if exists('g:autoloaded_copilot') finish endif let g:autoloaded_copilot = 1 scriptencoding utf-8 let s:has_nvim_ghost_text = has('nvim-0.6') && exists('*nvim_buf_get_mark') let s:vim_minimum_version = '9.0.0185' let s:has_vim_ghost_text = has('patch-' . s:vim_minimum_version) && has('textprop') let s:has_ghost_text = s:has_nvim_ghost_text || s:has_vim_ghost_text let s:hlgroup = 'CopilotSuggestion' let s:annot_hlgroup = 'CopilotAnnotation' if s:has_vim_ghost_text && empty(prop_type_get(s:hlgroup)) call prop_type_add(s:hlgroup, {'highlight': s:hlgroup}) endif if s:has_vim_ghost_text && empty(prop_type_get(s:annot_hlgroup)) call prop_type_add(s:annot_hlgroup, {'highlight': s:annot_hlgroup}) endif function! s:Echo(msg) abort if has('nvim') && &cmdheight == 0 call v:lua.vim.notify(a:msg, v:null, {'title': 'GitHub Copilot'}) else echo a:msg endif endfunction function! s:EditorConfiguration() abort let filetypes = copy(s:filetype_defaults) if type(get(g:, 'copilot_filetypes')) == v:t_dict call extend(filetypes, g:copilot_filetypes) endif return { \ 'enableAutoCompletions': empty(get(g:, 'copilot_enabled', 1)) ? v:false : v:true, \ 'disabledLanguages': map(sort(keys(filter(filetypes, { k, v -> empty(v) }))), { _, v -> {'languageId': v}}), \ } endfunction function! s:StatusNotification(params, ...) abort let status = get(a:params, 'status', '') if status ==? 'error' let s:agent_error = a:params.message else unlet! s:agent_error endif endfunction function! copilot#Init(...) abort call timer_start(0, { _ -> s:Start() }) endfunction function! s:Running() abort return exists('s:agent.job') || exists('s:agent.client_id') endfunction function! s:Start() abort if s:Running() return endif let s:agent = copilot#agent#New({'methods': { \ 'statusNotification': function('s:StatusNotification'), \ 'PanelSolution': function('copilot#panel#Solution'), \ 'PanelSolutionsDone': function('copilot#panel#SolutionsDone'), \ 'copilot/openURL': function('s:OpenURL'), \ }, \ 'editorConfiguration' : s:EditorConfiguration()}) endfunction function! s:Stop() abort if exists('s:agent') let agent = remove(s:, 'agent') call agent.Close() endif endfunction function! copilot#Agent() abort call s:Start() return s:agent endfunction function! copilot#RunningAgent() abort if s:Running() return s:agent else return v:null endif endfunction function! s:NodeVersionWarning() abort if exists('s:agent.node_version') && s:agent.node_version =~# '^16\.' echohl WarningMsg echo "Warning: Node.js 16 is approaching end of life and support will be dropped in a future release of copilot.vim." echohl NONE elseif exists('s:agent.node_version_warning') echohl WarningMsg echo 'Warning:' s:agent.node_version_warning echohl NONE endif endfunction function! copilot#Request(method, params, ...) abort let agent = copilot#Agent() return call(agent.Request, [a:method, a:params] + a:000) endfunction function! copilot#Call(method, params, ...) abort let agent = copilot#Agent() return call(agent.Call, [a:method, a:params] + a:000) endfunction function! copilot#Notify(method, params, ...) abort let agent = copilot#Agent() return call(agent.Notify, [a:method, a:params] + a:000) endfunction function! copilot#NvimNs() abort return nvim_create_namespace('github-copilot') endfunction function! copilot#Clear() abort if exists('g:_copilot_timer') call timer_stop(remove(g:, '_copilot_timer')) endif if exists('b:_copilot') call copilot#agent#Cancel(get(b:_copilot, 'first', {})) call copilot#agent#Cancel(get(b:_copilot, 'cycling', {})) endif call s:UpdatePreview() unlet! b:_copilot return '' endfunction function! s:Reject(bufnr) abort try let dict = getbufvar(a:bufnr, '_copilot') if type(dict) == v:t_dict && !empty(get(dict, 'shown_choices', {})) call copilot#Request('notifyRejected', {'uuids': keys(dict.shown_choices)}) let dict.shown_choices = {} endif catch call copilot#logger#Exception() endtry endfunction function! copilot#Dismiss() abort call s:Reject('%') call copilot#Clear() call s:UpdatePreview() return '' endfunction let s:filetype_defaults = { \ 'yaml': 0, \ 'markdown': 0, \ 'help': 0, \ 'gitcommit': 0, \ 'gitrebase': 0, \ 'hgcommit': 0, \ 'svn': 0, \ 'cvs': 0, \ '.': 0} function! s:BufferDisabled() abort if &buftype =~# '^\%(help\|prompt\|quickfix\|terminal\)$' return 5 endif if exists('b:copilot_disabled') return empty(b:copilot_disabled) ? 0 : 3 endif if exists('b:copilot_enabled') return empty(b:copilot_enabled) ? 4 : 0 endif let short = empty(&l:filetype) ? '.' : split(&l:filetype, '\.', 1)[0] let config = {} if type(get(g:, 'copilot_filetypes')) == v:t_dict let config = g:copilot_filetypes endif if has_key(config, &l:filetype) return empty(config[&l:filetype]) elseif has_key(config, short) return empty(config[short]) elseif has_key(config, '*') return empty(config['*']) else return get(s:filetype_defaults, short, 1) == 0 ? 2 : 0 endif endfunction function! copilot#Enabled() abort return get(g:, 'copilot_enabled', 1) \ && empty(s:BufferDisabled()) \ && empty(copilot#Agent().StartupError()) endfunction function! copilot#Complete(...) abort if exists('g:_copilot_timer') call timer_stop(remove(g:, '_copilot_timer')) endif let params = copilot#doc#Params() if !exists('b:_copilot.params') || b:_copilot.params !=# params let b:_copilot = {'params': params, 'first': \ copilot#Request('getCompletions', params)} let g:_copilot_last = b:_copilot endif let completion = b:_copilot.first if !a:0 return completion.Await() else call copilot#agent#Result(completion, a:1) if a:0 > 1 call copilot#agent#Error(completion, a:2) endif endif endfunction function! s:HideDuringCompletion() abort return get(g:, 'copilot_hide_during_completion', 1) endfunction function! s:SuggestionTextWithAdjustments() abort try if mode() !~# '^[iR]' || (s:HideDuringCompletion() && pumvisible()) || !exists('b:_copilot.suggestions') return ['', 0, 0, ''] endif let choice = get(b:_copilot.suggestions, b:_copilot.choice, {}) if !has_key(choice, 'range') || choice.range.start.line != line('.') - 1 || type(choice.text) !=# v:t_string return ['', 0, 0, ''] endif let line = getline('.') let offset = col('.') - 1 let choice_text = strpart(line, 0, copilot#doc#UTF16ToByteIdx(line, choice.range.start.character)) . choice.text let typed = strpart(line, 0, offset) let end_offset = copilot#doc#UTF16ToByteIdx(line, choice.range.end.character) if end_offset < 0 let end_offset = len(line) endif let delete = strpart(line, offset, end_offset - offset) let uuid = get(choice, 'uuid', '') if typed =~# '^\s*$' let leading = matchstr(choice_text, '^\s\+') let unindented = strpart(choice_text, len(leading)) if strpart(typed, 0, len(leading)) == leading && unindented !