attributes while len(attr) let item = matchstr(attr, '\(\%(\%(#[{}a-zA-Z0-9_\-\$]\+\)\|\%(\[[^\]]\+\]\)\|\%(\.[{}a-zA-Z0-9_\-\$]\+\)*\)\)') if len(item) == 0 break endif if item[0] == '#' let current.attr.id = item[1:] endif if item[0] == '.' let current.attr.class = substitute(item[1:], '\.', ' ', 'g') endif if item[0] == '[' let atts = item[1:-2] while len(atts) let amat = matchstr(atts, '\(\w\+\%(="[^"]*"\|=''[^'']*''\|[^ ''"\]]*\)\{0,1}\)') if len(amat) == 0 break endif let key = split(amat, '=')[0] let val = amat[len(key)+1:] if val =~ '^["'']' let val = val[1:-2] endif let current.attr[key] = val if index(current.attrs_order, key) == -1 let current.attrs_order += [key] endif let atts = atts[stridx(atts, amat) + len(amat):] endwhile endif let attr = substitute(strpart(attr, len(item)), '^\s*', '', '') endwhile endif " parse text if tag_name =~ '^{.*}$' let current.name = '' let current.value = tag_name else let current.value = value endif let current.multiplier = multiplier " parse step inside/outside if !empty(last) if operator =~ '>' unlet! parent let parent = last let current.parent = last let current.pos = last.pos + 1 else let current.parent = parent let current.pos = last.pos endif else let current.parent = parent let current.pos = 1 endif if operator =~ '[<^]' for c in range(len(operator)) let tmp = parent.parent if empty(tmp) break endif let parent = tmp let current.parent = tmp endfor endif call add(parent.child, current) let last = current " parse block if block_start =~ '(' if operator =~ '>' let last.pos += 1 endif for n in range(len(block_start)) let pos += [last.pos] endfor endif if block_end =~ ')' for n in split(substitute(substitute(block_end, ' ', '', 'g'), ')', ',),', 'g'), ',') if n == ')' if len(pos) > 0 && last.pos >= pos[-1] for c in range(last.pos - pos[-1]) let tmp = parent.parent if !has_key(tmp, 'parent') break endif let parent = tmp endfor if len(pos) > 0 call remove(pos, -1) endif let last = parent let last.pos += 1 endif elseif len(n) let cl = last.child let cls = [] for c in range(n[1:]) let cls += cl endfor let last.child = cls endif endfor endif let abbr = abbr[stridx(abbr, match) + len(match):] if g:zencoding_debug > 1 echomsg "str=".str echomsg "block_start=".block_start echomsg "tag_name=".tag_name echomsg "operator=".operator echomsg "attributes=".attributes echomsg "value=".value echomsg "multiplier=".multiplier echomsg "block_end=".block_end echomsg "abbr=".abbr echomsg "pos=".string(pos) echomsg "---" endif endwhile return root endfunction function! zencoding#lang#html#toString(settings, current, type, inline, filters, itemno, indent) let settings = a:settings let current = a:current let type = a:type let inline = a:inline let filters = a:filters let itemno = a:itemno let indent = a:indent let dollar_expr = zencoding#getResource(type, 'dollar_expr', 1) if zencoding#useFilter(filters, 'haml') return zencoding#lang#haml#toString(settings, current, type, inline, filters, itemno, indent) endif if zencoding#useFilter(filters, 'slim') return zencoding#lang#slim#toString(settings, current, type, inline, filters, itemno, indent) endif let comment = '' let current_name = current.name if dollar_expr let current_name = substitute(current_name, '\$$', itemno+1, '') endif let str = '' if len(current_name) == 0 let text = current.value[1:-2] if dollar_expr let text = substitute(text, '\%(\\\)\@\ 0 let str .= '<' . current_name for attr in current.attrs_order if !has_key(current.attr, attr) continue endif let val = current.attr[attr] if dollar_expr while val =~ '\$\([^#{]\|$\)' let val = substitute(val, '\(\$\+\)\([^{]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d", itemno+1).submatch(2)', 'g') endwhile let attr = substitute(attr, '\$$', itemno+1, '') endif let str .