Before: runtime ale_linters/dockerfile/hadolint.vim After: call ale#linter#Reset() Execute(The hadolint handler should handle an empty string response): AssertEqual \ [], \ ale_linters#dockerfile#hadolint#Handle(bufnr(''), []) Execute(The hadolint handler should handle a normal example): AssertEqual \ [ \ { \ 'lnum': 1, \ 'col': 0, \ 'type': 'W', \ 'code': 'DL3006', \ 'text': "DL3006: Always tag the version of an image explicitly", \ 'detail': "DL3006 ( )\n\nAlways tag the version of an image explicitly", \ }, \ { \ 'lnum': 4, \ 'col': 0, \ 'type': 'W', \ 'code': 'DL3033', \ 'text': "DL3033: Specify version with `yum install -y -`.", \ 'detail': "DL3033 ( )\n\nSpecify version with `yum install -y -`.", \ }, \ { \ 'lnum': 12, \ 'col': 0, \ 'type': 'W', \ 'code': 'SC2039', \ 'text': "SC2039: In POSIX sh, brace expansion is undefined.", \ 'detail': "SC2039 ( )\n\nIn POSIX sh, brace expansion is undefined.", \ }, \ ], \ ale_linters#dockerfile#hadolint#Handle(bufnr(''), [ \ '-:1 DL3006 warning: Always tag the version of an image explicitly', \ '-:4 DL3033 warning: Specify version with `yum install -y -`.', \ '-:12 SC2039 warning: In POSIX sh, brace expansion is undefined.', \ ]) Execute(The hadolint handler should handle parsing errors): AssertEqual \ [ \ { \ 'lnum': 1, \ 'col': 1, \ 'type': 'E', \ 'text': "unexpected 'b' expecting '#', ADD, ARG, CMD, COPY, ENTRYPOINT, ENV, EXPOSE, FROM, HEALTHCHECK, LABEL, MAINTAINER, ONBUILD, RUN, SHELL, STOPSIGNAL, USER, VOLUME, WORKDIR, or end of input", \ 'detail': "hadolint could not parse the file because of a syntax error.", \ }, \ ], \ ale_linters#dockerfile#hadolint#Handle(bufnr(''), [ \ '/dev/stdin:1:1 unexpected ''b'' expecting ''#'', ADD, ARG, CMD, COPY, ENTRYPOINT, ENV, EXPOSE, FROM, HEALTHCHECK, LABEL, MAINTAINER, ONBUILD, RUN, SHELL, STOPSIGNAL, USER, VOLUME, WORKDIR, or end of input', \ ])