=# delete return [unindented, len(typed) - len(leading), strchars(delete), uuid] endif elseif typed ==# strpart(choice_text, 0, offset) return [strpart(choice_text, offset), 0, strchars(delete), uuid] endif catch call copilot#logger#Exception() endtry return ['', 0, 0, ''] endfunction function! s:Advance(count, context, ...) abort if a:context isnot# get(b:, '_copilot', {}) return endif let a:context.choice += a:count if a:context.choice < 0 let a:context.choice += len(a:context.suggestions) endif let a:context.choice %= len(a:context.suggestions) call s:UpdatePreview() endfunction function! s:GetSuggestionsCyclingCallback(context, result) abort let callbacks = remove(a:context, 'cycling_callbacks') let seen = {} for suggestion in a:context.suggestions let seen[suggestion.text] = 1 endfor for suggestion in get(a:result, 'completions', []) if !has_key(seen, suggestion.text) call add(a:context.suggestions, suggestion) let seen[suggestion.text] = 1 endif endfor for Callback in callbacks call Callback(a:context) endfor endfunction function! s:GetSuggestionsCycling(callback) abort if exists('b:_copilot.cycling_callbacks') call add(b:_copilot.cycling_callbacks, a:callback) elseif exists('b:_copilot.cycling') call a:callback(b:_copilot) elseif exists('b:_copilot.suggestions') let b:_copilot.cycling_callbacks = [a:callback] let b:_copilot.cycling = copilot#Request('getCompletionsCycling', \ b:_copilot.first.params, \ function('s:GetSuggestionsCyclingCallback', [b:_copilot]), \ function('s:GetSuggestionsCyclingCallback', [b:_copilot]), \ ) call s:UpdatePreview() endif return '' endfunction function! copilot#Next() abort return s:GetSuggestionsCycling(function('s:Advance', [1])) endfunction function! copilot#Previous() abort return s:GetSuggestionsCycling(function('s:Advance', [-1])) endfunction function! copilot#GetDisplayedSuggestion() abort let [text, outdent, delete, uuid] = s:SuggestionTextWithAdjustments() return { \ 'uuid': uuid, \ 'text': text, \ 'outdentSize': outdent, \ 'deleteSize': delete} endfunction function! s:ClearPreview() abort if s:has_nvim_ghost_text call nvim_buf_del_extmark(0, copilot#NvimNs(), 1) elseif s:has_vim_ghost_text call prop_remove({'type': s:hlgroup, 'all': v:true}) call prop_remove({'type': s:annot_hlgroup, 'all': v:true}) endif endfunction function! s:UpdatePreview() abort try let [text, outdent, delete, uuid] = s:SuggestionTextWithAdjustments() let text = split(text, "\n", 1) if empty(text[-1]) call remove(text, -1) endif if empty(text) || !s:has_ghost_text return s:ClearPreview() endif if exists('b:_copilot.cycling_callbacks') let annot = '(1/…)' elseif exists('b:_copilot.cycling') let annot = '(' . (b:_copilot.choice + 1) . '/' . len(b:_copilot.suggestions) . ')' else let annot = '' endif call s:ClearPreview() if s:has_nvim_ghost_text let data = {'id': 1} let data.virt_text_win_col = virtcol('.') - 1 let append = strpart(getline('.'), col('.') - 1 + delete) let data.virt_text = [[text[0] . append . repeat(' ', delete - len(text[0])), s:hlgroup]] if len(text) > 1 let data.virt_lines = map(text[1:-1], { _, l -> [[l, s:hlgroup]] }) if !empty(annot) let data.virt_lines[-1] += [[' '], [annot, s:annot_hlgroup]] endif elseif len(annot) let data.virt_text += [[' '], [annot, s:annot_hlgroup]] endif let data.hl_mode = 'combine' call nvim_buf_set_extmark(0, copilot#NvimNs(), line('.')-1, col('.')-1, data) else call prop_add(line('.'), col('.'), {'type': s:hlgroup, 'text': text[0]}) for line in text[1:] call prop_add(line('.'), 0, {'type': s:hlgroup, 'text_align': 'below', 'text': line}) endfor if !empty(annot) call prop_add(line('.'), col('$'), {'type': s:annot_hlgroup, 'text': ' ' . annot}) endif endif if !has_key(b:_copilot.shown_choices, uuid) let b:_copilot.shown_choices[uuid] = v:true call copilot#Request('notifyShown', {'uuid': uuid}) endif catch return copilot#logger#Exception() endtry endfunction function! s:HandleTriggerResult(result) abort if !exists('b:_copilot') return endif let b:_copilot.suggestions = get(a:result, 'completions', []) let b:_copilot.choice = 0 let b:_copilot.shown_choices = {} call s:UpdatePreview() endfunction function! copilot#Suggest() abort try call copilot#Complete(function('s:HandleTriggerResult'), function('s:HandleTriggerResult')) catch call copilot#logger#Exception() endtry return '' endfunction function! s:Trigger(bufnr, timer) abort let timer = get(g:, '_copilot_timer', -1) unlet! g:_copilot_timer if a:bufnr !