= ' ' . attr . '="' . val . '"' if zencoding#useFilter(filters, 'c') if attr == 'id' | let comment .= '#' . val | endif if attr == 'class' | let comment .= '.' . val | endif endif endfor if len(comment) > 0 let str = "\n" . str endif if stridx(','.settings.html.empty_elements.',', ','.current_name.',') != -1 let str .= settings.html.empty_element_suffix else let str .= ">" let text = current.value[1:-2] if dollar_expr let text = substitute(text, '\%(\\\)\@\ 0 for n in range(nc) let child = current.child[n] if child.multiplier > 1 let str .= "\n" . indent let dr = 1 elseif len(current_name) > 0 && stridx(','.settings.html.inline_elements.',', ','.current_name.',') == -1 if nc > 1 || (len(child.name) > 0 && stridx(','.settings.html.inline_elements.',', ','.child.name.',') == -1) let str .= "\n" . indent let dr = 1 elseif current.multiplier == 1 && nc == 1 && len(child.name) == 0 let str .= "\n" . indent let dr = 1 endif endif let inner = zencoding#toString(child, type, 0, filters, itemno) let inner = substitute(inner, "^\n", "", 'g') let inner = substitute(inner, "\n", "\n" . escape(indent, '\'), 'g') let inner = substitute(inner, "\n" . escape(indent, '\') . '$', '', 'g') let str .= inner endfor else let str .= '${cursor}' endif if dr let str .= "\n" endif let str .= "" endif if len(comment) > 0 let str .= "\n" endif if len(current_name) > 0 && current.multiplier > 0 || stridx(','.settings.html.block_elements.',', ','.current_name.',') != -1 let str .= "\n" endif return str endfunction function! zencoding#lang#html#imageSize() let img_region = zencoding#util#searchRegion('') if !zencoding#util#regionIsValid(img_region) || !zencoding#util#cursorInRegion(img_region) return endif let content = zencoding#util#getContent(img_region) if content !~ '^<]\+>$' return endif let current = zencoding#lang#html#parseTag(content) if empty(current) || !has_key(current.attr, 'src') return endif let fn = current.attr.src if fn =~ '^\s*$' return elseif fn !~ '^\(/\|http\)' let fn = simplify(expand('%:h') . '/' . fn) endif let [width, height] = zencoding#util#getImageSize(fn) if width == -1 && height == -1 return endif let current.attr.width = width let current.attr.height = height let current.attrs_order += ['width', 'height'] let html = substitute(zencoding#toString(current, 'html', 1), '\n', '', '') let html = substitute(html, '\${cursor}', '', '') call zencoding#util#setContent(img_region, html) endfunction function! zencoding#lang#html#encodeImage() let img_region = zencoding#util#searchRegion('') if !zencoding#util#regionIsValid(img_region) || !zencoding#util#cursorInRegion(img_region) return endif let content = zencoding#util#getContent(img_region) if content !~ '^<]\+>$' return endif let current = zencoding#lang#html#parseTag(content) if empty(current) || !has_key(current.attr, 'src') return endif let fn = current.attr.src if fn !~ '^\(/\|http\)' let fn = simplify(expand('%:h') . '/' . fn) endif let [width, height] = zencoding#util#getImageSize(fn) if width == -1 && height == -1 return endif let current.attr.width = width let current.attr.height = height let html = zencoding#toString(current, 'html', 1) call zencoding#util#setContent(img_region, html) endfunction function! zencoding#lang#html#parseTag(tag) let current = { 'name': '', 'attr': {}, 'child': [], 'snippet': '', 'multiplier': 1, 'parent': {}, 'value': '', 'pos': 0, 'attrs_order': [] } let mx = '<\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*\)\(\%(\s[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]\+=\%([^"'' \t]\+\|"[^"]\{-}"\|''[^'']\{-}''\)\s*\)*\)\(/\{0,1}\)>' let match = matchstr(a:tag, mx) let current.name = substitute(match, mx, '\1', 'i') let attrs = substitute(match, mx, '\2', 'i') let mx = '\([a-zA-Z0-9]\+\)=\%(\([^"'' \t]\+\)\|"\([^"]\{-}\)"\|''\([^'']\{-}\)''\)' while len(attrs) > 0 let match = matchstr(attrs, mx) if len(match) == 0 break endif let attr_match = matchlist(match, mx) let name = attr_match[1] let value = len(attr_match[2]) ? attr_match[2] : attr_match[3] let current.attr[name] = value let current.attrs_order += [name] let attrs = attrs[stridx(attrs, match) + len(match):] endwhile return current endfunction function! zencoding#lang#html#toggleComment() let orgpos = getpos('.') let curpos = getpos('.') let mx = '<\%#[^>]*>' while 1 let block = zencoding#util#searchRegion('') if zencoding#util#regionIsValid(block) let block[1][1] += 2 let content = zencoding#util#getContent(block) let content = substitute(content, '^$', '\1', '') call zencoding#util#setContent(block, content) silent! call setpos('.', orgpos) return endif let block = zencoding#util#searchRegion('<[^>]', '>') if !zencoding#util#regionIsValid(block) let pos1 = searchpos('<', 'bcW') if pos1[0] == 0 && pos1[1] == 0 return endif let curpos = getpos('.') continue endif let pos1 = block[0] let pos2 = block[1] let content = zencoding#util#getContent(block) let tag_name = matchstr(content, '^<\zs/\{0,1}[^ \r\n>]\+') if tag_name[0] == '/' call setpos('.', [0, pos1[0], pos1[1], 0]) let pos2 = searchpairpos('<'. tag_name[1:] . '>', '', '', 'bnW') let pos1 = searchpos('>', 'cneW') let block = [pos2, pos1] elseif tag_name =~ '/$' if !zencoding#util#pointInRegion(orgpos[1:2], block) " it's broken tree call setpos('.', orgpos) let block = zencoding#util#searchRegion('>', '<') let content = '><' call zencoding#util#setContent(block, content) silent! call setpos('.', orgpos) return endif else call setpos('.', [0, pos2[0], pos2[1], 0]) let pos2 = searchpairpos('<'. tag_name . '>', '', '', 'nW') call setpos('.', [0, pos2[0], pos2[1], 0]) let pos2 = searchpos('>', 'neW') let block = [pos1, pos2] endif if !zencoding#util#regionIsValid(block) silent! call setpos('.', orgpos) return endif if zencoding#util#pointInRegion(curpos[1:2], block) let content = '' call zencoding#util#setContent(block, content) silent! call setpos('.', orgpos) return endif endwhile endfunction function! zencoding#lang#html#balanceTag(flag) range let vblock = zencoding#util#getVisualBlock() if a:flag == -2 || a:flag == 2 let curpos = [0, line("'<"), col("'<"), 0] else let curpos = getpos('.') endif let settings = zencoding#getSettings() if a:flag > 0 let mx = '<\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]*\)[^>]*>' while 1 let pos1 = searchpos(mx, 'bW') let content = matchstr(getline(pos1[0])[pos1[1]-1:], mx) let tag_name = matchstr(content, '^<\zs[a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]*\ze') if stridx(','.settings.html.empty_elements.',', ','.tag_name.',') != -1 let pos2 = searchpos('>', 'nW') else let pos2 = searchpairpos('<' . tag_name . '[^>]*>', '', '\zs', 'nW') endif let block = [pos1, pos2] if pos1[0] == 0 && pos1[1] == 0 break endif if zencoding#util#pointInRegion(curpos[1:2], block) && zencoding#util#regionIsValid(block) call zencoding#util#selectRegion(block) return endif endwhile else let mx = '<\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]*\)[^>]*>' while 1 let pos1 = searchpos(mx, 'W') if pos1 == curpos[1:2] let pos1 = searchpos(mx . '\zs', 'W') let pos2 = searchpos('.