=# bufnr('') || a:timer isnot# timer || mode() !=# 'i' return endif return copilot#Suggest() endfunction function! copilot#IsMapped() abort return get(g:, 'copilot_assume_mapped') || \ hasmapto('copilot#Accept(', 'i') endfunction function! copilot#Schedule(...) abort if !s:has_ghost_text || !copilot#Enabled() || !copilot#IsMapped() call copilot#Clear() return endif call s:UpdatePreview() let delay = a:0 ? a:1 : get(g:, 'copilot_idle_delay', 15) let g:_copilot_timer = timer_start(delay, function('s:Trigger', [bufnr('')])) endfunction function! copilot#OnInsertLeave() abort return copilot#Clear() endfunction function! copilot#OnInsertEnter() abort return copilot#Schedule() endfunction function! copilot#OnCompleteChanged() abort if s:HideDuringCompletion() return copilot#Clear() else return copilot#Schedule() endif endfunction function! copilot#OnCursorMovedI() abort return copilot#Schedule() endfunction function! copilot#OnBufUnload() abort call s:Reject(+expand('')) endfunction function! copilot#OnVimLeavePre() abort endfunction function! copilot#TextQueuedForInsertion() abort try return remove(s:, 'suggestion_text') catch return '' endtry endfunction function! copilot#Accept(...) abort let s = copilot#GetDisplayedSuggestion() if !empty(s.text) unlet! b:_copilot let text = '' if a:0 > 1 let text = substitute(matchstr(s.text, "\n*" . '\%(' . a:2 .'\)'), "\n*$", '', '') endif if empty(text) let text = s.text endif call copilot#Request('notifyAccepted', {'uuid': s.uuid, 'acceptedLength': copilot#doc#UTF16Width(text)}) call s:ClearPreview() let s:suggestion_text = text return repeat("\\", s.outdentSize) . repeat("\", s.deleteSize) . \ "\\=copilot#TextQueuedForInsertion()\" . (a:0 > 1 ? '' : "\") endif let default = get(g:, 'copilot_tab_fallback', pumvisible() ? "\" : "\t") if !a:0 return default elseif type(a:1) == v:t_string return a:1 elseif type(a:1) == v:t_func try return call(a:1, []) catch return default endtry else return default endif endfunction function! copilot#AcceptWord(...) abort return copilot#Accept(a:0 ? a:1 : '', '\%(\k\@!.\)*\k*') endfunction function! copilot#AcceptLine(...) abort return copilot#Accept(a:0 ? a:1 : "\r", "[^\n]\\+") endfunction function! s:BrowserCallback(into, code) abort let a:into.code = a:code endfunction function! copilot#Browser() abort if type(get(g:, 'copilot_browser')) == v:t_list let cmd = copy(g:copilot_browser) elseif type(get(g:, 'open_command')) == v:t_list let cmd = copy(g:open_command) elseif has('win32') let cmd = ['rundll32', 'url.dll,FileProtocolHandler'] elseif has('mac') let cmd = ['open'] elseif executable('wslview') return ['wslview'] elseif executable('xdg-open') return ['xdg-open'] else return [] endif if executable(get(cmd, 0, '')) return cmd else return [] endif endfunction function! s:OpenURL(params) abort echo a:params.target let browser = copilot#Browser() if empty(browser) return v:false endif let status = {} call copilot#job#Stream(browser + [a:params.target], v:null, v:null, function('s:BrowserCallback', [status])) let time = reltime() while empty(status) && reltimefloat(reltime(time)) < 1 sleep 10m endwhile return get(status, 'code') ? v:false : v:true