\ze<', 'W') let block = [pos1, pos2] if zencoding#util#regionIsValid(block) call zencoding#util#selectRegion(block) return endif endif let content = matchstr(getline(pos1[0])[pos1[1]-1:], mx) let tag_name = matchstr(content, '^<\zs[a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]*\ze') if stridx(','.settings.html.empty_elements.',', ','.tag_name.',') != -1 let pos2 = searchpos('>', 'nW') else let pos2 = searchpairpos('<' . tag_name . '[^>]*>', '', '\zs', 'nW') endif let block = [pos1, pos2] if pos1[0] == 0 && pos1[1] == 0 break endif if zencoding#util#regionIsValid(block) call zencoding#util#selectRegion(block) return endif endwhile endif call setpos('.', curpos) if a:flag == -2 || a:flag == 2 silent! exe "normal! gv" endif endfunction function! zencoding#lang#html#moveNextPrev(flag) let pos = search('\%(<\/\|\(""\)\|^\(\s*\)$', a:flag ? 'Wpb' : 'Wp') if pos == 3 startinsert! elseif pos != 0 silent! normal! l startinsert endif endfunction function! zencoding#lang#html#splitJoinTag() let curpos = getpos('.') while 1 let mx = '<\(/\{0,1}[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]*\)[^>]*>' let pos1 = searchpos(mx, 'bcnW') let content = matchstr(getline(pos1[0])[pos1[1]-1:], mx) let tag_name = substitute(content, '^<\(/\{0,1}[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]*\).*$', '\1', '') let block = [pos1, [pos1[0], pos1[1] + len(content) - 1]] if content[-2:] == '/>' && zencoding#util#cursorInRegion(block) let content = content[:-3] . ">' call zencoding#util#setContent(block, content) call setpos('.', [0, block[0][0], block[0][1], 0]) return else if tag_name[0] == '/' let pos1 = searchpos('<' . tag_name[1:] . '[^a-zA-Z0-9]', 'bcnW') call setpos('.', [0, pos1[0], pos1[1], 0]) let pos2 = searchpos('', 'cneW') else let pos2 = searchpos('', 'cneW') endif let block = [pos1, pos2] let content = zencoding#util#getContent(block) if zencoding#util#pointInRegion(curpos[1:2], block) && content[1:] !~ '<' . tag_name . '[^a-zA-Z0-9]*[^>]*>' let content = matchstr(content, mx)[:-2] . '/>' call zencoding#util#setContent(block, content) call setpos('.', [0, block[0][0], block[0][1], 0]) return else if block[0][0] > 0 call setpos('.', [0, block[0][0]-1, block[0][1], 0]) else call setpos('.', curpos) return endif endif endif endwhile endfunction function! zencoding#lang#html#removeTag() let curpos = getpos('.') while 1 let mx = '<\(/\{0,1}[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]*\)[^>]*>' let pos1 = searchpos(mx, 'bcnW') let content = matchstr(getline(pos1[0])[pos1[1]-1:], mx) let tag_name = substitute(content, '^<\(/\{0,1}[a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]*\).*$', '\1', '') let block = [pos1, [pos1[0], pos1[1] + len(content) - 1]] if content[-2:] == '/>' && zencoding#util#cursorInRegion(block) call zencoding#util#setContent(block, '') call setpos('.', [0, block[0][0], block[0][1], 0]) return else if tag_name[0] == '/' let pos1 = searchpos('<' . tag_name[1:] . '[^a-zA-Z0-9]', 'bcnW') call setpos('.', [0, pos1[0], pos1[1], 0]) let pos2 = searchpos('', 'cneW') else let pos2 = searchpos('', 'cneW') endif let block = [pos1, pos2] let content = zencoding#util#getContent(block) if zencoding#util#pointInRegion(curpos[1:2], block) && content[1:] !~ '<' . tag_name . '[^a-zA-Z0-9]*[^>]*>' call zencoding#util#setContent(block, '') call setpos('.', [0, block[0][0], block[0][1], 0]) return else if block[0][0] > 0 call setpos('.', [0, block[0][0]-1, block[0][1], 0]) else call setpos('.', curpos) return endif endif endif endwhile endfunction