endfunction let s:commands = {} function! s:EnabledStatusMessage() abort let buf_disabled = s:BufferDisabled() if !s:has_ghost_text if has('nvim') return "Neovim 0.6 required to support ghost text" else return "Vim " . s:vim_minimum_version . " required to support ghost text" endif elseif !copilot#IsMapped() return ' map has been disabled or is claimed by another plugin' elseif !get(g:, 'copilot_enabled', 1) return 'Disabled globally by :Copilot disable' elseif buf_disabled is# 5 return 'Disabled for current buffer by buftype=' . &buftype elseif buf_disabled is# 4 return 'Disabled for current buffer by b:copilot_enabled' elseif buf_disabled is# 3 return 'Disabled for current buffer by b:copilot_disabled' elseif buf_disabled is# 2 return 'Disabled for filetype=' . &filetype . ' by internal default' elseif buf_disabled return 'Disabled for filetype=' . &filetype . ' by g:copilot_filetypes' elseif !copilot#Enabled() return 'BUG: Something is wrong with enabling/disabling' else return '' endif endfunction function! s:VerifySetup() abort let error = copilot#Agent().StartupError() if !empty(error) echo 'Copilot: ' . error return endif let status = copilot#Call('checkStatus', {}) if !has_key(status, 'user') echo 'Copilot: Not authenticated. Invoke :Copilot setup' return endif if status.status ==# 'NoTelemetryConsent' echo 'Copilot: Telemetry terms not accepted. Invoke :Copilot setup' return endif return 1 endfunction function! s:commands.status(opts) abort if !s:VerifySetup() return endif let status = s:EnabledStatusMessage() if !empty(status) echo 'Copilot: ' . status return endif let startup_error = copilot#Agent().StartupError() if !empty(startup_error) echo 'Copilot: ' . startup_error return endif if exists('s:agent_error') echo 'Copilot: ' . s:agent_error return endif let status = copilot#Call('checkStatus', {}) if status.status ==# 'NotAuthorized' echo 'Copilot: Not authorized' return endif echo 'Copilot: Enabled and online' call s:NodeVersionWarning() endfunction function! s:commands.signout(opts) abort let status = copilot#Call('checkStatus', {'options': {'localChecksOnly': v:true}}) if has_key(status, 'user') echo 'Copilot: Signed out as GitHub user ' . status.user else echo 'Copilot: Not signed in' endif call copilot#Call('signOut', {}) endfunction function! s:commands.setup(opts) abort let startup_error = copilot#Agent().StartupError() if !empty(startup_error) echo 'Copilot: ' . startup_error return endif let browser = copilot#Browser() let status = copilot#Call('checkStatus', {}) if has_key(status, 'user') let data = {} else let data = copilot#Call('signInInitiate', {}) endif if has_key(data, 'verificationUri') let uri = data.verificationUri if has('clipboard') let @+ = data.userCode let @* = data.userCode endif call s:Echo("First copy your one-time code: " . data.userCode) try if len(&mouse) let mouse = &mouse set mouse= endif if get(a:opts, 'bang') call s:Echo("In your browser, visit " . uri) elseif len(browser) call s:Echo("Press ENTER to open GitHub in your browser") let c = getchar() while c isnot# 13 && c isnot# 10 && c isnot# 0 let c = getchar() endwhile let status = {} call copilot#job#Stream(browser + [uri], v:null, v:null, function('s:BrowserCallback', [status])) let time = reltime() while empty(status) && reltimefloat(reltime(time)) < 5 sleep 10m endwhile if get(status, 'code', browser[0] !=# 'xdg-open') != 0 call s:Echo("Failed to open browser. Visit " . uri) else call s:Echo("Opened " . uri) endif else call s:Echo("Could not find browser. Visit " . uri) endif call s:Echo("Waiting (could take up to 5 seconds)") let request = copilot#Request('signInConfirm', {'userCode': data.userCode}).Wait() finally if exists('mouse') let &mouse = mouse endif endtry if request.status ==# 'error' return 'echoerr ' . string('Copilot: Authentication failure: ' . request.error.message) else let status = request.result endif endif let user = get(status, 'user', '') echo 'Copilot: Authenticated as GitHub user ' . user endfunction let s:commands.auth = s:commands.setup function! s:commands.help(opts) abort return a:opts.mods . ' help ' . (len(a:opts.arg) ? ':Copilot_' . a:opts.arg : 'copilot') endfunction function! s:commands.version(opts) abort let info = copilot#agent#EditorInfo() echo 'copilot.vim ' .info.editorPluginInfo.version echo info.editorInfo.name . ' ' . info.editorInfo.version if exists('s:agent.node_version') echo 'dist/agent.js ' . s:agent.Call('getVersion', {}).version echo 'Node.js ' . s:agent.node_version call s:NodeVersionWarning() else echo 'dist/agent.js not running' endif endfunction function! s:UpdateEditorConfiguration() abort try if s:Running() call copilot#Notify('notifyChangeConfiguration', {'settings': s:EditorConfiguration()}) endif catch call copilot#logger#Exception() endtry endfunction let s:feedback_url = 'https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/categories/copilot' function! s:commands.feedback(opts) abort echo s:feedback_url let browser = copilot#Browser() if len(browser) call copilot#job#Stream(browser + [s:feedback_url], v:null, v:null, v:null) endif endfunction function! s:commands.restart(opts) abort call s:Stop() let err = copilot#Agent().StartupError() if !empty(err) return 'echoerr ' . string('Copilot: ' . err) endif echo 'Copilot: Restarting agent.' endfunction function! s:commands.disable(opts) abort let g:copilot_enabled = 0 call s:UpdateEditorConfiguration() endfunction function! s:commands.enable(opts) abort let g:copilot_enabled = 1 call s:UpdateEditorConfiguration() endfunction function! s:commands.panel(opts) abort if s:VerifySetup() return copilot#panel#Open(a:opts) endif endfunction function! copilot#CommandComplete(arg, lead, pos) abort let args = matchstr(strpart(a:lead, 0, a:pos), 'C\%[opilot][! ] *\zs.*') if args !~# ' ' return sort(filter(map(keys(s:commands), { k, v -> tr(v, '_', '-') }), \ { k, v -> strpart(v, 0, len(a:arg)) ==# a:arg })) else return [] endif endfunction function! copilot#Command(line1, line2, range, bang, mods, arg) abort let cmd = matchstr(a:arg, '^\%(\\.\|\S\)\+') let arg = matchstr(a:arg, '\s\zs\S.*') if cmd ==# 'log' return a:mods . ' split +$ ' . fnameescape(copilot#logger#File()) endif if !empty(cmd) && !has_key(s:commands, tr(cmd, '-', '_')) return 'echoerr ' . string('Copilot: unknown command ' . string(cmd)) endif try let err = copilot#Agent().StartupError() if !empty(err) return 'echo ' . string('Copilot: ' . err) endif try let opts = copilot#Call('checkStatus', {'options': {'localChecksOnly': v:true}}) catch call copilot#logger#Exception() let opts = {'status': 'VimException'} endtry if empty(cmd) if opts.status ==# 'VimException' return a:mods . ' split +$ ' . fnameescape(copilot#logger#File()) elseif opts.status !=# 'OK' && opts.status !=# 'MaybeOK' let cmd = 'setup' else let cmd = 'panel' endif endif call extend(opts, {'line1': a:line1, 'line2': a:line2, 'range': a:range, 'bang': a:bang, 'mods': a:mods, 'arg': arg}) let retval = s:commands[tr(cmd, '-', '_')](opts) if type(retval) == v:t_string return retval else return '' endif catch /^Copilot:/ return 'echoerr ' . string(v:exception) endtry endfunction